上海龙凤1314 shlf

上海世博会作文 -作文

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 作文 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf关于上海世博会作文 -作文

Throughout its existence of more than 150 years, the Expo will bring new knowledge from a specific period of time and trend of development, reflecting the human civilization. The main attractions of the first session of the World Expo in 1851 in the Crystal Palace in London: almost 500 meters long palace built of cast iron and glass. Subsequently, the participating countries will offer similar advantages to introduce from time to time every few years.

关于上海世博会作文 -作文

Today EXPO is the economic and cultural Olympiad of the world, a competition among nations, as well as among exhibitors from the private sector on a given subject. At the same time, it is about marketing countries internationally. Expositions of the first category last a maximum of 6 months and may be held on an enormous area. But at a time when information as well as goods can be had through the internet and other technologies, they remain a place of rendezvous and of authentic experiences.


Hello everyone, now let me introduce myself. My name is Alision, I am a camera. And today I am going to tell you something about my masterpieces.

上海龙凤1314 shlfYes, then ...when to start? Oh, yes. It was 1991; my master got a new baby. He took me out of the box and said "cheese" Lovely. This was really a warm picture. The little baby was lying on a small bed, there was a television behind the bed and a fan in the corner. Everything was just clean and tidy.

Next, there is another picture. Let me think...oh, yes, it was 2005?!This is my master's new flat. It was on a busy street. In the picture you can see a large kitchen and a big sitting room. There was a sofa in the middle of the room and a big TV set in front of the sofa opposite the conditioner. Outside the open window, there are many high buildings like ours. It had changed a lot, hadn't it?

上海龙凤1314 shlfWait a minute, what is this? Oh yah. It was 2008,beijing.My master went to see the Olympics Games. The games were so great. And from the picture you can see my master was smiling happily on the plane.

上海龙凤1314 shlfIn 2008, more people started traveling by air, because it is safe and convenient. Last but not least, this was a picture in 2010.My little master had been a volunteer for the World Expo. She was introducing Chinese cultures to the foreign friends. Everyone had smile on their face. I believe peace and friendship will last forever. But, it is really sad that I am becoming older. And I don't want to stop taking interesting pictures. Life is becoming more and more colourful nowadays. I want to store them in my mind. So finally I got an idea. I asked my master to put me in front of the computer and let the internet tell me all.






上海龙凤1314 shlf去世博之前,有两个印象。一个是我认识的朋友们,谈到世博会,大部分人告诉我:还没有去,也不会去。另外一个印象是这几天从上海计程车司机那裏得到的评价:世博啊,不去后悔,去了更后悔。







上海龙凤1314 shlf这两位年轻人此后再也没有说要找朋友带我走绿色通道的事,我之前已经明确告诉他们,如果我要走绿色通道,我至少可以找到十位上海朋友带我,不用排队,参观那些需要排队的场馆。那两位年轻人听到这裏,很有点钦佩我的样子。当然,钦佩的眼神后面也仍然难掩一丝狐疑。


我们三人只好在中国馆对面的石阶上坐下,一是累了,二是坐下来可以商量一下怎麼办。我能够感觉到,小王的女朋友对我开始不以为然了,我想,她很可能认为我自作自受,要体验生活上海龙凤1314 shlf,体验世博,结果弄得自己狼狈不堪,现在要坐在路边眼巴巴看著别人排队进馆。按照目前的境况,我们连一个大馆也参观不了。


上海龙凤1314 shlf这裏值得写作者观察的事确实很多,例如,眼前一个红绿灯前经过的人群中,轮椅特别多。我并不觉得轮椅上的老人都是化妆的,不方便人士都是假装的,我认为他们都是真的,有些甚至一眼看上去就是失去了知觉的严重的残疾人。我说,直觉告诉我:世博园裏的轮椅比例比全国任何一个场合的都高出十倍以上,难道传说中出租轮椅与老人真有其事?

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