上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿


  House Marbrand of Ashemark - Burning Bright 烙印城的马尔布兰家族:燃烧光明


  House Prester of Feastfires- Tireless 宴火城的普莱斯特家族:永不疲倦

  House Sarsfield of Sarsfield - True to the Mark 萨斯菲尔德城的萨斯菲尔德家族:坚信目标

  House Serrett of Silverhil - I Have No Rival 银山城的沙略特家族:无可匹敌

  House Swyft of Cornfield - Awake! Awake! 玉米城的史威佛家族:觉醒觉醒

  House Westerling of the Crag - Honor, Not Honors 峭岩城的`维斯特林家族:荣誉,而非虚名

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Plumm (****) - Come Try Me 普林家族:让我尝试

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Peckledon (***) - Unflinching 派克顿家族:坚定不移

  In the Reach 河湾地家族

  House Tyrell of Highgarden (HG2) - Growing Strong 高庭的提利尔家族:生生不息

  House Ashford of Ashford - Our Sun Shines Bright 白杨滩的埃绪福特家族:吾日照明

  In the area of King's Landing 王领家族

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Targaryen of King's Landing - Fire and Blood 坦格里安家族:血火同源

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Buckwell of the Antlers - Pride and Purpose 鹿角堡的布克威尔家族:傲慢与目的

  House Stokeworth of Stokeworth - Proud to Be Faithful 史铎克渥斯家族:忠诚是我的骄傲

  House Wendwater (***) - For All Seasons 温德瓦特家族:一如四季

  House Follard (**) - None so Wise 佛拉德家族:永远智慧

  House Velaryon of Driftmark - The Old, the True, the Brave 潮头岛的瓦列里安家族:古老,真实,勇敢

上海龙凤1314 shlf   In the North 北境家族

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Stark of Winterfell - Winter Is Coming 临冬城的史塔克家族:凛冬将至

  House Bolton of the Dreadfort-Our blades are sharp 恐怖堡的波顿家族:吾刃尚锋

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Cerwyn of Cerwyn - Honed and Ready

  House Flint of Widow's Watch - Ever Vigilant 寡妇望的菲林特家族:永远警觉

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Hornwood of Hornwood - Righteous in Wrath 霍伍德城的霍伍德家族:正义之怒

  House Karstark of Karhold - The Sun of Winter 卡霍城的卡史塔克家族:凛冬骄阳

  House Mormont of Bear Island - Here We Stand 熊岛的莫尔蒙家族:昂首屹立

  House Tallhart of Torrhen's Square - Proud and Free 托伦方城的陶哈家族:骄傲自由

  On the Iron Islands 铁群岛家族

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Greyjoy of Pyke - We Do Not Sow 派克岛的葛雷乔伊家族:强取胜于苦耕

上海龙凤1314 shlf   In the Riverlands 河间地家族

  House Tully of Riverrun - Family, Duty, Honor 奔流城的徒利家族:家庭,责任,荣誉

  House Mallister of Seagard - Above the Rest 海疆城的梅利斯特家族:无可企及

  House Mooton of Maidenpool - Wisdom and Strength 女泉城的慕顿家族:智慧与力量

  House Piper of Pinkmaiden - Brave and Beautiful 红粉城的派柏家族:勇敢而美丽

  House Smallwood of Acorn Hall - From These Beginnings 橡树厅的斯莫伍德家族:从此开始

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Wode (**) - Touch Me Not 渥德家族:不可触碰之人

上海龙凤1314 shlf   In the Vale 谷地家族

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Arryn of the Eyrie - As High as Honor 鹰巢城的艾林家族:高如荣誉

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Redfort of Redfort - As Strong as Stone 红垒的雷德佛家族:坚如磐石

  House Royce of Runestone - We Remember 符石城的罗伊斯家族:我们铭记

  House Waxley of Wickenden - Light in Darkness 烛穴城的魏克利:黑暗之光

  House Egen (***) - By Day or Night 伊根家族:日日夜夜

  House Tollett (**) - When All Is Darkest 灰谷城的托勒特家族:当一切黑暗降临

上海龙凤1314 shlf   House Wydman (**) - Right Conquers Might 魏德曼家族:正确的征服

上海龙凤1314 shlf   In the Westerlands 西境家族

  House Lannister of Casterly Rock - Hear Me Roar! 凯岩城的兰尼斯特家族:听我怒吼








