上海龙凤1314 shlf


学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【gdyhdog.com - 学人智库】


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Dear leaders:


上海龙凤1314 shlf  xx I am a Foreign Trade Department of Foreign Languages School of Informatics students in English, willing to more than 16 years of accumulated knowledge and training to your organization's ability to contribute to, and exert my utmost best to your company's contribution to the progress and development of the full power of their own . Sincere hope that your organization for giving me a chance!

  I know very well that "only tend to have the opportunity to prepare the minds." In school, I seize every opportunity to learn all aspects of knowledge, training of all aspects of their ability to own a modern society towards the needs of innovative talent development compound. Period at the university level access to a certificate of expertise in their efforts to learn at the same time, I have a broad range of philosophy, law, literature, economics and other fields, other than completion of a professional multi-economic sectors course.

  "Learn to work in the workplace, in learning how to learn." As a student cadre, I will pay more attention to their own ability. Optimism, persistence, hard work is my beacon in the dangerous shoals Department hope of sailing, highlighted in the rapids brave in character, is the credo of my life. I am creative and organized numerous large-scale activities have been recognized by teachers, students praise, so I have more enthusiasm to devote themselves to new challenges, and toward the goal of higher impact.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  In order to more fully exercise their abilities, I make use of holiday units in enterprises and institutions of social practice, and these experiences for me into the community, involved in the operation of commercial operations has laid a good foundation, but also learn how to man-made good, bare in good faith.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  In social status is about to embark on, I wish to apply, looking forward to the sincere and filled with enthusiasm to join your company, your company culture and enjoy the charm of a dump Evans only give you the effectiveness of intrinsic quality.




上海龙凤1314 shlf  一段诱人的求学或者职场经历,对每一个求职者来说都是梦寐以求的“武器”。公司在纳才时会求证对方简历的真实性,但是现在,辨识真伪显然已不是最主要的工作。许多人力资源经理最为头痛的问题是:光鲜而真实的简历背后,是否真的站着一个实有其才的人。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  记者看到的这几份简历可谓亮点纷呈:“英国利物浦大学毕业……”“在上海某知名大型企业工作三年,独立承担某某项目……”如此多的优秀人才投至门下,选择余地也大,该是件值得高兴的事情。但范先生告诉记者,这些年被许多“闪亮”的简历晃过几次眼,现在招人已是越来越谨慎了。从内心里,他甚至希望求职者的简历更朴实一点为好。

  范先生去年招聘到一位年轻海归,小伙子有海外求学背景,也有在名企实习上海龙凤1314 shlf的经历,条件简直无可挑剔。但将他招至国际业务部后,却发现完全不是那个事!业务技能欠缺,骄傲自大,人际关系也是一团糟,手头上的工作常常拿不下来,最后索性辞职了之。

  记者认识的几位人力资源部负责人,几乎都声称有过被这些“镀金人才”晃过眼的经历。他们的职场经历颇为诱人,对薪水或职位的要求也高,但结果却往往令企业十分失望。“企业总是急于招到天资优秀而经验上海龙凤1314 shlf丰富的人,在这种心态下,镀金人才成为一种较为常见的现象,这实际上还是企业浮躁心态的表现。”汉阳一家制造业集团公司人力资源部经理魏先生直言不讳地说。


  对此,人力资源专家伍辉认为,想招到“真金人才”,企业应建立公平而专业的考核制度,并注重实践期的考察,同时,建立相应的企业保护制度,谨防商业机密的外流现象。伍辉提出,企业更应建立成熟和系统的培训机制,投资于能真正接受上海龙凤1314 shlf的人才,少一些“吃现成饭”的浮躁心态,否则极易被“镀金人才”钻了空子。