上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2021-08-17 15:28:49 450字作文 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf  Time flies and you can't tolerate any illusions. Before I knew it, I became a student of grade two. There are too many helplessness in my heart. But this time passed so quickly, and regrets that my life has taken a step forward. However, no matter how time changes, that belief has been in my mind flickering, not a moment has changed. It


上海龙凤1314 shlf  In the second year of his life, he had more responsibilities, and the burden on his shoulders was heavier. People go to grade two, which means too much. It

  She likes to ask her mother again and again, "Mom, am I like a student in grade two?" My mother always replied with a smile: "why not?" Oh, I see, man's growth is invisible. It

  From September 1st to that day of this year, I stood in front of the school building again, but the feeling in my heart was quite different from that of last year. Think of that naive me last year, only know secretly vowed to test to the first grade, but after a year of hard work, I understand that success is not easy, to fight firmly, like a snail, step by step up. It

  After failure, success, pain and laughter, a year of school life let me understand a lot of truth: people like a young eagle, do not experience the trials and tribulations, how can become an eagle flying in the sky!

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