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试论林黛玉与安娜的爱情悲剧原因 - 毕业论文

时间:2021-10-31 17:17:24 语文论文 我要投稿

试论林黛玉与安娜的爱情悲剧原因 - 毕业论文

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试论林黛玉与安娜的爱情悲剧原因 - 毕业论文

上海龙凤1314 shlf林黛玉与安娜,尽管是生活在不同国度和不同时代的两个女子,她们之间却有着许多共同之处。首先,她们都是时代的出色女性;其次,她们都对爱情执着追求;第3,她们都为追求自由爱情付出了生命的代价。造成她们悲剧结局的有社会、时代、家庭环境3个客观方面的原因,也有自身性格矛盾的因素。爱恋对象因为自身的局限性只能给予她们以残缺的爱,是她们悲剧形成的又1因缘。本文正是从以上3个方面论述了黛玉和安娜爱情悲剧形成的原因,从而得出两位女主人公同属社会悲剧和性格悲剧的结论。

上海龙凤1314 shlf关键词:林黛玉;安娜;爱情;悲剧;原因



Though Lin Daiyu and Anna live in different countries and times, they have a lot in common. Firstly, they are pretty outstanding at that times; Secondly, they are very persistent in pursuing true love; Thirdly, they cost their lives for pursing the free love. There are three objective reasons for their tragical ending, that is the society、the times and home environment. There also exist the factor of the character contradiction of themselves. That their lovers limitation in economics cant give them fulfill love is another reason of their love tragedy. This thesis discusses the love tragedy of Lin Daiyu and Anna from the above three aspects, and then comes to the conclusion that the two heroines tragedy is the tragedy of society and the tragedy of their own characters.

上海龙凤1314 shlfKey words: Lin Daiyu; Anna; love; tragedy; cause