上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-02-22 10:43:58 好文 我要投稿


  If there is anything that worsens how you feel about your financial situation, it's probably being around someone that always brags about money. For me, one of the most difficult things is to hear others bragging about their impressive salaries and benefits package, expensive getaways, and huge end-of-the-year bonuses. And of course, you try to be nice, because you're their friend and you love them, but really you just want to tell them to shut it.如果有什么事能让你对财务状况感觉更糟,那可能是周围有人一直炫富。对我来说,最艰难的事情之一是听到别人吹嘘他们的薪酬和福利待遇、高薪休假和一大笔年终奖金。当然,你试着表现友好,因为你是他们的朋友,而且你珍惜他们,但实际上你只想叫他们别再说了。


  Money problems can make you bitter, especially toward others with more money and success, but there are classy ways to contain yourself around a money bragger:钱的问题能让你很痛苦,尤其是要面对更有钱、更成功的人,但是有些不错的.方法能让你融入炫富者中:

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Compliment them. Have you ever heard the expression "kill 'em with kindness"? Your friend might not be trying to hurt your feelings, but they could just be really proud of how much they've accomplished. Maybe they don't get a lot of praise from other people, so you tell them you're proud of them! That could be all they needed.赞美他们。你有没有听过这样的说法:“对他们太好反而会害了他们”?你的朋友可能不想伤害你的感情,但他们很骄傲自己的赚钱能力。也许他们没有从别人那里获得赞扬,所以你告诉他们你为他们自豪!这可能就是他们需要的所有东西了。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  If they're being competitive, ignore them. You can tell a friend is being competitive when he or she brags about recent purchases or income and then immediately want to know what you bought or what you make. Whether they are jealous of you or not, this is childish behavior and shouldn't be acknowledged. Simply compliment them on their recent success and change the subject.如果他们想攀比,就忽略他们。当你的朋友吹嘘收入或最近买的东西,然后立即想知道你的情况时,你可以告诉他们,无论他们是不是嫉妒你,这种行为很幼稚,不应该被认可。简单称赞下他们最近的成功,并且改变话题。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Never burden them with your financial troubles. When a friend starts to brag about money, it's easy to become upset and envious of them. Still, it's never a good idea to start talking about your financial problems after they've just gotten done talking about buying a $4,000 pair of shoes (or whatever). If you want to talk about your finances, wait until later.别拿你的财务困境给他们负担。当一个朋友开始炫富,你很容易感到沮丧而且很羡慕。不过,在他们刚说买了一双4000美元的鞋(或其他东西)时,马上开始谈论你的财务问题并不是什么好主意。如果你想谈论这个话题,等到以后再说。










