上海龙凤1314 shlf



时间:2021-10-30 14:24:23 中学英语 我要投稿


My First Job

        I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the fields of Eufaula. Okla. __1__ the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up old furniture. He gave me a cent for every nail I __2__ out of old boards.


        I got my first __3__ job, at JM's Restaurant in town, when I was 12. My main responsibilities (职责) were __4__ tables and washing dishes, __5__ sometimes I helped cook.

上海龙凤1314 shlf        Every day after school I would __6__ to JM's and work until ten. Even on Saturdays I __7__ from two until eleven. At that age it was difficult going to work and __8__ my friends run off to swim or play. I didn't necessarily like work, but I loved what working __9__ me to have. Because of my __10__ I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local Tastee Freez. This made me __11__.

        Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working__12__around town. A local clothing store offered me credit (赊帐) __13__ I was only in seventh grade. I immediately __14__ a $68 sports coat and a $22 pair of shoes. I was __15__ only 65 cents an hour, and I already owed the storekeeper $90! So I learned __16__ the danger of easy credit. I paid it__17__ as soon as I could.

上海龙凤1314 shlf        My first job taught me self-control, responsibility and brought me a __18__ of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced. As my father, __19__ worked three jobs, once told me, "If you __20__ sacrifice (奉献) and responsibility, there are not many things in life you can't have." How right he was.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  1. A. Before    B. Within     C. From      D. By

上海龙凤1314 shlf  2. A. pulled     B. put      C. picked     D. pressed

  3. A. usual      B. real      C. main     D. particular

上海龙凤1314 shlf  4. A. sweeping   B. packing   C. clearing   D. emptying

  5. A. or         B. so         C. but        D. even

  6. A. head      B. turn      C. change     D. move

  7. A. studied    B. worked   C. played     D. slept

上海龙凤1314 shlf  8. A. helping    B. having    C. watching   D. letting

  9. A. asked      B. told       C. promised  D. allowed

  10. A. study      B. power     C. age        D. job

  11. A. proud     B. friendly   C. lucky      D. hopeful

  12. A. ran        B. got        C. flew       D. carried

上海龙凤1314 shlf  13. A. although   B. while     C. if        D. since

  14. A. sold       B. borrowed   C. charged    D. wore

  15. A. keeping   B. making   C. paying     D. taking

  16. A. gradually  B. greatly    C. hardly     D. early

  17. A. out        B. over      C. away      D. off

上海龙凤1314 shlf  18. A. point      B. level      C. part       D. sign

上海龙凤1314 shlf  19. A. he        B. that       C. who       D. whoever

上海龙凤1314 shlf  20. A. understand  B. demand    C. offer     D. fear

  1-5DABCC  6-10ABCDD  11-15ABACB   16-20DDBCA


  题号 答案 考查内容

上海龙凤1314 shlf  解题依据 解题分析

  1 D 逻辑推理词义比较 作者六岁的时候就和父兄一起干活,到八岁就已经开始帮助父亲修理旧家具。接下来这句话依然表明作者很早开始的工作经历。by表示不迟于……,到……打止。

  2 A 逻辑推理词义比较 作者每从旧木板中拔(pull)出来一个钉子父亲就给他一美分。pull out拉/拖/拔出;put out放/伸出,生产;pick out摘/剔/挖出/啄/挑出;press out强使分离; 压出。

  3 B 常识运用逻辑推理前后照应 上段叙述的作者帮助家里干活,而本段说的at JM's Restaurant所做的才是他头一个真正意义的(real)工作,他没有惯例性的(usual),主要的(main)和特定的(particular)的工作。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  4 C 常识运用逻辑推理 与washing dishes并列的活儿应该是清理(clear)收拾桌子。sweep清扫;pack 包装;empty倒空,腾空。

  5 C 前后照应语句连贯 作者的主要任务是打杂儿,但(but)有时也帮厨。前句main是一个提示。or或者,表示选择关系;so因而,所以,表示因果关系;even甚至,表示过分程度。

  6 A 词义比较 作者每天放学后就去(head to)JM's工作到10点。head to朝着……方向去;turn to转向,求助于;change to变成,换上(衣服等);move to迁/移至。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  7 B 逻辑推理前后照应 即便是在周六作者都得从2点工作到7点。前段和本段叙述的都是作者工作的感受,与学习(study),玩耍(play),睡眠(sleep)无关,只有work与本段主旨有关。句中的even也起到了提示作用。

  8 C 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较 在那么小的年龄就去搞活是挺困难的,而且还眼睁睁地看着(watch)别的孩子去游泳去玩,而自己却要工作。注意作者当时的心情的表达。help sb.(to) do sth帮助某人做;have sb. do sth叫/派/让某人做;watch sb. do sth注视/监视某人做;let sb. do sth让某人做.

  9 D 逻辑推理词汇用法 作者不是很喜欢工作,但作者喜欢工作能够让他拥有的一切。ask/tell/ allow sb. to do sth要求/告诉/允许某人做某事,这种结构中,ask,tell的主语通常为人,allow的主语可为人或物;promise sb. to do sth答应某人(自己)会做某事,其主语也通常为人。

  10 D 前后照应逻辑推理 因为作者有工作(job)能挣到钱,而非其学习(study)、年龄(age)、能力(power)情况,故朋友外出总是作者付账。

  11 A 逻辑推理词义比较 和朋友出去时总是作者付账,这就是工作让作者拥有的。为此作者感到骄傲(proud),而不仅仅只是友好(friendly),幸运(lucky)和充满希望(hopeful)。

  12 B 逻辑推理固定搭配 有关作者的勤奋和信誉的信息在小镇上到处传扬。get around到处走动, 传播出去;run around东奔西跑,奔忙,到处玩耍游逛;flow around四处流动, 涌流;carry around四处运送。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  13 A 语句连贯词义比较 虽然(although)作者才七年级,但当地一家服装店已同意让他赊账。Although表示转折关系。while表示时间或对照;if表示条件;since表示原因。

  14 C 逻辑推理词义比较 作者随即记帐买了一件68美元的运动衣和一双22美元的鞋子。sell出售, 卖; borrow借, 借入;charge记帐,在帐册等上记入…;wear穿,戴,磨损。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  15 B 逻辑推理固定搭配 作者每小时才挣65美分,却已经欠了老板90美元了。强调挣得少,欠的多。make money挣钱;其它三项与文意不符。

  16 D 逻辑推理词义比较 所以作者渐渐地(gradually),极大程度地(greatly),而且是及早地(early)就明白了随意赊帐的危害。Hardly与文意不符。 

  17 D 逻辑推理固定搭配 只要一有能力,作者便还清了债务。pay off偿清(债务),支付(债务)的全部数额;pay out花费,支出;pay away支付(款项) 。pay通常不与over 搭配。

  18 B 词义辨析 工作教作者学会了自我控制,担付责任,为作者带来了某种程度(level)的自我满足感,这是他的朋友们很少体验到的。level等级,程度,层面。point点,分数;part部分,