上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2023-06-13 08:56:11 英语作文 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf【精品】学英语作文锦集八篇



学英语作文 篇1

  everyone in our school likes sports。 every morning, after we get up, we do morning exercises。 and after the second class, we do exercises again。

  we only have pe classes twice a week, but we do sports at five every afternoo。 we have school basketball, football and volleyball teams, and our teams often have matches with teams from other schools。 besides ball games, some of us like running, jumping and swimming。 once a year we have a sports meeting。



学英语作文 篇2



上海龙凤1314 shlf  直到五年级,我们换了一个英语老师,这个新老师长得很漂亮,英语说得很好,我很喜欢她。刚开始,我是因为她的美貌,想让她注意我,才在课堂上认真听讲的。后来,我学进去之后,才发现英语很有意思,也很“好学”,因此,我对英语产生来浓厚的兴趣。






  这个暑假我去看了上海的世博会,我在世博园里大开了眼界,里面有好多的外国人。每看到外国人我都会主动上去邀请他们和我一起拍照。刚开始和老外交流时,我有些害怕,怕自己说不好英语,但是那些热情的外国人个给予了我勇气,让我敢于大声发出邀请,“Can you teke photos with me?”(你能和我一起拍照吗?)当然,在和外国人交涉的时候我也碰过壁,那是在地铁站里,我看到一个外国人,我很开心地看来他一眼,可他却皱着眉头,用不标准的普通话说“不要看我。”这句话让当时的我很是尴尬,因为我从未碰到过这种状况,这次的事,让我注意起对待老外的应有礼节,但这并不影响我对英语的热爱。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  在这里,我想说:“I love English”。

学英语作文 篇3

  In my class i have both chinese and american friends. let me introduce you to some of them.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Tim is tall and slim with a friendly smile on his lovely face. he is very helpful in my study. i learn a lot of american slang from him. my is also eager to learn chinese. at lunch time we echange lessons. i teach him chinese and he teaches me english. it is fun to hear him say,"干杯, more 干杯!" and he has many interesting ideas. sometimes he speaks first and thinks later. that is why he makes funny mistakes, but he is very popular with the classmates.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Lorrie is a nice girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes. she is very kind and friendly. seeing me without my own transportation to school, she offers me her bike. now i can go to school by bike. she doesn't always talk in enghsh. but her epressive eyes and helpful actions speak louder than words.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Zhang ying is my best chinese friend. she is pretty and always wears a nice smile. being quick-witted, she is the beststudent in our class and she ecels us in all subjects. however, she is sometimes naughty and once she drew a sketch of our teacher dr. b. b's head in the shape of an egg with a half circle of hair. which made us burst out laughing.

  Ienjoy the company of my classmates. they make my life rich and interesting.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  蒂姆个高、细长,可爱的脸上带着善意的微笑。他对我的英语学习帮助很大,我跟他学了不少美国俚语,他也迫切要求学习汉语。午饭时,我们换课,我教他汉语,他教我英语。听他说“干杯,more干杯!”真好玩。他有很多有趣点子,有时他说话不假思索,所以出笑话;但是他在同学中很受欢迎。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  劳丽是个好女孩。她黑发碧眼,善良友好。见我没车上学,她主动把自己的自行车给我,现在我骑车上学。她不大说英语,但她那富有表情的眼睛,助人为乐的'行为胜过语言。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  张颖是我最好的中国朋友。她很好看,面带笑容,思维敏捷,是我们班最好的学生,门门功课领先。可她有时很顽皮,有一次给b.b.博士画了一个速写:鸡蛋形的头上有半圈头发,使我们大笑。


学英语作文 篇4

上海龙凤1314 shlf  This afternoon when I was sleeping, I was woken up by a noise from the living room.I got up to see what was happening.I was walking outward when suddenly I saw a stranger in the living room through the crack of the door.He was searching and throwing things here and there.He must be a thief. Then I called the police without causing his notice.The thief was caught easily.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  今天下午我在睡觉时被客厅的嘈杂声吵醒。我起床去看看有什么事。我正往外走时突然通过门缝看见客厅有一个陌生人。他正在翻东西,还把东西扔得到处都是。那一定是小偷。 然后我悄悄地报了警。小偷很容易就被抓住了。

学英语作文 篇5

  It was a fine day today. We went to visit the Yakult Milk Factory.

  At nine o’clock we all meet at the playground. We went there by school bus. When we got there, we watched a short cartoon.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  It is the introduction of the Yakult milk. And we also drank a bottle of Yakult milk too. It is so delicious. After that they showed us around the workshops. It is so clean and quiet. Most of them are machines.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  There are a few workers in this factory. It is the first time for me to see such a mechanical factory.

  At noon, we went to the MacDonald’s for lunch.

  Today was a happy day for me.

学英语作文 篇6

上海龙凤1314 shlf  mankind is wasting things every'where and everyday. wherever we go, we can see that paper, bottles and cans are thrown away; food is wasted just because of poor taste; clothes are discarded simply due to their old fashion. not only things and money are wasted, but natural resources are abused as well. trees are cut down merely for fuel; wild animals are killed simply for meat and fur; oil and coal are eploited in a bad way.

  the worst eample of man's waste is the waste of time. many people tend to spend their time on worthless things, such as wandering about in the street, gossiping in the office, sleeping too much during the day. as we know, time is very precious to us since it passes by and never returns. the waste of time amounts to the waste of life.

  it is time to call for an end to the waste. on one hand, we must save on natural resources and make full use of them; otherwise human beings will be faced with the shortage of natural resources and suffer from the pollution caused by waste. on the other hand, we must trea sure our time. only with our time devoted to the study and the work for the people, will we never regret the life we have had.

学英语作文 篇7

  My dream is to be a writer. May be writing for some people, is not very easy, but I firmly believe that as long as I practice more, read more, it is not difficult. The hard part is can grasp the dream, I can never give up. Like to get a compass in the desert, now that specifies the direction, brave go on, believe that the direction is right, to get out of the desert. Believe that dream, will not fail.

  Einstein once said: everyone has a certain ideal, this ideal determines his efforts and judgment of direction. In this sense, I never put the ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - the ethical basis, I call it the pigsty type of ideal. Light up my way, and constantly give me new courage to face life cheerfully ideal, is good, beauty and truth. Good, the dream is a good thing, it will give us the power of life, give us new courage.

  In short, the dream is sacred. If the happiness and joy of life is struggle, so is the most valuable to the ideal struggle. Only a dream with persistence and courage, to reach the highest point in your life.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  爱因斯坦曾经说过:.每个人都有一定的理想,这种理想决定着他的努力和判断的方向。在这个意义上,我从来不把安逸和快乐看作是生活目的本身——这种伦理基础,我叫它猪栏式的理想。照亮我的道路,并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想,是善、美和真。不错,梦想是一个真善美的东西,它,会给我们生活的`动力,给我们新的勇气。


学英语作文 篇8

  Dreaming of winter holiday for months, many students can’t help to design their vacation journey while some of them have no plan but kill time at home. It is said that male student tend to spend all his time and money playing Internet games while the female students tend to watch episodes without worry and pressure.

  Such cozy life might lead to post-holiday syndrome, a large number of students tend to overindulge themselves in eating, merrymaking and playing around during the holidays, which makes it difficult to adjust to their routine study schedule and life pace on the campus.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  My suggestions to deal with this syndrome are as follows. First, make a specific to-do-list and stick to it. Without a clear purpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one’s studies. Second, join one or two volunteering activities and make some friends cause you don’t know what surprise will wait for you when you do something new.

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