上海龙凤1314 shlf


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上海龙凤1314 shlf广州是北回归线上的一片绿洲,自然风景秀丽,气候温和,雨量充沛,四季常青,风光旖旎。受益于得天独厚的气候条件,这里常年鲜花不断,品种繁多,一年一度的迎春节日更是以花市这种形式来表达,广州处处充满着“花”之神韵。

上海龙凤1314 shlf旅游在广州,时时都感受着这里旅游资源的迷人魅力。


上海龙凤1314 shlf广州市区为中心旅游区,有珠江风情带、文化史迹带、岭南园林带和白云山旅游活动带。人们可从中饱览各个不同时代的名胜古迹、独具特色的园林景致,以及亚热带自然风光,领略到具有浓郁民族特色的岭南文化和市井风情。

上海龙凤1314 shlf三条旅游线从市区向郊县市辐射。




Travelling in Guangzhou

Located in the northern tropic, Guangzhou is an oasis with gorgeous natural scenery, nice weather, and abundant rainfall. Benefit from the unique climate, flowers in different colours and kinds pervade whole Guangzhou where filled with “flower” aroma everywhere by flower fair on the Spring Festival.

上海龙凤1314 shlfTravelling in Guangzhou, you will be able to feel the charm of tourism resource here.

Today, “Three Lines and One Center” travel network has been set up in Guangzhou.

上海龙凤1314 shlfAs the travelling center of Guangzhou city, the Pearl River with romantic feeling, the cultural and historical scenic spots, the region of Lingnan Garden and the Baiyun Mountain, all these have provide a good view of places of interests in different times, unique landscapes as well as the subtropical scenery, which tourists can appreciate the rich ethnic flavor of Lingnan’s culture and civic customs.

Three travelling lines expend from urban to couty.

The Southeast Watery Hometown Line, are composed by the old site of Whampoa Military Academy, Nanhai God Temple, Huangpu Xingang, Lianhua Mountain, Top and Bottom Rail Island, and Longxue Island and so on. This line is known for its numerous watery scenery, strentching to HongKong and Macao.Travelling along Baietan to Rearl River, you will get sights of the beauty of Pearl River and Lion Ocean.

上海龙凤1314 shlfThe Northeast Holiday Line, includes various kinds of tourist resorts such as the

Fairground of Sounthern Lake, Hot Spring of Conghua, Tianhu Liulan and National Forest Park and so on. This line is known for its 广州城介绍striking view of water and mountain scenery. Travelling from Beilu of Baiyun Mountain and along the Guang-Cong speedway, you will enjoy the magnificence of nature and hot springs.

上海龙凤1314 shlfThe Northwest Monument Line, possesses many tourist resorts like the Fairground of Sun island, Hong Xiuquan’s Memorial Hall and Residence, Prince Forest Park, Furong Peaks Scenery and Pangu Wong Temple and so on. This line is known for its ecology sight and imitation of ancient relic. Travelling along Sanyuanli to Guang-Hua speedway, you will experience the new look sorrounding YangCheng when exploring ancient places.









