上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2021-09-18 20:04:11 作文素材 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf我爱中秋节英语作文(通用6篇)

上海龙凤1314 shlf  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的我爱中秋节英语作文(通用6篇),欢迎大家分享。


  我爱中秋节英语作文 篇1

  I think Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in China. Everybody likes it because its a family get-together. You see it is called"Mid-Autumn Day",so it often comes in September or October. It is on the 15th of the 8th of the lunar month. Now, lets say something about this interesting festival.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Firstly, Id like to say something about the moon. I like it very much because I want to be an astronaut in the future. That day the moon is round, big, just like a beautiful plate hanging on the blue cloth. When I see the moon, I will remember the ancient myths——the godess Chang Er and her little rabbit are playing under the tree which Wu Gang grows. I will also think about Armstrongs first moonwalk. I will also miss the friends in Tai-wan island, in Macao and Chinese people who are abroad. I know they are missing us very much, too.

  Secondly, I11 say something about the tradition on Mid-Autumn Day. Look!Theres a big tree in a garden of a Chinese fami-ly. All the family members are sitting around a big table under the tree in the open air. They are eating the mooncakes and admiring the full moon in the sky. That is a family reunion dinner. The mooncakes and the moon represent the love from a family. I think this is one of the most valuable things in the world.

  Thirdly,it is a very good opportunity to make three wishes on Mid-Autumn Day. My wishes are: the first, I, an astronaut in the future, would like to go to the moon one day, and stay with the sky and stars; the second, I hope every person in the world will stay with family, share love from the family forever; the third, I hope everybodys dream will come true.

  That is the Mid-Autumn Day in my mind. I will always re-member: East or West, home is best.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要回来团圆。晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,一般是红色的'圆灯笼。孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。


  我爱中秋节英语作文 篇2

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Mid-autumn festival is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people. At that time, people will come back home and spend time with their families.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  The meaning of this festival is to provide people a chance to get reunion. Chinese people pay special attention to the family reunion. It is a good tradition, which is inherited for thousands of years. Mooncake is the classic food, which can represent this festival. The most exciting moment for me is to appreciate the moon at the balcony and chat with my families. We eat some snacks and talk so happily.

  Mid-autumn Festival is part of Chinese culture and should be reserved forever.

  我爱中秋节英语作文 篇3

上海龙凤1314 shlf  The mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. Long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. The people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. So they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. On the 15th day of the 8th month every person was told to buy the cakes. When they ate them they discovered the notes. so they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king. From then on the Chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat "moon cakes" in memory of that important event.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  When the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. Many "moon cakes" are displayed for people to buy. People send presents such swine, fruits and "moon cakes" to their friends and relatives. in the evening of the day, they have a feast. After the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. The children run and laugh on the streets.

  It is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. Many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems. In Chinese literature, the moon of the mid autumn festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. It seems that Chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.

  我爱中秋节英语作文 篇4

  Mid-autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people, which even occupies the same position with Spring Festival.

  It is said that the festival originated from a love story. A man with great strength shot nine suns and left only one, while his wife ate the pills by curious heart. At last, she flied to the moon and had to be separated with her lover. Nowadays, the meaning of Mid-autumn festival is to let the families get together and enjoy the time to appreciate the full moon. My families always prepare for some snacks. When we finish the dinner, all the members will come to the balcony and sit down, appreciating the full moon.

  We talk and enjoy the chatting hour. I have a good time with my families.

  我爱中秋节英语作文 篇5

  Mid-autumn day Mid-autumn day is a special festival in China, which is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. Itfalls on the 15th day of august lunar month every year. Our Chinese will celebrate it on that day. I think there are not too many people can reject he temptation of it. I like this festival very much. I have two reasons.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  First of all, mid-autumn has the deep meaning of reunite. In china, people regard mid-autumn day as very important, so no matter where they are, they will come back to their family if there is a chance. They don’t like celebrate this festival outside, which will make them feel lonely. Thus, they will go home by all means. Luckily, the government also pays great attention to this traditional festival. There are laws to make sure people have holidays in that special day. In the other word, mid-autumn festival gives a chance for family get together.

  Secondly, every family will prepare a big meal in that day. All the food is delicious. It is good to have a big meal. I think nobody will not interest in delicious food. The mooncake is a necessary decoration for mid-autumn day. It tastes good, too. It is the traditional for a long time. How pleased to enjoy the glorious full moon with mooncake!

上海龙凤1314 shlf  This is why I love mid-autumn festival so much. It is funny and happy time.

  我爱中秋节英语作文 篇6

上海龙凤1314 shlf  The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals,it is often held in September or ng the festival,family members get united and have mooncakes e are various kind of mooncakes,such as bean paste,egg-yolk or shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big over,in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival,people get together in a vacant place,eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark conclude,the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.

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