上海龙凤1314 shlf

我的自画像 My self portrait

时间:2023-07-18 19:43:44 好文 我要投稿
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我的自画像 My self portrait


  She is a quiet and lively girl. It's not short. It's too "slim". It doesn't grow meat. It looks like a bamboo pole. Single Phoenix eyes, willow eyebrows, slightly upturned nose, people who know her say she is a classical beauty. She has a little bit of Burmese iodine, especially in front of strangers. She blushes when she speaks. Having said so much, we may not know who she is! Yes, she is Zhang Xinyi, a life committee member of class 63, miaoquan Central Primary School, a girl who yearns for happiness and pursues perfection.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  I'm a big fan of books. Every time I go on the street, the bookstore is my first choice. I don't think it will take a long time to stay in it for a day, and I always bring back a few books. When I look at books, I will forget everything around me and be quiet in the ocean of books. I will laugh and cry with the characters in the book. Because I know that knowledge is like the boundless universe. What I learned is just a drop of water in the sea. With knowledge, we can take me to the other side of success.


  I yearn for happiness because it is a symbol of beauty. In life, some people lose their direction and even end their lives because they can't stand the blow of failure. I think it would be great if everyone had a happy support when they were sad and sad! Of course, life needs to have ups and downs to be colorful.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  我追求完美,是因为它能给人一种惬意的感觉。每当看到别人的字写得又快又好时,我就会想:别人通过努力写出一手好字,我为什么不能呢?不知是一股什么力量推动着我努力练字,日复一日,我的字有了很大的进步。每当看到大家在辛勤地劳动时,我问自己:我也可以吗?此时,似乎又有一股力量在推动着我,像在告诉我:小学生就应该不怕脏,不怕累,培养自己自强自立的好习惯,自己能做的事,不需麻烦别人。于是,我立即加入了劳动的行列。直到有一天,我才知道,那个时时推动我的、提醒着我的,不是别人,正是我的上进心——一颗追求完美的心。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I pursue perfection because it can give people a comfortable feeling. When I see other people's words written fast and well, I think: why can't I write good words by others' efforts? I don't know what kind of force is driving me to practice my handwriting. Day by day, my handwriting has made great progress. When I see everyone working hard, I ask myself: can I, too? At this time, there seems to be another force pushing me, like telling me: primary school students should not be afraid of dirty, not afraid of tired, cultivate their good habit of self-reliance, what they can do, do not bother others. So, I immediately joined the ranks of labor. I didn't know until one day that it wasn't others who pushed me and reminded me all the time. It was just my self-improvement, a pursuit of perfection.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  这就是我,一个向往快乐,追求完美的女孩。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  This is me, a girl who yearns for happiness and pursues perfection.

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