上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf双语职场:4步教你以辞职搏升职

Step 1  想清楚再递辞呈
The moment you resign, your loyalty to the company is immediately questioned. Although your manager may say "We’ll give you anything you want" in an effort to persuade you to stay, be aware that this plea may be a diversion until the company finds a replacement. Your manager will do what he or she can to protect the interest of the company. Even if you are not replaced, you may be passed up for a promotion or not assigned juicy projects because you have gained the reputation of a disloyal employee, a non-team player.





Step 2 不要口头承诺
However, let’s give your manager the benefit of the doubt. After all, he or she may be sincere in their quest to make things right but they may not have the authority to follow through. Therefore, don’t take promises at face value; get your counter offer in writing.


Step 3 同事的态度同样重要
上海龙凤1314 shlf How management perceives you should not be your only concern. Your colleagues may become resentful that you were given a raise or company perks because, as they see it, you blackmailed the company into making a counter offer. As far as your colleagues are concerned, they put in as much time and effort as you to promote the growth of the company, and they will resent not being recognized for their contribution the way you have been.



上海龙凤1314 shlf Resentment can develop into a feeling of professional distrust and the dynamics of your relationships with colleagues may begin to shift. For the most part, the makeup of your day is defined by your connections with co-workers. When stresses begin to mount at work, it can trickle into other areas of your life. It is important that you consider your colleague's reaction when making the final decision as to whether you should stay or go.

这样的怨念持续发展下去,你就会在工作上的不到信任和支持。要知道,你生活上海龙凤1314 shlf的大部分时间都需要和这些同事相处,处理不好,你恐怕会觉得人生都没有意义。所以,你同事对你辞职举动的反应同样重要。

Step 4 考问自己
Resist the temptation to be roped in by glitz and glamour of the benefits you may be presented. Take into account the core reasons why you decided to begin searching for another position. Was it because you wanted a prime parking spot? Or was it because your efforts weren’t valued? Was it because you wanted extended lunches? Or was it because you want to get home at a reasonable hour? When all is said and done, are the perks that you are being offered sufficient to overcome your initial objections that motivated your search for another job to begin with?


上海龙凤1314 shlf【双语职场:4步教你以辞职搏升职】相关文章:


2.六大职场黄金生存法则 教你如何快速升职





