上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2022-02-28 10:53:42 好文 我要投稿


上海龙凤1314 shlf  玛格丽特原来是个贫苦的乡下姑娘,来到巴黎后,开始了卖笑生涯。由于生得花容月貌,巴黎的贵族公子争相追逐,成了红极一时的“社交明星”。她随身的装扮总是少不了一束茶花,人称“茶花女”。小编精心为你整理了茶花女简介英文版,希望对你有所借鉴作用哟。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  The story is set in Paris during the mid 1800's.

  The lead heroine is Marguerite Gautier, a young beautiful courtesan who is a "kept woman" by counts and dukes -- men of "Fashionable Society". She meets a young middle class lover Armand Duval who does the unpardonable thing of falling jealously in love with her and breaking all convention of what's expected between a courtesan and her admirers. He, of course, has no way of sustaining the standard of living which she is accustomed to.

  In her fragile physical state (Marguerite has tuberculosis which ) she moves to the country. There in her new house, a confrontation between the jealous Armand and her rich admirers and "benefactors" takes place. For the first time she sticks up for her lover -- making a life choice -- and they are left indignantly and alone.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Armand becomes depressed, his career seems doomed by the intolerance of French society, and knowing he will never be able to support Marguerite to the level she deserves. Unbeknownst to Armand, his father comes to plead for her to leave Armand to save both his son's reputation and that of his younger innocent sister -- whom is also tainted by the scandal. To prove her love, she agrees and leaves Armand. She returns to Paris where she despairingly throws herself back into her old lifestyle. Armand can't believe she's left and searches for her -- finally finding her in Paris in the arms of a new lover.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Time passes.The two accidentally meet again in public.  Marguerite is now in the company of a another beautiful courtesan and Armand begins "paying court" not with her but with her friend trying to strike back at Marguerite out of his own sense of hurt. Deathly ill, Marguerite visits Armand one last time to plead that he stop humiliating her, and they make love again -- both unable to deny the passion for each other. But Marguerite is haunted by guilt that she can only harm Armand and remembering her promise to his father -- she abandons him yet again as he sleeps.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Armand is incensed when he wakes. Finding Marguerite at a grand ball with all society around, he approaches her and hands her an envelope stuffed full of money – "Here! Payment for your services.” She collapses as he walks out.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Abandoned by all her friends from the humiliation of Armand act, exposed publicly for what she really is, she dies penniless, painfully and alone -- cast off by all the men that used her.




