上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-10-10 20:49:17 英语作文 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf【实用】我的梦英语作文7篇

上海龙凤1314 shlf  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的我的梦英语作文7篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


我的梦英语作文 篇1

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Many people say that dream is only the thing for children to have. But in my opinion, each of us in the world should have his or her dreams all through the life. With a dream, you can fly further; with a dream, you will be stronger; with a dream, you will be successful easily.

  When I was young, I showed a great interest in cars. My father bought me a lot of model cars, and I even consider them as part of my life and I take good care of them all the time.

  As time goes by, there are a lot of changes around me, but my love of cars doesn’t change at all. I often dreamed of becoming a worker in Ferrari’s factory. Ferrari, which I believe is not strange to many auto fans, is a famous car manufacturer in Italy. Red is a representative color for Ferrari. In my eyes, red represents speed and enthusiasm.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  One day, if I really become a worker in Ferrari’s factory, I will put my whole heart into my work. I will try my best to design and produce new cars. Hearing the purr of a car engine, I would feel very happy. Maybe these are impossible, but I always believe where there is a will, there is a way.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  很多人说,梦想是唯一的孩子。但在我看来,我们每个人在世界上应该有他或她的梦想的生活。进一步与一个梦想,你能飞的时候,一个梦想,你就会更强,梦想,你会成功的。



上海龙凤1314 shlf  有一天,如果我真的成为一个工人在法拉利的工厂,我将把我的全心投入到我的工作之中。我将尽我最大的努力设计和生产新汽车。听到汽车引擎的咕噜声,我将感到非常高兴。也许这是不可能的,但是我总是相信有志者事竟成,有一种方法。

我的梦英语作文 篇2

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Twenty-one centuries is an era of rapid developing one in science and technology. All of the children in this era have many different beautiful dreams. I am an ordinary pupil, I have an ordinary dream: I will be a design-engineer when I grow up.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I want to design a new-type automatic school building, a huge and beautiful teaching building. If we want to go to classroom, what you need to do is to press the taste like what it is in an elevator in a big hotel. In the back door of our classroom there is a beautiful garden with cafeteria, chairs and water-drinking machines.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  The design of our classroom is also very particular. The door of our classroom is controlled by computers automatically. Every child has a card for the door of their particular class. One has to show the card to the sensing windows on the front door, the door will automatically open to let you in.

  Every pupil has an automatic study desk; they don’t have to carry heavy school-bags on their back everyday. Everyone has a PC in their desk. They could write their class work and home work directly in the PC. Teachers will correct their work on the web at the same time and communicate with their pupils.

  Around the school there are beautiful environment like public parks, there are lakes, small boats and different equipments for amusement and physical exercise.

  What a magic school! For this dream, I will study hard!

我的梦英语作文 篇3

  I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future. Therefore, I can buy all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut. Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream come true, I must work hard now. So I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge. I hope my dream can come true one day.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Thank you everyone. That is all my speech. Please don't forget me!

我的梦英语作文 篇4

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Everybody has his or her own dream. Without a dream, people would feel void, lose the motivation of fighting, and be obsolete little by little. Some people want to be milliners while others want to be scientists, doctors, and teachers. For me, I have different dreams at the different stages of my life.巴士英语www.xiao84.com

上海龙凤1314 shlf  When I was a child, I want to have lot of money, because I want to have many toys. If I have a lot of money, I can buy the factory which makes toys then I can have enough toys to play.

  However, my dream changed as I growing up. At the stages of senior school and middle school, I hope I can have enough time to play but not to do so much homework. At these two stages, I was compelled to stay at classroom for most of my days; what’s more, I have to do a mass of homework after school. So at that time, I thirst for freedom.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  For the present stage, I hope I can improve my English level and pass the CET6. English is always the inferior subject during my college. Now as a graduate student, I hope I can learn English well with the help of my teacher. Please wish my dream come true!





上海龙凤1314 shlf  在现阶段,我希望我可以提高我的英语水平,通过考试。英语总是在我的大学期间的弱势科目。现在作为一个研究生,我希望我能在老师的帮助下学好英语。请希望我的梦想成真!

我的梦英语作文 篇5

  My dream is to become a doctorEver since I was little, I've had a secret desire inside of me that I've been almost ashamed of: I want to be a doctor. I don't know why, and I've always known it's ridiculous, since my worst subjects are math and science. I'm not altogether terrible at them, but I'm more of a literature person.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I'm also pretty lazy, which makes me think there's no way I could survive medical school. Should I make myself stop? Is there any chance of me being somethign I've always wanted to be?

我的梦英语作文 篇6

上海龙凤1314 shlf  每个人都有梦想,它是人人所向往的。而没有梦想的人的人生将是空虚的。但梦想总是随着思想的前进而改变的。

  Everyone has a dream. It's what everyone wants. And he who has no dreams will live in vain. But dreams always change with the advance of thought.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  开始记事的时候,我有一个梦想。我希望我有钱,大人问:“小伙子,这可是个了不起的梦想,有了钱你要去干什么呢?”“我要去买巧克力”“如果你有很多钱呢?”“我会去买很多巧克力”“如果你有用不完的钱呢?”“我会把做巧克力的工厂买下来。”的确小时侯的我们,天真无邪,有着一颗善良的童心,幸福与快乐是一曲不变的乐章。

  When I begin to remember, I have a dream. "I wish I had money," the adult asked. "Boy, that's a great dream. What are you going to do with the money?"" "I'm going to buy chocolates." "what if you have a lot of money?"" "I'm going to buy lots of chocolates", "what if you've got enough money?"" "I'll buy the chocolate factory."." Indeed, when we were young, we were innocent and innocent, with a good childlike innocence. Happiness and happiness were a constant movement.


  When I was young, I had a dream. I wish I could become a kite, float in the blue sky, and then fall slowly. At that time, I would like to play with my companions on the green grass, and often chase the blue sky and white clouds, so that the laughter will flow, and I will do all the colorful dreams all day long.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  认字的时候,我有一个梦想。我希望拥有一个篮球;当我抱着篮球的时候,又想要一个足球;当我踢着足球的时候,排球又成了我的追求。再一个有一个的梦想变成现实的时候,我相信梦想其实离我并不遥远,只要耍耍孩子气,梦想就会实现。

  Read, I have a dream. I want to have a basketball. When I hold basketball, I want a football. When I play football, volleyball is my pursuit again. Another has a dream into reality, I believe in my dream is not far away, as long as childish play, the dream will be realized.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Slowly into elementary school, high school, high school... The more you feel the pressure, and the illusion that you will not read, and that there are no happy notes.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  When I am sensible, I have a dream. I hope I don't have a lot of homework to do every day. Playing time is a bit deprived, and we are 40% of the day confined in the classroom, a lot of time to study. But in the face of learning, it is still a vague understanding.


  As the saying goes "it", the understanding of things, from feudalism to capitalism, more and more feel right.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  开始涨高的时候,我有一个梦想,我希望自己能成为一名尖子生,拿到很多的奖状;回到家能受到家人的表扬;在学校能受到老师们的肯定;在同学之间能有鹤立鸡群的表现;在大家眼中能成为一名公认的好孩子。但是,渐渐的,我发现实现这个梦想并不能靠要耍耍孩子气。之后,我学会了奋斗。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Start up high, I have a dream, I hope I can become a top student, get a lot of awards; by his family back home to praise; can be sure by teachers at school; to stand head and shoulders above others performance among the classmates; to become a recognized good child in the eyes of everyone. But, gradually, I found that to achieve this dream and can't rely on to childish play. After that, I learned to struggle.


  Dream is like a seed, planted in the heart of the soil, although it is very small, but can take root and blossom, if there is no dream, just like living in the desolate Gobi, deserted, lifeless. With a dream, there will be a pursuit, with the goal of struggle, with a dream, there is power. It will push people forward, perhaps in the realization of the dream of the road, will encounter numerous setbacks, but it does not matter, fall, climb up, for their dreams and progress, after all, the future is created by themselves.

我的梦英语作文 篇7

  我梦想的职业 My Dreaming Career

上海龙凤1314 shlf  In the past two years, my parents took me to travel to many places, including big cities, small towns, famous mountians and so on。 Therefore, I like traveling and I hope I can visit to many more places。 Since then, I hope I can be a tour guide in the future, so I can travel to many tourist attractions。 Besides, I can meet various people and I think municating with different people is interesting, wchich can broaden my field of vision。 I hope they can share their life stories with me so that I can know the general life of a place。 I know it would be a challenging job, but I believe I can do well in my job。

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