上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-12-15 03:32:11 英语作文 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf【必备】学英语作文锦集6篇



学英语作文 篇1

上海龙凤1314 shlf  My Classmate Mary

  Mary is one of my ClASSmates. we are good friends. She is a little bit special, for it is hard to find a girl so fat in her teens. Someone says, “She seems like a big snow ball with two smiling tiny eyes which can speak. ”

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Mary is kind and warm-hearted. When somebody in ClASS falls ill,she goes to attend to him or her. When John has troubles in his studies, Mary always helps him with his lessons. As I am not able to knit a sweater, she lends me hand in doing so. When ClASSes are over, she is always the first to clean the blackboard. When an old teacher has difficulty in walking upstairs, she goes over to support him or her. In a word, whenever she is in need, she never stand by with arms folded.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Although she is so fat, she is quite quick in action and full of energy. You can often see her on the playground, either playing basketball or volleyball. Sometimes, I make fun of her by saying, “You'd better play football as a doorkeeper.” She just tolerantly laughed. It is something that I admire her because she is never in the mood of self-humiliation forher fatness.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  An old saying goes that “being lovely makes a person pretty”. I think that it is true of Mary since she is the case in point.

学英语作文 篇2

上海龙凤1314 shlf  In ancient china, marriages always are arranged by parents. Many young boys may even don’t see those girls who he will marry and finally marry she. It is the common thing happened to almost every one‘s marriage. So everyone think is just be that, and no one opposed it, but there still some youth who fell in love freely, and don’t obey their parents’ wish. But many of them finally failed like Liang shan bo and Zhu yingtai. I think parents should just give advices to their children not arrange marriage for their children. After all, the future life is their children’s not theirs.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  First of all, marriage is an important thing of everyone’s life, it should be decided by oneself not others even one’s parents. Parents should only give advice to their children.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Secondly, one know well what they want than one’s parents. Love is feeling that felt by one. Only one know who is her or his true love. He should be give the rights to choose his right partner not others choose for she or he.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Though parents arrange marriage for their child also have some advantages , like they have some experience in marriage and also they know they children very well and therefore know who is the best choice for their children, and what’s more, parents are all love their and will consider every aspects for them. So this kind of marriage may also have some advantage, but if the boys of girls don’t love each other and in the future marriage life, they’ll have much trouble or even worse they finally have to divorce. So I still think parents should not arrange for their children.

学英语作文 篇3

  I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face.

  She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.

  On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.

  She is a good student. She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  She always reports news in English in her school.She says we are good friends.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.

学英语作文 篇4


  心里很着急自己不会说,但念又想:我已经是二年级的学生了,要给自己自信才能学好英语。于是,我不再害怕,离开爸爸妈妈,在一旁辅导老师教了几遍关于钦料的英语。不一会儿,我就做为小嘉宾在台上用游戏表演我的所学。一上台,一位辅导老师就用英语不停地唤醒另一位辅导老师,然后就用欢快的英语进入主题,每人想得到自己的饮料,必须说对饮料的`单词,而且说完后并用英语说致谢语,再互相对碰一下。我非常想得到一瓶饮料说对了“I like”,一瓶绿茶被我得到了,但最终绿茶没能在我的手中,又被其它小朋友说对了,轮到另外一个小朋友手中。原来这是做为演示用的。连爸爸妈妈也参加了互动,与我们一起比拼谁会说会认,还与我们一起做简单的英语边唱边跳,看着妈妈有点害羞的样子,小小的我给予她鼓励的眼神,终于,妈妈同样也自信起来,而且做得非常不错。


学英语作文 篇5

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Hello, my name is c., has been in fourth grade.

  I'm a child love the collective, is a clever boy. In class, I actively. Next class, my classmates and I had fun playing together, like a lively elf.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  My only fault is carelessness. A math exam, a simple topic, can't even fool wrong topic, just because of careless, given by the teacher a red fork fork, ah.

  I swear, I must defeat the sloppiness. Exam score higher.

  Hope you make friends with me, oh.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  大家好,我叫陈少华,已经小学四年级了。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  我唯一的`缺点就是粗心大意。一次数学考试,一个简单的题目,连傻子都不会错得题目,就因为马虎,被老师判了一个红叉叉,哎。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  希望大家跟我交朋友哦。

学英语作文 篇6


上海龙凤1314 shlf  爸爸先让我把今天的内容读一遍,我想,太简单了,“叽里呱啦”一读,等着爸爸来“验收”,没想到爸爸来了之后,却让我把第一单元的单词听写一遍,我打开书看了一眼,也不过如此嘛!以前我也听写过的,并不难,可爸爸却让跟磁带写,磁带说的那么快,读都跟不上,何况写,我对爸爸说“你说汉语意思我来写英语单词。”爸爸说:“那就是‘中国式英语’,有的人只知道单词的意思,不会读、不会听,那还学什么?磁带要是太快了,你就听三遍,听不清,好不容易听清了,却又忘记怎么写了,到最后勉强写了十几个单词,交给爸爸,心想,该行了吧,但爸爸上我抄一遍,抄的时候,爸爸又开始纠正我写作姿势呀、书写规范呀,连我都想骂我一句,我怎么总改不掉错误?

上海龙凤1314 shlf  写完了作业,手酸疼酸疼的,看来英语不下功夫学不好呀!但我有又坚定了目标,暑假 一定要学好英语。










