上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2021-08-03 09:09:12 日记 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf关于儿童节的英语日记




上海龙凤1314 shlf  left hope right pan, and finally to the children's day once a year. today, our class organized 61 activities in a western restaurant.

  two weeks ago, miss li, the teacher in charge, announced to everyone that the programme was being started. when we heard the newspaper show, everyone was happy to explode the pot and enthusiastically reported their own programs.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  today, everyone is excited and nervous because everyone is eager to come up to show their own wind colors, but they are afraid of making mistakes. but i am not nervous at all, because i am an audience. i took a glass of juice and watched the program with great concentration. the stage was very serious and intoxicating. there are many kinds of programs, such as singing, dancing, playing guzheng, drawing, playing violin, and playing sketches. although the performance is not very professional, but it is wonderful, after all, is the stage of the students themselves, can give play to their imagination and creativity, everyone enjoys it.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  at the time of eating dinner, everyone was scrambling to grab food under the temptation of food. miss li, a teacher in charge of the class, saw this situation and was afraid of scalding us. he came to maintain order. mr. li had just walked away and soon got up again. we have never had such a delicious dinner.

  the following is the general mobilization. boys and girls are walking in modeling, playing games, stepping on balloons, cutting ribbons and circles.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  before i knew it at nine o'clock in the evening, the happy time ran away quickly. it's time for everyone to say good-bye, and we reluctantly leave. it's an unforgettable children's day.






上海龙凤1314 shlf  下面是全体总动员,男生女生都在走模特步,玩游戏,踩汽球,剪彩带,圈等,大家玩得既认真又开心。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  不知不觉到了晚九点,快乐的时光很快流走。是大家该说再见的时候了,我们依依不舍地离开。真是一个令人难忘的儿童节。


  look forward to, ah, i have finally been looking forward to the "61" children's day, today, i wear neat uniforms, wearing bright red scarves, happily come to the school.

  when i first came to the classroom, i heard only a few cheerful laughter from the classroom, and the students were wearing bright corn suits to prepare for the program of planting corn.

  the performance began. everyone jumped up the "corn dance" with the rhythm of the music. we could dance, dance and work hard. but today's sun is so fierce that we are all sweating. oh, how hard it is. at that time, i really wanted to go home and lie in bed. when i was watching the tv, i was eating ice cream. but the famous saying "persistence is victory", i immediately mentioned the spirit and insisted on finishing the program.

  back to the classroom, teachers and parents celebrate the "61" with us. i am so happy. we played a lot of games, such as two people, three feet on balloons, guessing riddles, poetry recitation and so on. these programs are really fun and fun. at the end of the show, my mother took me to kentucky, and finally my mother took me to the "wenhua book city", bought me a few comic books, and bought the cd-rom of "lao zi" and "cat and mouse". we also played a lot of games in the book city, and got a lot of prizes.

  unconsciously, it's already 5 o'clock, and today is very, very happy. i really hope that every month there will be a "61" children's day.




上海龙凤1314 shlf  表演开始了,大家跟着音乐的节奏跳起了“玉米舞”,我们跳呀、舞呀,可卖力了。可是,今天的太阳太猛烈了,我们都汗流浃背,唉,真辛苦啊。那时,我真想回家躺在床上,开着空调,一边看电视一边吃雪糕,多舒服啊。可是有名话“坚持就是胜利”,想到这句话,我马上提起了精神,坚持把节目演完了。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  回到教室,老师、家长和我们一起庆祝“六一”,我真开心啊。我们玩了许多游戏,如:二人三足踩气球、猜谜语、诗朗诵等等,这些节目可真是又开心又好玩。表演结束了,妈妈带我去吃肯德基,最后妈妈又带我去“文华书城”,给我买了几本漫画书,还买了“老夫子”和“猫和老鼠”的光碟,我们还在书城玩了好多好多游戏,又获得了很多很多奖品。


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