上海龙凤1314 shlf

I Love My Country中英双语作文

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I Love My Country中英双语作文(精选10篇)

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I Love My Country中英双语作文(精选10篇)

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 1

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I am born inChina,it is a great country,it has more than 5,000 years’ history,I am soproud of my country. China has the world’s largest population,our culture isprofound and owns variety,every time when I talk about Chinese culture to theforeign people,they speak highly of Chinese culture. I love China so much.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  我生在中国,中国是一个伟大的国家,它有超过五千年的历史,我为我的祖国赶到自豪。中国有着世界上最大的`人口,我们的文化深厚,并且具有多样性,每当我和外国人谈论中国的文化时,他们高度评价中国的文化。我深爱我的祖国。

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 2

上海龙凤1314 shlf  祖国是伟大的母亲,她养育了十三亿儿女,赐予我们幸福的生活,“祝福”着我们健康快乐的成长。

  The motherland is a great mother. She has raised 1.3 billion children and blessed us with a happy life,"blessing" our healthy and happy growth.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  祖国爱我们,我们也用心来爱养育我们的`祖国。当我们过“六一儿童节”时,我每听到一阵阵欢声笑语,我就会想起那些发生战争国家的人民和儿童。他们的生活是那么悲惨,过不上幸福的节日,吃不饱肚子。跟他们的生活相比,我更加难过和悲伤,真希望他们也能过上我们祖国现在的幸福生活,每天面对充满希望的未来。

  The motherland loves us,and we love and nurture our motherland with our hearts. When we passed the "61 childrens Day",every time I heard a lot of laughter and laughter,I would think of those people and children who had war countries. Their life is so miserable that they cant live a happy holiday or eat enough. Compared with their life,I am more sad and sad. I hope they can live a happy life in our country and face a promising future every day.


  We study hard and give our best results to nurture our motherland. At the same time,I also pray for the children who cant live a good and happy life,and wish their country get rid of the predicament as soon as possible,develop science and technology step by step,stay away from the life of war and poverty,and face the future bravely.

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 3


  The vast land is the cradle of flowers; the beautiful sky is the cradle of little stars. The magic sea is the cradle of pearls. The mountain around the rich is the cradle of gems. The great motherland is our cradle.


  We love your country,I love your country. You have given us happiness and peace,. Lets live a happy life. /Motherland,motherland you are the cradle of our happiness. You give us the earth,you give us the blue sky. You give us the sea,you give the mountains. You make us smell like flowers,we sparkle like stars,we are precious like pearls,we are unique,we are colorful and brilliant like gemstones!

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 4

上海龙凤1314 shlf  毎当我想起我生活在这里的祖国,整个心儿便悠悠地飘到那青青的山上,飘到了那艳艳的花上,飘到了那清清的溪流上……啊,我的祖国。是我依恋。我最爱的地方……

上海龙凤1314 shlf  When I think of the motherland where I live,my whole heart will float to the green mountain,the gorgeous flower and the clear stream Ah,my motherland. Its my attachment. My favorite place


上海龙凤1314 shlf  In my motherland,you can see a mountain green forest,a flowing stream,an old house. People also live happily.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  When I was a kid,I loved playing in the mountains. The mountain is so quiet and quiet that there is no sound at all. The sunlight is scattered through the cracks of the trees. Its like a jewel. There are a few melodious birds singing occasionally,which brings infinite vitality to the forest. Its so beautiful! My friends and I are always trying to catch the bird,but it didnt work out. One of my friends said that the bird is the soul of the mountain!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  大山的水好清好清,一泓泉水,清澈透明,冬暖夏凉,总也流不尽。干渴的人们一口一口喝干了它,可它又不紧不慢地渗出来。大山的水真甜呀,喝一口,细细品尝,甜进心里。听奶奶说:“就连那小动物也爱喝那水呢!”还是妹妹说的'好:“那泉水是大山的乳汁。”

上海龙凤1314 shlf  The water of the mountain is so clear and clear. A spring is clear and transparent. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It can never flow out. The thirsty people drank it up one mouthful at a time,but it seeped out again. The water in the mountain is really sweet. Take a sip,taste it carefully,and its sweet in your heart. Listen to grandma said: "even the little animals like to drink that water!" "The spring is the milk of the mountain," said my sister

上海龙凤1314 shlf  这乳汁浇灌出来的草好绿,大山就像铺了一层绿色地毯,那各色各样的花儿,给绿毯绣上了彩色的图案。那缓缓流动的小溪,给大山镶上的明丽的花边。野花也怪美的,射在草丛是里像星星,像眼睛,在微风中还眨呀眨的。

  The grass watered by the milk is green. The mountain is like a green carpet. The flowers of all kinds embroider the green carpet with colorful patterns. The slowly flowing stream is decorated with bright lace for the mountain. Wild flowers are also beautiful,shooting in the grass is like stars,like eyes,in the breeze also blink.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  The children nurtured by Dashans milk are witty and brave. I learned from the TV that Japanese devils invaded our homes. How did Dashans children organize to fight against the Japanese invaders and introduce them into the story of total elimination in Dashan. After watching it,I was very excited and often thought: how brave our Chinese people are,unwilling to be slaves to the country,resolutely fighting against the enemy,not afraid of bloodshed. They are the pride of the Chinese people!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  啊,祖国!给了我多少乐趣,引起我多少遐想,也给我留下了无限的依恋……我爱我的祖国,不仅仅是因为它的美,还因为他顽强爱国的精神。

  Ah,motherland! How much fun it gave me,how much reverie it aroused,and how much attachment it left me I love my motherland not only because of its beauty,but also because of its strong patriotic spirit.

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 5


上海龙凤1314 shlf  On the national day night,accompanied by my mother,I came to the West River of Jiujiang Confucian forest square to watch fireworks.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  烟花燃放还没有开始,沿江大道和儒林广场上都站满了人。我真希望燃放烟花快点开始,好让我一睹为快。

  The fireworks have not started yet,and the Riverside Avenue and the Rulin square are full of people. I wish the fireworks would start soon so that I could have a look at them.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  突然,“嘭”的一声,把我们吓了一跳。连忙抬头望天空,发现开始放烟花了,人群随之沸腾了。

  All of a sudden,we were startled by the sound of "bang". Quickly looked up at the sky,found that the fireworks began,the crowd then boiling.


  WOW! The fireworks are colorful and beautiful. Beautiful fireworks add infinite vitality to the dark sky. Some fireworks are called sparkles. When they rush to the sky,they rush to the sky like a white rocket,that is to say,when they unfold,they start to be red. In a flash,they turn green. Then they scatter on the earth,like green stars falling from the galaxy. Some fireworks are called butterflies flying. They swim to the sky like a happy fish. When they bloom,they stretch out here and there like a white flower bud. Their charming smiling faces are very beautiful.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  最后燃放的是一支红色的烟花,散落时像一只只红色的灯笼,眨着眼睛徐徐降落。这数不清的灯笼,如同我此时的心情,依依不舍,希望燃放烟花的时间再长点、再长点。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  At last,a red fireworks was set off,scattered like a red lantern,blinking and falling slowly. This countless lanterns,like my mood at this time,are reluctant to give up,hoping to set off fireworks longer and longer.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  我希望国庆节的烟花一年比一年漂亮、这象征着祖国的繁荣和富强。

  I hope the fireworks on national day will be more beautiful every year,which symbolizes the prosperity and prosperity of our country.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  我爱国庆之夜的烟花,我更爱我的祖国!

  I love the fireworks on the national day night,and I love my motherland even more!

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 6


  Today,Autumn and October,Putian City is also dressed in festival costumes to welcome the arrival of the birthday of the motherland.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  清晨,当太阳冉冉升起的那一刹那,市人大前的广场上,彩旗飞扬,热气球在微风中跳着欢快的舞蹈:时而,前后晃动;时而,左右摆动……广场上聚集了2000多人,在那儿等待那庄严的时刻。伴随着“歌唱祖国”那优美动人的旋律,解放军双手拿着那鲜红的五星红旗,迈着那矫健的步伐向旗杆走出。在庄严的国歌声中,五星红旗冉冉升起。在那庄严的时刻,便使我回想起曾经所学过的课文(开国大典)时毛主席亲手升起第一面五星红旗,以及当时的热闹时的情景。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  In the morning,when the sun rises,the flags fly in the square in front of the city peoples congress,and the balloons dance happily in the breeze: from time to time,swinging back and forth; from time to time,swinging left and right... More than 2,000 people gathered in the square,where they waited for the solemn moment. Accompanied by the beautiful and moving melody of "Singing the Motherland",the PLA,with its bright red five-star red flag in both hands,stepped out to the flagpole at that vigorous pace. In the solemn national anthem,the five-star red flag is rising. At that solemn moment,it reminded me of Chairman Maos first five-star red flag raised by himself in the text he had learned (the Founding Ceremony),as well as the lively scene at that time.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  国庆的到来,打破了莆田城往日的宁静。市区的中间有一条笔直宽敞而又洁净的街道,从东通西,与横贯东西的街——步行街连接成一条直线,成一个“一”字形。街道和公路两旁耸立的楼房——商场、服装店、水果店……商店门口装着霓虹灯:赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫……五彩缤纷,令人眼花缭乱,应接不暇。街上和公路上的汽车在奔驰,像长江里的`浪花一样。步行街上,人山人海,各色各样的人们来来往往、川流不息……

  The arrival of National Day broke the tranquility of Putian City in the past. In the middle of the city,there is a straight,spacious and clean street,from east to west,connecting with the pedestrian street across the East and West in a straight line,forming a "one" shape. Streets and highways on both sides of the building - shopping malls,clothing stores,fruit stores... Neon lights: red,orange,yellow,green,green,blue,purple... Colorful,dazzling,overwhelming. Cars on the streets and roads are running like waves in the Yangtze River. Pedestrian streets are crowded with people,people of all kinds come and go,streams and streams continue to flow...


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Putian Bookstore is no exception. There are many children sitting quietly on the carpet under the leadership of their parents,concentrating on reading books. If I had a camera then,I would have photographed the moving scene.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Dear friends,we are the rising sun of the motherland in the 21st century. A shining star on the motherland is the hope of the motherland and the pride of the nation. In order to make the motherland better tomorrow,we should strive hard and make greater contributions to the motherland in the future.

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 7

  Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your hometown /campus/China. What is the most interesting place would you show him or her and why?


  As one of the most bewitching and international cities in China,I strongly recommend you,my dearest friends,to pay a visit to my hometown-Beijing. It is the capital of China for several dynasties over a long period. In the meantime,it has now evolved into the political,cultural and educational center. There are many places of interests here in Beijing,among which the Summer Palace is the most interesting attraction.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  The Summer Palace is situated in the western outskirts of Beijing,and it is one of the most classical gardens in China,which enjoys a worldwide reputation. The most alluring scenery is Kunming Lake,with an exquisite building in the middle,and it involves three parts which are mainly used as the ancient empress’s living quarter.


  I’m sure you can definitely experience the characteristic and traditional culture of China. Hope you could enjoy your trip!


  I Love My Country中英双语作文 8

上海龙凤1314 shlf  祖国在我心中,扮演着父母的角色,它用爱滋润了十三亿人民子弟,让我们快乐地生活在这个大家庭里。

  The motherland plays the role of parents in my heart. It moistens 1.3 billion peoples children with love and makes us live happily in this big family.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  祖国在我心中,是那明亮的`太阳,它照亮未来的大道,使黑暗不在重临。

  The motherland in my heart is the bright sun,which lights up the road of the future,so that the darkness does not come again.


  The motherland is like a giant in my heart. It holds up the dream of 1.3 billion people and creates immortal myths.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Ah,China. You are always in our hearts.

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 9


  China is not only my motherland,but also my mother. She has Guilin,the first in the world,the longest Yangtze River in China,five famous mountains in the world,including Mount Tai in the East,Mount Hua in the west,Mount Hengshan in the south,Mount Hengshan in the north and Mount Song in the middle. There are five famous lakes: Dongting Lake,Poyang Lake,Hongze Lake,Taihu Lake and Chaohu Lake. No matter how rich and powerful our motherland is,we should also love it.


  Love our motherland,do our best to win honor for our motherland! We should study hard,be a useful person in the future,become the pillar of our motherland,and contribute our talents and abilities to our country in the future,which is our contribution to our country. Today,I am proud of my motherland,and tomorrow I will be proud of my motherland. Now,we are a general student. When we see the five-star red flag floating in the air,we feel proud,excited and even more proud. How many stories are worth remembering behind our motherland.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  像5。12四川大地震,震后各个地方伸出了援手,冒着危险在废墟中,救出一个一个生还的人。在抗日时期,正是因为团结,才赢得抗日胜利。团结,是中国力量的象征,如果我们不团结,就像一盆散沙一样。一个人的力量是有限的,众人的力量是无限的。让我们这一代继续团结,向世人展现中华民族风采。

  Like 5. 12 Sichuan earthquake,after the earthquake,various places reached out to help,risking the danger in the ruins,rescued a living person. During the Anti Japanese period,it was unity that won the victory. Unity is a symbol of Chinese power. If we do not unite,it will be like a basin of loose sand. One mans power is limited,and all mens power is unlimited. Let our generation continue to unite and show the world the style of the Chinese nation.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Motherland,I love you!

  I Love My Country中英双语作文 10

  ory of the motherland!

  October 1 is the motherland from the past to the present day is motherland a wash shame before the day is the most glorious day is the day the motherland peoples turn to do the master! Is the most glorious day in the history of Chinese!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Is the 61th day this day! The motherland has spanned half a century success! Today is beautiful but I believe that when I was in the day when everything new song of the motherland will be going to be another ring from around the world.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  中国的历史长河流经了五千年的漫长岁月在所历经的五千年里中国受尽了列强的欺压饱受了无尽的风吹雨打换来了难以洗刷的耻辱!随着天安门城楼嘹亮的歌声随着崭新的五星红旗向着东方冉冉升起随着万炮齐鸣随着庄严的宣告——中华人民共和国成立!无数的鲜花抛向长空晶莹的泪珠溢满人民的眼眶歌声欢呼声敲锣打鼓声响遍大江南北"56个民族56枝花56个兄弟姐妹是一家……"无数的中华民族的子民聚在一起唱着跳着笑着!中国受压迫受欺凌的日子终于结束崭新的生活即将到来中国人民从此站起来了!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  有一首歌这样唱道"长江长城黄山黄河在我心中重千斤无论何时无论何地心中一样亲流在心里的血澎湃着中华的声音可是身在他乡也改变不了我的中国心!"这首歌唱出了亿万中国同胞的`心声唱出了海外华人华侨的心声!祖国是每一位中国人的根只有扎根在祖国的广袤大地上心中才会踏实温暖.

  几千年来中国人的爱国壮举数不胜数.从林则徐的虎门销烟到岳飞的精忠报国再到周总理的"为中华之崛起而读书"无数的英雄好汉谱写了一支支嘹亮雄浑的爱国之歌.何谓国家 先有国才有家中国的子民正是将这种精神风貌发展到了极致!


上海龙凤1314 shlf  10月1日是祖国从过去走向现在的一天是祖国一洗前耻的一天是祖国最荣耀的一天是祖国人民翻身做主人的一天!是中国历史上最最辉煌的一天!


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