上海龙凤1314 shlf

How Do I Choose the Best Negotiation

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlfHow Do I Choose the Best Negotiation Workshop?

There are four things to consider when looking for the best negotiation workshop: format, agenda, instructor and location. A negotiation workshop is a great way for skilled professionals to be introduced to negotiations or for skilled negotiators to update their skills. Negotiation is a process of dispute resolution in which the involved parties discuss their requirements and a mutually agreeable settlement is reached.

上海龙凤1314 shlf Format is an essential part of any negotiations workshop. In most cases, a workshop involves a small group of no more than 25 to 30 participants. The session leader creates a series of interactive tasks and group discussions, designed to increase participation. Activities are short and very focused, often requiring participants to form smaller groups of three or four people.

Review the workshop description with care when registering, and ask to see the agenda, if possible. This document provides a complete list of all of the planned activities, lecture topics, assignments and any media that will be used during the workshop. Take the time to read this document and determine if the negotiation workshop will provide the breadth and depth of training desired. Talk with the coordinator to learn as much as possible before making a decision.

The qualifications of the instructor are very important and must include specialized training in negotiating techniques, as well as relevant work experience. The promotional material for most workshops includes a biography of the session leader or leaders. If you want more information, contact the workshop organizer and ask for a more detailed biography. Avoid workshops where the instructor is fairly new to negotiations or refuses to provide a more detailed biography.

上海龙凤1314 shlf Review the workshop location in advance. Many workshops are organized in hotel conference rooms or the lecture halls of a university or college. The setting and location can have a huge effect on the level of discussion and group activities.

Most workshops are one or two days in length, and they often are organized on the weekends. A full weekend negotiation workshop is usually a short meeting Friday night and two full days on Saturday and Sunday. Keep in mind that a workshop can be very intense, and many people are completely exhausted by Sunday evening.



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