上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2021-07-21 20:45:11 英语作文 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf实用的成长英语作文合集六篇

上海龙凤1314 shlf  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编精心整理的成长英语作文6篇,希望能够帮助到大家。


成长英语作文 篇1

  Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want. When I want to buy a new dress, my mother won’t buy for me directly, she asks me to do something to exchange for it. Such as doing the housework or making progress in the study. What’s more, when I meet the difficulties, my parents won’t solve them for me immediately, instead, they will leave me to think about them and help me to solve them. What my parents do to me is right, it is my road to grow up.


成长英语作文 篇2

上海龙凤1314 shlf  我坐在藤椅上不断地摇晃,常常泡上一壶普洱,独自一人,在黄昏的沐浴下,品味着茶的韵味,对茶我本是毫无趣味的,苦涩的味道没有任何香甜可言,但不知是谁的一句话“人长大了,就要学会从苦中作乐”,让我迷恋上了茶香。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  i sit on cany chair constantly shake, often bubble up a pot of pu-erh tea, alone, in the evening, the bath of tea flavor, taste of tea i this is uninteresting, bitter taste without any sweet, but i don't know who is benefic to the word "people grow up, you need to learn from taking pains", let me have a crush on tea are sweet.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  不知是4岁还是5岁的时候,家里有着许多的书,个个面带严肃,郑重地伫立在书架上,这些书大部分都是父亲的,是陪伴了父亲青春的'老书,许多本都已破损了,不是边角破损,而是书从中断裂成了两半,但都已被胶水修补过了。虽是老书,书皮金黄色的图案依然折射着光芒,刺眼的光芒里,我似乎看见了父亲埋在书堆之中的童年。而今,父亲早已迈进了中年,这些书也理所当然地被我“继承”了。当时,父母都是老师,虽然有了个白白胖胖的儿子,但他们还是把极大的精力放在了工作上,放在了那批高考在即的学生上。我也只得独自一人待在空旷的家中,无趣的度过一天又一天,有时也曾想不满地大喊一声,但我知道,回答我的,只有那一本本旧书。于是,书成了我唯一解闷的玩伴,父母走后,我便费力的爬到了书架上,用着稚嫩的小手在书架中费力抽取出我发现的一本连环画——《西游记》,因为书中有着一幅幅精美的图案,但那苦涩的文言文让我实在是捉摸不透,也只能似懂非懂的翻阅着,我常常一看就是大半天,直到父母回家。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  don't know is 4 or 5 years of age, the home has many books, all the noodles take seriously, solemnly stood in the bookshelf, these books mostly father, is the father of youth with older books, many this has worn out, not edge horn is damaged, but the book from the fracture in half, but has been the glue repair. though it was old books, book covers the golden pattern still refraction shining and dazzling ray of light, i seem to see the father buried in spur of childhood. now, father had entered middle age, these books also were rightly i "succession". at that time, parents are all teachers, although had a vain fat son, but still they put great effort on the work, in the university entrance exam that batch in students. i also had to stay alone in an empty house, dull to get through the day and day, sometimes also once think everywhere yell 1, but i know, answer me, and only those yibenben old books. hence, the only book became my sorrows playmates, parents left, i then arduous climb to the shelf, use the childish hands in bookshelf wade extract i found a comic -- "journey to the west", because the book with plenties of exquisite design, but that the bitter wen-yen let i really dark horse, and can only be indefinitely was browsing through, i often a see be big until her parents got home.

成长英语作文 篇3

上海龙凤1314 shlf  一天,妈妈让我一个人坐公交车去爸爸的厂里陪妹妹玩。

  One day, my mother asked me to take a bus to my father's factory and play with my sister.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  今天我一大早就穿好衣服,吃好早饭,等在了公交车站。这时我看见601公交车向这儿奔驰而来,就像呼啸的动车般迅速。我刚刚进门,就看准一个位置。于是,我就坐了上去。心想:我的运气实在太好了,刚刚上车就看到了一个座位。又到了一个车站,一大堆人走了进来,就像蜂拥而至般拥挤。其中有一位老奶奶扶着拐杖向前走来,她走到我的面前停下来,拉住上面的扶把。路上,由于路面凹凸不平,车子不停地摇晃,站都快站不稳了。于是,我站起来对老奶奶说:“老奶奶你坐吧!”“谢谢你,小朋友。”老奶奶说着便坐了下来。这时,我听见报道车站了,我便跟老奶奶说了声“再见,我下车了。”

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Today, I got dressed early in the morning and had a good breakfast and waited at the bus stop. Then I saw the 601 bus coming here, like a roaring car. I had just entered the door and found a spot. So I sat down. Thinking: "my luck is really good, just got on the train and saw a seat.". At the station again, a large crowd came in, crowding in like a crowd. One of the old ladies came along with a stick. She came up to me and stopped and pulled up the handle. On the road, because of the uneven surface of the road, the car kept shaking, and the station is almost unstable. So I stood up and said to my grandmother, "sit there, granny."!" "Thank you, little boy."." The old woman said, and sat down. Then I heard the bus stop and I said "Bye" to my grandmother. I got off the bus."


  Ah! Helping others is a real pleasure!

成长英语作文 篇4

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Time keeps going and we are growing up. Every growth is different, but the same is that everyone's growth is happy, happy, also bumpy, full of worry.

  In my memory, before I went to school, I was carefree, and I spent this time in the country. Besides eating, I was playing without any worries. Every day, I play hide-and-seek with my little friends, go to the fields to catch little bugs, play tired, and eat at home. In the evening, my grandmother would hold me and sit in the yard and enjoy the beautiful night scene, telling me the story, and I would always go to the sweet dreamland with my grandma's story.

  In memory, the time in kindergarten is joyful and afraid. after the kindergarten, I will leave my dear mom and dad, grandparents, and every day I can't and family together, I am very afraid, but you can think of every day and many children play games together, painting, and tower blocks, I will feel happy, happy. In the evening, I always talk to my family about the funny things that happened in kindergarten.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  In memory, the time of primary school is joyful and vexed. Just step into the elementary school, I have some curious, gradually, I got familiar with here, had many good friends, and every day the teacher can teach us a lot of knowledge, also taught us to write and read pinyin, I had a very happy every day. However, with the growth of grade, learning is no longer an easy task. I am overwhelmed by the mountains of homework every day, and I have to struggle to write a composition. How many times I want to give up learning, the anticipation of the teacher and the parents gave me the motivation to move forward. So, I a good spirit, a lot of reading, also discuss with students the class does not understand the topic, gradually, my grades by leaps and bounds, from the downstream has been rising to the top three classes, I was so happy! The time in primary school taught me the truth of "no pain, no gain".

  Growth is happy, growth is good, and growth is also bumpy, but everyone will grow up, let us no longer complain, no longer whine, in the optimism of the growth!

成长英语作文 篇5

  as is pointed out by some socialists, children nowadays show a growing tendency to become mature at an earlier age compared with children who were born twenty years ago. the younger generation has a strong self-conscious. and they are eager to make their own decisions. hence, an adjustment of current laws is suggested by some eperts to fit in the newly developed situation.

  that sounds like a good idea. but does it reveal the truth?frankly speaking, the side effects of adjustments in laws, as far as i am concerned, are much greater than their possible merits.first of all, the assumption that "children are more mature than before" is yet to ascertain. up to now, none of the revolution proponents can give a satisfying definition to tell what maturity eactly means, let alone measuring maturity quantitatively.thus it is less likely for them to deduce their conclusion. at the same time, with the spreading of so-called maturity, more children are involved in crimes, including some violent ones like murders and hijacks. the conspicuous increase in adolescent crimes calls for an enforcement of law, not irresponsible liberation. second, suppose the hypothesis held by the revolution proponents is not only objective but also convincing, ignoring the parado mentioned above, it is still inadequate to conduct a law amendment since "most children are mature" implies the fact that there are still a portion of children, who no matter older or younger are mature. as is known to all, laws are concerned with all the objects of the society. the pre mature ones rights should also be protected equally. hence, a common demand for custodians of children aged under eighteen is necessary, if not imperative. last but not least, a "mature" child who intends on independence lacks a necessary income as the financial support.due to this situation, if an adjustment of law were carried out,there would be a peculiar phenomenon that children are decision independent while financially reliant.

  due to the three reasons listed above, it is unwise to conduct a complete law adjustment at the moment. children of the twenty first century are still in need of love and care, as children were twenty years ago.

成长英语作文 篇6


  Remember once, mom and dad are not at home. I saw it was getting late, so I started cooking.


  May God help me, the refrigerator is my masterpiece: tomatoes, melon and pork ribs. First I took out a kitchen knife and some tomatoes. I put the tomato on the cutting board, had a "tremendous effort" to put a few tomatoes into tomato slices of different sizes "". I put these tomatoes on the plate, put them into flower shapes, and then sprinkle them with sugar, just like a little child's bright smile!


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Followed by stewed winter melon and spareribs soup. I cut the melon into pieces and cut the spareribs into pieces. Then I put the pot down and simmered. It took about 30 minutes for the soup to simmer. I tasted it, it was really good! That was a great.


  I put the two dishes on the table and waited for them to come back. After 10 minutes, my father and mother went home, saw the food on the table and hastened to praise me as a good boy.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  这就是发生在我成长中的一件平凡的事,它让我们的自理能力增强了,为父母减轻了许多负担,让他们觉得我长大了。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  This is a common thing that happened during my growing up. It strengthened our self-care ability and lightened many burdens for parents, so that they thought I grew up.









8.成长的路上作文 -英语作文