上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-03-26 13:00:27 作文 我要投稿


上海龙凤1314 shlf  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编收集整理的美在尽力英语作文,欢迎大家分享。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  我们可以不伟大,但我们庄严;我们可以不永恒,但我们真诚;我们可以不完美,但我们努力。

  We may not be great, but we are solemn; we may not be eternal, but we are sincere; we may not be perfect, but we work hard.


  ——Bi Shumin


  People are always so strange: on the vast snowfield, people who leave a firm and straight road always regret missing the beautiful scenery along the way and go in a hurry; people who enjoy the scenery all the way and taste the taste of life complain why their life is so difficult, why does the axiom of "the shortest line between two points" not permeate people's hearts? Strange people look at the string behind them, straight or curved, or deep or shallow footprints and think. In fact, there is no need to regret, no need to complain, or straight and brilliant, or winding and bleak, do your best to leave a unique share of the snow all belong to their own road, you will have the beauty of life.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  还记得王安石在《游褒禅山记》中写过他自己走过人生的一句贴心感受:“然力足以至焉,于人为可讥,而在己为有悔;尽吾志也而不能至者,可以无悔矣,其孰能讥之乎?”“尽吾志”即尽自己最大努力,则可以无悔矣。而“力足以至焉”而不至,就会同美国第39任总统吉米?卡特一样为人嘲笑。1946年,年轻的吉米?卡特从海军学院毕业后,遇到了当时的海军上将里?科费将军,将军让他随便说几件自认为比较得意的事情。于是,踌躇满志的吉米?卡特得意洋洋地谈起了自己的海军学院毕业的成绩:“在全校820名毕业生中,我名列第58名。”他满以为将军听了会夸奖他,孰料,将军没有,反而问道:“你为什么不是第一名,你尽自己最大努力了吗?”卡特满脸惊愕,继而,羞愧得脸红。后来,吉米?卡特牢牢记住这句话,每走一步,每烙上一个生命脚印,他都问自己:“你尽自己最大努力了吗?”正因为这样,他不再在乎脚印的直或弯、深或浅,只要每一个脚印里留着奋斗的力量,只要每一段人生路上都洒满了努力的汗水,只要蓦然回首人生的`时候,能摸着自己均匀跳动的脉搏说一句“我努力了”,他就满足了。

  I still remember Wang Anshi's intimate feeling of his own life in the journey to baochan mountain: "however, the strength is enough to be ridiculed by people, and there is regret in oneself; if I can't reach the goal, there is no regret, which one can ridicule?" "Do my will" is to do my best, then you can have no regrets. But if we don't have enough strength, we will be ridiculed like Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States. After graduating from the Naval Academy in 1946, young Jimmy Carter met General Lee Coffey at that time. The general asked him to say a few things he thought were more proud of. So Jimmy Carter, who was full of ambition, talked triumphantly about the results of his naval academy graduation: "of the 820 graduates in the school, I was ranked 58th." He thought that the general would praise him when he heard it. However, the general did not. Instead, he asked, "Why are you not the first? Have you done your best?" Carter's face was startled, then blushed with shame. Later, Jimmy Carter remembered this sentence firmly. Every step he took and every footprint he put on his life, he asked himself, "have you done your best?" Just because of this, he no longer cares about the straight or curved, deep or shallow footprints. As long as there is the strength of struggle in each footprints, as long as every section of life is covered with hard sweat, as long as suddenly looking back on life, he can feel the pulse of his own even beat and say "I tried", he will be satisfied.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  有时候觉得人生总是走得很累,迈步之前要选择岔口,立起航向;每走一步,要调整步伐,要追赶前列;走累了歇歇的工夫里,又忍不住回首看看人生路上的那一串自己的脚印,与他人的一比,或许弯得人心颤,浅得人心酸。头脑不免闷热,眼前也甚迷茫,那一句“道路该怎么走”扯得神经发酸,那么想想虽然在臭气熏天的垃圾堆里,拾着破烂却能骄傲地说“劳动了就是美的,尽自己最大努力了就无悔”的叶辛夫妇,那么想想走过高考落榜阴影,尽全力办起芳香四溢的馨园主的孙长亮,那么静心念念那句“天空没有留下我的痕迹,但我飞过”的佳句。

  Sometimes I feel that life is always very tired. Before taking a step, I have to choose a fork and set up a course. Every step I take, I have to adjust my pace and catch up with the front line. When I'm tired of taking a rest, I can't help but look back at a string of my own footprints on the road of life. Compared with other people, it may make people tremble and feel sad. His mind is not immune to sultry, and he is very confused at present. The sentence "how to go on the road" makes his nerves ache. Then think of Ye Xin and his wife, who can proudly say "work is beautiful, do their best and have no regrets" in the stinking garbage heap. Then think of sun Changliang, who has passed the shadow of failing the college entrance examination and has done his best to run the fragrant garden owner , then read the saying "the sky left no trace of me, but I flew by".


  With a sincere interpretation of life, do your best to walk every step of life, then your path is the ultimate beauty.










