上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-03-26 12:19:21 作文 我要投稿





  At noon on Sunday, my classmate sang Jialing called and said that she would come to my house at 5 p.m. to make the calendar together. At that time, I readily agreed.


  After lunch, my father took me to Xinhua Bookstore to read. Because the book is so attractive, it's been a long time unconsciously. I haven't finished reading it yet. My father reminds me it's half past four. At this time, I suddenly thought of the agreement with my classmates and said to my father, "let's go home quickly!"! Otherwise, my classmates will be locked out. But my father said, "give Michelle a call and tell her to come back later." I think: only once a week my father brings me to the bookstore to read books, but I can't lose faith in my classmates and let them wait. So I said to my father, "you can come back next time. Let's hurry back and wait for sangjialing." It was only half an hour before five o'clock. I took my father's hand and left Xinhua Bookstore in a hurry.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  大街上来来往往的人真多,我们三步并作两步,穿梭在人群中,向公交车站点奔去。大街上各种商贩的叫卖声,那诱人的玩具,飘着阵阵香味的羊肉串、烤香肠,都已经吸引不了我。如果是往常,我一出书店肯定会先慰劳一下自己的肚子,可今天我放弃了这个念头。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  There are so many people coming and going on the street. We take two steps at a time, shuttle in the crowd and rush to the bus stop. All kinds of peddlers on the street, the attractive toys, the mutton kebabs and sausages with fragrance, have not attracted me. If it's the usual way, I will comfort my stomach when I leave the bookstore, but today I give up the idea.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  途中我不时地问爸爸几点了。时间在不断地逼近五点,我的心也越来越急,盼着公交车快点到来。在我焦急的等待中,终于有一辆6路车过来了,车刚停稳,我迫不及待地跳上了公交车。在车上,我在心里不停地祈祷,希望车子快一点到站。终于挨到下车了,我连忙问爸爸时间,爸爸说:“离五点还有五分钟。”我一声“啊?”身子已经像箭一般地向家门口飞奔过去。

  On the way, I asked my father the time from time to time. Time is constantly approaching five, my heart is also more and more urgent, looking forward to the arrival of the bus quickly. In my anxiously waiting, finally a No.6 bus came, just stopped, I can't wait to jump on the bus. In the car, I kept praying in my heart that the car would arrive at the station soon. Finally, I got off the bus. I asked Dad the time. Dad said, "five minutes to five." I said "ah?" The body has rushed to the door like an arrow.


  When I got home, my doorbell rang before I sat down. I opened the door and saw that it was really sangjialing. I told sang about catching the bus. Sangjialing praised me and said, "you're a promise! I will always regard you as my good friend! " I'm happy to hear that.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  是啊!我们小朋友应该信守诺言、讲信用,这样才能赢得更多更好的朋友!

  Yeah! We children should keep our promises and keep our promises, so as to win more and better friends!

上海龙凤1314 shlf【一诺千金英语作文】相关文章:




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