上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-08-15 17:23:20 英语作文 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是小编精心整理的英语作文6篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。


英语作文 篇1


上海龙凤1314 shlf  快下课时,老师把过年的贺卡发给每一个小朋友,里面有老师对我们的祝福和日历,老师说:“希望我们度过一个快乐、有趣的假期。”

  我也祝老师天天开心,身体健康,Happy new year!

英语作文 篇2

  good morning, my dear teachers,what is friendship? the answers may be different. but one thing is clear that friendship is the most important ingredient in the recipe of life. we cannot live without friendship just as we cannot survive without air and water. friendship gives us a feeling of security and warmth, and friendship encourages us to go ahead all the time.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  everyone needs friends and is eager to get friendship. when we feel happy, we can share our happiness with friends. when we feel gloomy, friends will comfort us. if we are arrogant, our friends can persuade us, and they can make us confident and brave when we are discouraged.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  friendship is valuable. it can touch your heart and give you hope. many people are proud of having a good friend. true friendship must be sincere and must not have conditions. if you help your friends for no reason but simply because they are your friends, this means that you regard your friends as yourself. this is true friends.

  true friendship should be based on mutual understanding, not on mutual benefit. moreover, both must also have similar ideals. if not, their friendship still cannot last long. sometimes, people have good friends when they are young and studying in school. however, after graduation, when they are working in the society, their friendship will soon come to an end.

  mutual understanding doesn’t always mean that we should know every thing of our friends. it means that they have similar ideals and trust each other. on the other hand, doing similar things can build up the friendship.

  in fact, friendship isn’t always easily kept. when you want to keep a friend, you should treat him or her like you want to be treated. keep the secrets that your friend tells you. keep your promise with your friend. share things with your friend. stick up for your friend. we should try our best to protect the friendship from being hurt. as an old saying goes, “friendship cannot stand always on one side.” true friendship should be able to stand all kinds of tests.

  because of friendship, our lives are full of happiness. therefore, the more friends we have, the more pleasure we can share with them. let’s say “thank you” to our friends for their love and care. no matter where we go or who we become, never forget to keep the beautiful friendship!

英语作文 篇3

  Not long ago, I attended a wedding, it is said that there are fifty tables in the reception, but only to more than three hundred people, ten people per table, only need 300 present 10 = 30 tables, prepared 50-30 = 20 more table, and a table of up to 400 yuan, 400 * 20 = 8000 yuan, the wedding banquet is wasted 8000 yuan only. There is also the flower room when the bride appears, the real flower and the fake flower looks very little difference, but the real flower is three times more expensive than the fake flower, the flower room that the fake flower makes is only 200 yuan, and the flower room that the real flower makes is 200 times 3=600 yuan. And also use, the true flower also opens for a moment, better use false flower forever so beautiful.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  If you think it's a waste of money, you're wrong. It's a lot worse than the family.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  According to the news, a provincial official has arranged his daughter's wedding in the most luxurious of the provinces, where the club is covered with flowers, and the lights are covered with flowers, and the floor is covered with a purple carpet. The whole club is like a princess castle. There are more than 100 tables in the wedding banquet, and the tables on the table are all "imperial" to eat. At that time, 700 people went to 700 people, 700 to 70 tables, 100 to 70=30 tables, and that table was not worth 2,000 yuan, 2,000 times 30= 60,000 yuan. When the reporter arrived, he happened to see the waiter at the end of the table, and each table was not moving.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  China has 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities and 2 special administrative regions, with 34 provincial-level administrative regions. If every province had a lavish official, then it would be a waste of 60,000x34 = 20xx,000 yuan, and put the 2.20.4 million at the student fund meeting, which would help many children who could not afford to study. Instead of wasting 20.4 million yuan, we should use 20.4 million yuan to help China train some talent. So starting today to avoid extravagance and waste.

英语作文 篇4

  On the night before christmas, all across the world, millions of children will be tucked in their beds while visions of sugarplums dance in their heads. when they awake they will check their stockings to see if santa claus has come.

  santa claus has become the most beloved of christmas symbols and traditions. the image of the jolly old elf flying in a sleigh pulled by reindeers and leaving toys and gifts for every child is know worldwide.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  just like the season of christmas, the history of the origins of santa claus is influenced by the customs and cultures of many countries, beginning in asia minor sometime around the 4th century ad. it was here that bishop nicholas became renowned for his exceptional generosity, especially to the very young. many years later he became known as saint nicholas, the patron saint of children.

  as time went on, adults began to dress in the manner of saint nicholas, dressed in bishops vestments and carrying a staff., to re-enact the kindness of the saint. they went from house to house, asking if the children who lived there had been well behaved. in response to these visits, the children left their shoes outside the doors of their houses so that next morning they might find them filled with sweets and trinkets.

  an anglo-saxon version eventually evolved and was known as father christmas. his character was a mixture of the saint nicholas and earthly perceptions of the gods thor and saturn. he wore robes decorated with ivy and holly and carried a switch to threaten unruly children, as well as a bag of toys to reward the well behaved.

英语作文 篇5

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I don't know why. Recently, I always hated learning very much. As long as I mentioned something related to learning, I would be particularly annoying and even quarreled with my parents.

  Today, my father talked to me about a heart. Dad asked me why I didn't want to learn. I told my father, because I feel good in performance, which is useless, because no one will give me a math problem or a Chinese topic in the future. When Dad listened, he laughed and asked me if I knew what one plus one was equal to. I disdain to say, equal to two, this is not simple. Dad asked again, if I asked you the question when you were very young, could you answer it? Obviously not. Because you have so much knowledge, you can easily answer these questions now. In the future you work the same way, although the content you learn now will not be used directly, but these things are your foundation! Only a good study, in the future can be able to handle their own work, to remember, knowledge is power!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I listen to my father's words, heart inside feel bright, knowledge is power, right, I must study well, because knowledge is power!

英语作文 篇6







上海龙凤1314 shlf  英语老师我会努力的,下学期一定用满意的分数,展现给您。

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