上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2023-08-06 10:07:31 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

上海龙凤1314 shlf  我的爸爸经常“爬格子”,那是他的职业。这个寒假,爸爸在赶一个研究课题。他急需一个打字员帮他把研究成果输入电脑,可直到现在爸爸也没有助手。于是他问我能否帮他这个忙,他答应会给我酬劳。我欣然应允,因为这是我第一次赚钱的机会。于是我成了爸爸的小雇员,尽管只是短时间的小雇员。我几乎把所有的.闲暇时间都用来打字。爸爸对我的工作非常满意。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I Am a Little Employee of My Father

上海龙凤1314 shlf  My father often writes。 That is his job。 This winter vacation, father was rushing through a research task。 He was in need of a person urgently to type his results into the computer。 He has no assistant till now, so he asked me if I could do that for him。 He promised to pay me。 I agreed happily, for this was the first opportunity for me to earn some money of my own。 Then I became a little employee of my father, although just for a short time。 I spent almost all my spare time in typing。 And my father was very satisfied with what I had done。

英语作文600字 篇2

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  This is the diagram of Shanghai No. 102 Middle School. It is 720 meters long and 480 meters wide. It is pretty large middle school.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Its gate faces south. When you enter the gate, a beautiful flower garden comes into your view. Here are various plants and flowers and also a pool with green water and fish swimming freely. On the left of the garden is the school library building and on the right, the lab building. Go further and you will see a four-storeyed teaching building standing in the middle of the school. It was teaching offices at both ends. Behind the teaching building is a large playground and beside the playground is the dining hall. Trees are building is a large playground and beside the playground is the dining hall. Trees are planted all around the school. How beautiful the school looks! Welcome to visit our school.

英语作文600字 篇3

上海龙凤1314 shlf  One of my roommate often talk when he sleeps. He talked about all kinds of things.For example ,last night, I had a hard jod to fall asleep .I read a novel to make my eyes feel sleepy.When I was concentrated to the story ,I heard he said:"how much do you want?" It sounds like he was arguing a price with somebody , I was very strange ,so I asked:" Are you awake?what are you talking about?" there was not reply . At that time , he begain to talk agin:"OK, OK."It was the first time I heart him talk, so I did afraid of that and unforgettable.


英语作文600字 篇4

  In recent years,my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has beenbuilt. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several yearsago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of myhometown. Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a yearto build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money. Andwe have more communication with other places, which is a good way to developourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, therehave been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown hasdeveloped into a big and rich town. People live a happy life.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  最近几年,由于建成新的公路和铁路,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。以前,我的家乡与外界隔绝。几年前,政府花了大量资金改变家乡的基本设备。新建公路是最大的`工程。新建公路大约花了半年时间。公路建成后,人们找到了赚钱的方法。而且,我们可以与其他地方互通,这是我们发展自己的好方法。大约两年后,铁路修好了。从那以后,我的家乡发生了越来越多的变化。现在,我的家乡已经变成一个富裕的大城镇。人民过着幸福的生活。

英语作文600字 篇5


上海龙凤1314 shlf  英语角处在旧教学楼的后方,往英语角走去,首先映入眼帘的是一座拱形门。门好似一座小桥架在墙上,门上写着“熙园”两个大字。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  继续往里走,一棵高大的桂花树耸立在我的面前。每到初秋,微风吹过,一阵浓浓的桂花香便扑鼻而来,令人心旷神怡。有时桂花星星点点地飘落下来,我捡起一朵,一闻,一股香气沁入心扉。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  走下几层台阶,两座蘑菇形的亭子一大一小、高矮不一、颜色各异,像两把大伞撑在那里。它的两旁挺立着几株铁树,像卫兵一样保护着蘑菇亭。透过树缝,看见英语墙,英语墙上画着几个小朋友在那儿做英语游戏。



英语作文600字 篇6

  As we all know,the wild elephant, in South Africa, has been increasingly lessening.

  Why have elephants in South Africa faced so dangerous situation?First of all,someillegal merchants catch the elephants for their tusks to make all kinds of ormaments and medicine.For the other,The area of their habitates has been increasingly decreasing.Some effective measures must be taken to solve thes problems.

  As far as I am concerned,the goveronment should make serious regulations to forbid catching elephant and punish those who catch elephant badly.Besides,weshould try our best to protect the habitas of those elephant,which is essential for therir existance.Moreover,more volunteers should spread the message of theimportance of protecting the South Africa's elephant.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  we should protect elephants .










