上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-03-14 09:55:17 好文 我要投稿







上海龙凤1314 shlf  肥波可会享受了,元元家的沙发,床、阿姨的衣柜都是它软乎乎的温床,常常躺在上面,四肢神展开,肚皮摊在床上,成了一滩水,哈哈!难怪人们说猫是流动的。我刚开始还以为它是沙发上的一个蓝灰色的抱枕,我想抱抱这个“抱枕”,结果它瞬间变成了会动的大肥猫,摇摇尾巴走了,剩下我一个人在风中凌乱了……










上海龙凤1314 shlf  有一天,我骑着自行车在小区里溜达,突然我发现草丛中有一只毛发凌乱,其丑无比的流浪狗正对着一个毛茸茸的东西狂吠不止,我走进草丛,原来是一只刚出生不久的小猫,它满身伤痕,头上还渗着血,蜷缩着身子,害怕得直发抖。我二话不说便在草丛中捡了几块石头朝着流浪狗扔去,它恼羞成怒地朝我扑来,我也不甘示弱,捡起一根树枝朝着它挥舞着,可能它被我的气势吓到,便转身离去了。我也大大的松了一口气,其实我内心是非常害怕的。我走到小猫身边,慢慢地蹲下,轻轻地捧起那脆弱的小猫,把它带回了家。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  我给它起名叫“多多”,因为它特别能吃,记得第一次我给它喂牛奶时,一开始它不敢喝,睁着两只圆圆的眼睛,一会儿看看我,一会儿看看牛奶,就是不敢喝,那模样实在太可爱了。我用手沾了沾牛奶,并把手凑到小猫的嘴边,它先闻了闻,然后犹豫地舔了舔,这下它放心大胆地喝了起来,可能是太饿了,把整个小脑袋都钻进了碗里,牛奶喝的一滴不剩整个脸都是白色的牛奶,我看得大笑了起来,简直就像洗了牛奶浴一样。我非常喜欢它,尤其喜欢看它吃东西时的样子,来者不拒,什么都吃,即使肚子已经吃的圆鼓鼓了,也一定坚持要把碗里的食物消灭。它就像是我的小跟班,我走到哪儿它就跟到哪儿,它给我带来了许多的欢乐。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  虽然我和“多多”才相处了短短的三天时间,但我会永远记得它,它真是一只可爱的小猫,一只惹人怜爱的小猫!


上海龙凤1314 shlf  外婆家养了一只可爱的小猫。它的胡子长长的,像老人的白头发;眼睛圆圆的,像我平时玩的玻珠一样;尾巴长长的,像一条短短的小蛇。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  这只小猫很贪吃,一次吃两碗粥和五个鱼头才饱。有一次,我正在看电视,电视里面有一条烤鱼,小猫看见了,连忙跑过去,在电视的屏目上抓来抓去。我赶紧换台,这次,电视里出现了一只大大的老鼠,小猫抓得更厉害了。我又换了一个台,这下可好了,电视里有一条蛇,吓得小猫撒脚就跑。



  The sun in the afternoon and warm, and in the body particularly comfortable. I play with her sister leisurely, I catch the butterfly for a while; while grabbed the grasshopper; while chasing the flocks of birds. So happy, my sister was lazily walked, enjoy the enjoyment of the warm sunshine.

  "Sister, look quick! Kitty." I shouted. A black and white cute kitten, saw its round eyes looked around, two ears like a bat as sensitive, with the round head constantly turning, carefully listening to the surrounding movement. The kittens saw us coming to it, and immediately the arrows jumped to the opposite tree, and jumped on the other tree lightly, and looked at us from time to time and seemed to show us its skill. I tried to close it, would like to carefully look at some of this clever little guy, but did not think it is full of alert heart, "meow" soon jumped on the tree.

  Do not want a big cat from the corner out of the cat almost fell down, stood firm after the two steps back, and then bow back, straight Leng Leng to put up the tail, the body of the hair are also erected The

  It "meow, meow" to repeatedly shouting, as if for their own courage, but also seems to challenge the old cat, then, step by step close to the cat. Look carefully at the tail of the cat, like a raised cock, really momentum. No wonder the old cat pretended to be called twice after the rapid escape. Really: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tiger ah!" This little guy uniform than it is much older cat, so I could not help but look at him.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Perhaps it is enough toss it, it leapt to the fence, patrol a lap, find a relatively flat place, put their two front paws together, head side over, small face close to the claws to lie down. It lifted his eyes to look at us, like a lovely baby, while close your eyes next to no one to "whirring" sleep up. I and my sister met with laughter.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  What a lovely kitten!


上海龙凤1314 shlf  外婆家有一只可爱的波斯猫,我给它取了一个很好听的名字“咪咪”。小猫“咪咪”浑身上下都是白色的,圆圆脑袋上镶着一对像蓝宝石的眼睛一闪一闪的特别有神,它那双大耳朵,一天到晚都直竖着,哪个地方有声音马上就往哪边转,活像一架有特殊性能的雷达。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  “咪咪”很喜欢毛茸茸的东西,比如小熊,毛线团之内的,我常常拿着这些小东西逗着它玩,跳过来跳过去的,要不用它的前爪挠挠,要不就在地上打着滚玩的可开心了。



上海龙凤1314 shlf  Grandmother has a lively and lovely kitten. It was covered with white, no little noise, from afar, as if a group of silver snowballs rolled over to the ground.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  The cat's head is round, with a pair of pointed little ears; that big eyes, the day is always narrowed into a seam, but to the night, just like two flash gem, issued faint blue.

  Usually, the kitten is always lazy, walking from the unhurried, no sound. However, if you grabbed the mouse, its action is very deft, just like lightning.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Once again, my family's windows were not closed and got into a mouse. This hateful mouse can hurt my family. It cool his mother in the study of the bread dry, walnut bite was a mess, but also the kitchen of the rice bag bite a big hole.

  In order to catch the mouse, my mother borrowed the mouse clip, but also in the mouse may be a place to put a lot of rat medicine. However, these do not work, cunning mice still run in our house overbearing. No way, my mother had to go to grandmother invited the kitten.

  Kitty arrived at my house, as if a little afraid of life, "meow" barking. I gave it a piece of liver, my mother gave it a warm bath, it slowly and we are familiar with it. At this time, I took it into the kitchen, touching its head, said to him: "good cat, today you have to give us a mouse. If you grabbed the hateful mouse, I will reward you a Small fish to eat. "Kitten really want to understand my words, lick lips," meow "called the two, as if said:" I will be sure to catch the mouse.

  Kitten is still true. You see, it seems like a "big detective" like, first in my room size of the room, "reconnaissance" again, and then in my kitchen door to sleep. I think the mouse may be in the kitchen hidden; can kitten sleep, how can grasp the mouse? Mother said: "You do not see the kitten to sleep, its ears can be flexible, as long as the mouse a little movement, it Will immediately rush to the.

  It was not my mother expected, to the next morning, I have not got up, my mother in the kitchen loudly called me: "Li Bin, come see, kittens caught the mouse!" I turned out of bed To the kitchen a look, wow! A mouse was eaten by a kitten only a head and heart. Then I saw that the kitten had a lot of blood on the white hair. It must be the kitten and the mouse when the fight splashing.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  At this time, I could not help but admire the kitten. Think of yesterday's promise to the kitten, I quickly opened the refrigerator, took out a small fish, throw the kitten in the past. Kittens grabbed the fish, put it aside, facing me "meow" called twice, as if to say: "Thank you! Today, eat, eat fish tomorrow!"


上海龙凤1314 shlf  我家有一只可爱的小猫。它是我生活中亲密无间的好伙伴,更是我成长中的知己。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  小猫特别机警。只要发现一点动静,就会聚精会神地注视着,然后找准机会,张牙舞爪的去攻击。有一天我和它正坐在沙发上看电视。我一不小心按到遥控器,电视立马调台。科学家用小白鼠做实验的画面映入眼帘。我正目不转睛的观看,小猫立刻跳下沙发,顺着电视柜跳到电视前,对里面的小白鼠抓,却一直抓不着。他惊慌失措起来,画面一换,小白鼠不见了。小猫只好跳下柜子,嘴里还发出“呜呜”的怪叫,仿佛是一个正在生闷气的小姑娘。我看着他可怜巴巴的样子,想摸摸它安慰一下,它却不领情地跑开了,你说好不好笑?




上海龙凤1314 shlf  小猫的头大大的,眼睛圆溜溜的,嘴巴两边还有几条长长的胡须,是用来量老鼠洞大小的。小猫的身子胖胖的,一转向便露出雪白的肚皮,一条黑白相间的尾巴,怎样动?可以使它更迅速。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  小猫拉屎一般都拉在沙子上,因为它拉完为了不让人发现,就把屎埋在沙子里面。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  小猫多么勤劳啊!



上海龙凤1314 shlf  三咪最可爱在于他的吃相,每当他肚子饿的时候,就会脚跟脚地跟着我,见我注意到他了,马上就地躺倒打个滚儿,卖个萌,意思就是告诉我:姐姐,我饿啦!我赶紧从柜子里取出猫粮,还没等打开袋子,三咪就焦急地开始轻轻咬封口的夹子,我把袋子拿起来,他就伸出前爪,想要抓住袋子,等他的小碗里装满粮食,他就头也不抬地吃起来,还发出嗷呜嗷呜的声音,好像在说好好吃哟!













