上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2024-02-18 14:31:57 英语作文 我要投稿


上海龙凤1314 shlf  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是小编精心整理的我的老师英语作文5篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


我的老师英语作文 篇1


上海龙凤1314 shlf  闫老师是个十分幽默的人,给我留下印象最深的.就是几星期前的那节英语课。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  那时闫老师提问到了一位同学,但是那个同学没有听讲,不知道是哪个问题,也不会。就在这时,闫老师想到了一个绝妙的办法,想着,他笑着对那位同学说:“没事儿,坐下吧,不是你的问题,是脑子的问题,回家花三毛钱换一个脑子就行了!”


上海龙凤1314 shlf  闫老师幽默归幽默,搞笑归搞笑,他同时又是那么地关心自己的学生。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  那天我们正在写书面作业,最后一排的李文婧只小声地说了一声自己头疼,然后用手按住头部,简直没有一点声响。可是闫老师竟然像雷达一样发现了这一小小举动。他就像看到自己的孩子生病一样,在瞬间跑了过去,问李文婧哪里不舒服,还拿着她的水杯,问她用不用去倒点热水。那时大约离下课还有十五分钟,可是单单这十几分钟,闫老师就去问候李文婧三十次之余。可见闫老师是多么地关心自己的学生啊!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  这就是我的英语老师,这就是我帅气的英语老师,这就是我幽默的英语老师,这就是我关心自己学生的英语老师,这就是我的好英语老师!

我的老师英语作文 篇2


上海龙凤1314 shlf  我的英语老师是一位亲和且乐观的老师。每次上课前,老师都会带我们唱一首课前歌曲,老师在前面唱,我们跟着老师唱,每次唱完之后,老师会让我同学之间彼此问好,迎接美好的一天的开始。之后我们便会很开心的开始英语了。



我的老师英语作文 篇3

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I have a very good English teacher. Our class all like her very much. Though she’s our English teacher, but we often call her name Holly. She is very friendly to us. We all like to have English classes very much.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  She is so young and beautiful. She looks like a middle school student. She has two big eyes and long hair. She likes wearing T-shirts and jeans.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  She teaches English very well. In class, she looks like our elder sister. We usually learn new things by playing games and singing songs ,so we always have fun in English class. She often helps us to solve problems. After class, she looks like our friend. We often play games together.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Now , you see , do you like our English teacher too?

  My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

我的老师英语作文 篇4

  My favourite teacher is my English teacher Ms Wu .Her English name is Lannie .She is a beautiful lady. She is very humorous. But sometimes she is very strict with us. But all classmates love and respect her very much. After class she often helps us learn patiently. I like my English teacher , because I think she is the best teacher in the world.

  我喜欢我的英语教师师资胡女士。 她的英文名字是Lannie。她是一个漂亮的姑娘,她很幽默。有时她很严厉,但她的`同学非常热爱和尊敬。学习班后,她经常耐心地帮助美国。我喜欢我的英文老师,因为我觉得她是世界上最好的老师。

我的老师英语作文 篇5

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I have a good English teacher. She is Miss Wu. She is my favorite teacher.我有一个好英语老师。她就是吴老师。她是我最喜欢的老师。

  We felt English very difficult when we began to study English. Miss Wu had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, she came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples, bananas and oranges. She said, “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English. ”我们刚开始学习英语的时候感觉英语很难。吴老师有一个好办法解决这个问题。一天,她带了好多水果来到教室,像苹果,香蕉和桔子之类的。她说:“今天我们要学习这些水果的名字。如果你们能用英语告诉我它们的名字,你们就可以吃它们。”

上海龙凤1314 shlf  All of us were interested and wanted to win the fruits. We listened to her very carefully. Someone even stood up to answer questions. When the class was over, all the fruits were all eaten.我们大家都很感兴趣,都想赢得水果。我们听的很认真。有的'同学甚至站起来回答问题。当下课的时候,所有的水果都已经被吃掉了。

  From then on, I am more and more interested in English. I think Miss Wu is a good teacher. I really appreciate her help.从那以后,我对英语越来越感兴趣。我认为吴老师是一个好老师,我真的很感激她的帮助。










