上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-11-28 21:40:58 作文写作 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf向前看,向后看英语作文

上海龙凤1314 shlf  在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的向前看,向后看英语作文,欢迎大家分享。



  I ask you, is a drop of water useful?


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Maybe it can't moisten a petal, or it can't wash the bowl, or it can't wash away the muddy mud and dirt, or it can't stir up any waves, but that's not the answer. Can you see that the thirsty travelers in the algae are expecting it? Can you hear the roar of the sea full of its cries?

上海龙凤1314 shlf  有位哲人说得好:“水滴虽小,却可以折射出太阳的光彩。”万事万物都有它自身存在的意义,只是……向前看?看到了别人的高大,自卑吗?向后看?看到了别人的矮小,自满吗?错了!脚下的有自己的路,亦有自己的奉献。

  A philosopher said: "although the water drop is small, it can reflect the brilliance of the sun." Everything has its own meaning, but Look forward? See others tall, inferiority? Looking backward? See other people's short, complacent? Wrong! At the foot of the road, but also have their own dedication.


  In the ancient battlefield, no one can fight against the enemy. The outstanding soldiers can plan their own strategies, clear division of labor, and strict battle is the key to attack and defend the city. Through the corridor of history, looking for the ordinary and great flash point, the feast of singing and dancing, and the market of peace and stability, is that the age of Zhenguan full of talents? The plunderers had their own brave Qin Shubao, the state affairs and the people's livelihood had their own "house plot", and the Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty was happy to be ruled by the arch. A spit of embroidered mouth was a prosperous Tang Dynasty. A proper position made the famous general and adviser.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Is it Li Taibai who is accompanied by poetry and wine? "And put the White Deer green cliff, you have to ride to visit the famous mountain", between the glasses of wine, you will leave a full of paper Huazhang. He was an official in the dynasty, but he was not familiar with the darkness of the official arena. Even if he is depressed and frustrated, he still makes Gao Lishi take off his boots. How can unruly poetic immortals endure the strife and darkness over the court? Riding on the green cattle, setting love to the mountains and rivers, with the breeze as the companion, with the moon as the friend, to find their own position, the poem fairy becomes the real poem fairy.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  每朵花都有其独特的色彩,每颗星辰都有自己的灿烂,每缕清风都会送来清爽,每滴甘露都会滋润稻田。正如每个人都有自己的人生价值都有自己的社会奉献。但能否找准适合自己的位置才是关键,且不说班超投笔从戎,适当改变位置而换来更大的贡献,更不说陶潜归隐田园,适当变换角度而留下的不朽诗篇。现在这个高速运转的地球,需要你充分的价值展现,睁开你理性的双眼,向前看,看到时代的呼唤,向后看,看到社会的企盼。迈开腿,还等什么?且去寻找自己的位置,实现自己生命的闪光!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Each flower has its own unique color, each star has its own brilliant, each breeze will bring fresh, each drop of dew will moisten the rice field. Just as everyone has his own life value and social contribution. But whether we can find the right position is the key, not to mention the immortal poems left by Ban Chao, who changed his position to make greater contributions, not to mention Tao Qian's return to the countryside and his angle. Now this high-speed running earth needs your full value display, open your rational eyes, look forward, see the call of the times, look back, see the expectation of the society. Get out of the way. What are you waiting for? And to find their own position, to achieve their own life flash!


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Not every river flows into the sea, but it can irrigate the farmland; not every flower is kept in the greenhouse, but it can decorate the mountains; not everyone is standing on the crest of the storm, but, the position is right, please give up!


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Looking forward, looking back at the farmer's smile and the leader's face are equally brilliant.










