上海龙凤1314 shlf

Preparing to Negotiate

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

Preparing to Negotiate

上海龙凤1314 shlfLack of preparation in a negotiation almost always sets a person up for failure. First and foremost, each party must clearly define their own goals and objectives. Secondly, each party must anticipate the goals of the opposition. This may require doing some background research. Finally, each party must come up with various alternatives to their main objectives.


Preparing to Negotiate



Markus Prepares to Negotiate with Louis/ Markus准备和Louis谈判

上海龙凤1314 shlfMarkus approaches Louis after his shift on Friday afternoon and asks if he can arrange a meeting to discuss a potential promotion. Louis sighs and reminds Markus that they already had this discussion last year. Markus agrees, but reminds Louis of his loyalty to the company and insists that they speak again on the subject next week. Eventually Louis, who is afraid that Markus might quit on the spot, agrees to meet on Monday during the crew's lunchhour.



Preparing to Negotiate》(http://gdyhdog.com)。Louis提醒Markus他们已经在去年谈过着这个话题了。但是Markus提醒Louis要注意到自己对公司的忠诚,并且坚持下周要再谈一谈这件事。结果害怕Markus离职的'Louis同意了在周一的午餐时间谈一下。

Over the weekend, Markus thinks about Monday's meeting. Last year, he was unprepared to negotiate and ended up only getting a 50 cent/hour pay raise. This did not satisfy him, and he has continued to feel undervalued ever since. Many times, after a hard day at work, Markus has considered quitting. However, it is difficult to find work in the middle of winter. Markus has a family to support and he can't afford to lose his job.


Markus decides to do some research on negotiating. He learns the principles behind collaborative negotiating, and decides that this is the approach he will take this time. After he has understood the concept he can ask himself the preparatory questions above. Finally, he can apply the rules of collaborative negotiating to his own case.


【Preparing to Negotiate】相关文章:

1.Why Negotiate?

2.Preparing For a Job Interview

3.Preparing for a successful negotiation

4.Preparing for a Successful Job Interview

5.How to Negotiate a Higher Salary

6.How to Negotiate a Severance Package

7.How to negotiate Job offer?

8.How to Negotiate Salary with Your Employer?