上海龙凤1314 shlf


River Polluited

时间:2021-09-06 14:43:33 高中英语写作 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlfRiver Polluited

River Polluited

Today I read a report from China Daily. It reports that numerous fishes in Haihe River die from serious pollution. It surprised me so deeply.

     As we all know, environment pollution' does great harm to living things and human. But a few of people didn't realize it. River pollution, white pollution and so on are all around us.

     Fortunately, most of people realize:it and they are active in protecting environment. Beijing will hold the Olympic Games in 2008. We are all proud of it. Meanwhile, we should protect environment.

上海龙凤1314 shlf     As a senior student, I also should protect it. I should do things that are good for environment. No matter it is big or small.

     I hope the sky will be more bright, the air will more clear, the environment will more beautiful when, Beijing hold Olympic Games in 2008. For this, I'll study hard and try my best to protect environment.

    今天,我读了《China Daily》上的一篇报道,说的是由于污染,海河里出现了无数的死鱼,这让我很吃惊。


上海龙凤1314 shlf    幸运的是,绝大多数人认识到了这一点并积极地保护环境。北京将举办2008年奥运会,这让我们都自豪不已,与此同时,我们更应保护环境。

上海龙凤1314 shlf    作为一个高中生,我也应该保护环境,我应该做所有对环境有益的事,无论大事小事。
