上海龙凤1314 shlf


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上海龙凤1314 shlf医疗垃圾焚烧灰电弧炉熔渣的水化特性

摘要:为考察医疗垃圾焚烧灰电弧炉熔渣用作水泥掺合料的可行性,研究了熔渣的掺入对普通硅酸盐水泥水化特性的影响.结果表明:熔渣具有潜在的活性,适量掺入熔渣能降低水泥浆体中Ca(OH)2含量,增加水化产物C-S-H的数量,改善水泥浆体微观结构;但若熔渣掺量过多,则水泥熟料相对较少,使熔渣的'活性难以完全被激发,导致熔渣水泥强度降低;熔渣水泥早期(7 d)抗压强度较低,但后期强度增加明显,掺渣量10%的熔渣水泥60 d的抗压强度达到普通硅酸盐水泥的103%,熔渣的掺量宜控制在10%左右.Abstract:The influence on the hydration characteristics of ordinary Portland cement(OPC) incorporated with slag was studied in order to investigate the feasibility of the slag from electric arc melting furnace of hospital waste incineration ash as a cement admixture. It is proved that since slag has the potential hydration activity, if ordinary Portland cement was blended with quantitative slag, Ca (OH)2 in cement pastes would be reduced, and C-S-H filling the pore in hydration product would be increased, so microstructure of SBC pastes would be improved. But, if the amount of slag was excessive, the cement clinker would be relatively less. The hydration activity of the slag was impossible to be completely activated, resulting in reduced strength of SBC. The compressive strength of SBC pastes with replacement of 10% at the early curing stages (7 d)was lower, however, it would be apparently higher at later curing stages (60 d), which would reach 103% of the OPC pastes. Therefore, the addition dosage of slag should be about 10% if the slag is used as a partial cement substitute. 作者: 刘汉桥[1]魏国侠[2]张曙光[3]张书庭[4]张于峰[4] Author: LIU Han-qiao[1]  WEI Guo-xia[2]  ZHANG Shu-guang[3]  ZHANG Shu-ting[4]  ZHANG Yu-feng[4] 作者单位: 天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津,300072;天津城市建设学院能源与机械工程系,天津,300384;天津泰达环保有限公司,天津,300350天津城市建设学院能源与机械工程系,天津,300384天津泰达环保有限公司,天津,300350天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津,300072 期 刊: 天津大学学报   ISTICEIPKU Journal: JOURNAL OF TIANJIN UNIVERSITY 年,卷(期): 2010, 43(4) 分类号: X705 关键词: 医疗垃圾    焚烧灰    电弧炉    水化    水泥    Keywords: hospital waste    incineration ash    electric arc melting furnace    hydration    cement    机标分类号: TB3 TQ1 机标关键词: 医疗    垃圾焚烧灰    电弧炉    熔渣    水化特性    Waste Incineration    普通硅酸盐水泥    would    Portland cement    strength of    waste incineration    水泥浆体    抗压强度    microstructure    cement clinker    quantitative    水泥掺合料    influence    微观结构    水泥熟料 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金,中国博士后科学基金

上海龙凤1314 shlf【医疗垃圾焚烧灰电弧炉熔渣的水化特性】相关文章:








