上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2023-04-20 10:31:25 英语作文 我要投稿


上海龙凤1314 shlf  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编为大家收集的学英语作文9篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


学英语作文 篇1


上海龙凤1314 shlf  为了保证学习质量,老爸专门买了一根充气狼牙棒。老爸说:“女儿啊,为了老爸能在最短的时间内学好英语,你一定要认认真真地教哦。若有丝毫怠慢,休怪我“棒下无情”!天啊,有这样的学生吗?

上海龙凤1314 shlf  星期六,我正在看书,老爸突然跑过来问我“女儿,这个goaway(走开)什么意思?”我随口答道:“走开。”老爸一听训斥道:“你这个孩子,怎么没礼貌?快告诉我,这个单词是什么意思?”“走开!”我又大声地重复了一遍。“好!好!你竟然对我这么不尊重……”老爸一把抢走我的书,接着用狼牙棒“伺候”了我的'头部。“哼,难道我不会查词典吗?过了一会儿,老爸拿着词典跑到我跟前说:“女儿啊,不好意思,老爸刚才误会你了,不过你也有责任,你要说清楚点嘛,害得我们误会一场。”我内心感叹:真是哑巴吃黄连——有苦说不出啊!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  一天,老爸又来向我请教:“女儿这个word(单词)是啥意思啊?”“单词。”我答道。“废话,我当然知道它是英语单词。我是问它的汉语意思。”“它的汉语意思就是单词嘛。”我不耐烦地回道。老爸又要拿狼牙棒,在这千钧一发之际,我以最快的速度翻开英语单词表,找到“word”的汉译,大声说:“且慢!您仔细审查一下。”老爸看完,不好意思地挠挠头说:“女儿啊,真对不起,这次我又错怪你了。”


学英语作文 篇2


上海龙凤1314 shlf  起床不久,我便坐在沙发前看新闻——“迎接世博会,创造未来”。看了这新闻的`话题,我突发奇想:“恩?那我也出份力。就来教教外婆英语吧!”这个“责任”我可很有兴趣,所以我“干”了起来。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  首先,我教外婆最基本的常用短语:better city, better life.“跟我读。”我大声说道,“这是‘城市让生活更美好’的意思!”外婆点点头,反反复复地练习着……



学英语作文 篇3

  i find a difference between the chinese films and foreign films. we always can find meaning what can make influence to our life. for example , a film about basketball i have watched last night . it told us how the famous coach taught his students.

  we often say , there is unite with others, there is more strength. but how to unite with others, the film gave us the answer.perhaps we must have confidence in our friends that we may succeed.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  we are all friends, help each other , and a good environment to study together.

学英语作文 篇4

  Nowadays ,many people are talking about low carbon living. I think each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  20xx World Expo was held in Shanghai. Shanghai Expo theme is "Better City, Better Life." As a student, we should do something about environmental protection. For example, plant trees, save water and less your car.Thanks!

学英语作文 篇5


上海龙凤1314 shlf  记得我第一次学英语是在三年级。开始,老师在讲台上讲着,我在下面听英语老师讲课就像在听天书一样。我想:没关系的.,这绝对是因为我刚学英语才这样的,多读,多学一定会的。可是这一节英语课过去了,老师讲了几十个英语单词,我就学会了一两个。“学会了一两个单词也算是学会了。”我安慰自己说。可是过了一会儿,连这一两个单词我都忘记怎么读了。回到家,妈妈问我:“今天的英语课学会几个单词呀?”我低下头小声的说:“一个都没有学会。”妈妈说:“怎么没有学会呢?”我说:“刚开始还学会一两个,现在忘记了。”




学英语作文 篇6

上海龙凤1314 shlf  If I Have One Thousand Dollars

上海龙凤1314 shlf  If I have one thousand dollars, I will buy some flowers for my teachers and my parents, because they teach me a lot.

  If I have one thousand dollars, I will give some to the poor people and the poor children, let the children go to school and have a rich life.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  If I have one thousand dollars, I will buy a lot of books for myself. Then I will call my good friends come to my house to enjoy my books together.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  If I have one thousand dollars, I will set aside the money in the bank for the use in need of the future.

学英语作文 篇7

  speaking of my student life, its very interesting. besides studying, we have many parties at our school for special festivals. of course, we must study many subjects at school and do homework every day. i receive instructions from my teachers and discuss problems with them. although sometimes we have many eams in our student life, it can be good for us. everyone hates eams, but it helps us realize how much weve learned from school. just enjoy your student life. it goes by fast.

学英语作文 篇8

  We have four seasons in a year. I can do many interesting things in each season. In spring, the weather is cool and windy, I can fly kites when it’s windy. And I can go hiking with my family when it’s sunny and cool. I like hiking. Summer is hot in the north of China, but it’s not long time. I often go swimming. It can make me healthy and strong. I can also wear my beautiful dresses. Fall is a season with harvest. And I can eat delicious fruits in this season. I can watch the leaves fall. Winter comes, it’s often snowy in winter in my hometown. When it snows, everything is white. We can play with snow and make a snowman, skate and ski. And winter is my favourite season, because of the Spring Festival. I love seasons. I love the nature.



上海龙凤1314 shlf  时态:这篇习作讲的是“我的四季”,是比较惯常的一些行为,所以我们最好采用一般现在时和情态动词结合活动的写法。即:在什么季节,天气如何,我们可以做什么。


学英语作文 篇9

  I exercise everyday, usually when I come home from school .And eating habits are pretty good. I try to lot of vegetabIes ,usually ten to eIeven times a week.And I eat fruit everyday and I drnk milk everyday. Ofcourse,I love junkfood too, but I try to eat it only once a week.Oh,and Isleep nine hours every night. So you see,I look after my health lifestyle helps me get good grades.

  Good food exercise help me to study better.

