上海龙凤1314 shlf



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上海龙凤1314 shlf高中一年级英语《期末复习习题精选》


Ⅰ. 单项选择


1. The rain will ____ our plan for a picnic.

上海龙凤1314 shlfA. affect B. influence C. effect D. infect

上海龙凤1314 shlf2. ____ other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is ____ student.

A. compared with; a most satisfied B. compared to; the most satisfied

上海龙凤1314 shlfC. comparing to; the more satisfying D. compared with; a more satisfying

上海龙凤1314 shlf3. the population of this city , forty percent of which ____, ____ 15% in the last three years.

A. are Germans; has risen B. are German; has fallen try

上海龙凤1314 shlfC. is Germans; have increased to D. is Germans; has been reduced try

4. It was about 600 years ago ___ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

上海龙凤1314 shlfA. that B. until C. before D. when

5. It was 1969 ___ two Americans got to the moon by space ship.

A. which B. when C. that D. as

6. He is the only man ____ for the position.

上海龙凤1314 shlfA. likely B. possible C. probably D. possibly

上海龙凤1314 shlf7. When ____ about his plan, he said he hadn’t made any.

A. was asked B. will be C. was asking D. asking

8. If you ___ to see Kate, what would you tell him?

上海龙凤1314 shlfA. are B. will be C. must D. were

9. She asked the pupil ____ still, but they kept _____ out of class.

A. to sit; to move B. to sit ; moving C. sit ;move D. sitting ;moving

10. Religion has a great ___ people’s behavior.

A. faith in B. division into C. effect on D. protection against

11. If the idea is wrong, the project fail, ____ good the other ideas might be.

A. though B. however C. whatever D. whatever

12. My brother telephoned the airport to make ___ of the time of the plane.

A. right B. true C. sure D. real

13. Every possible test was carried ___ to decide the nature of her illness.

A. on B. of C. out D. through

上海龙凤1314 shlf14. _____ we continue to work hard, we can accomplish our task in time.

A. as far as B. in the care C. as long as D. despite

上海龙凤1314 shlf15. Sometimes my job is tiring, but ____ I quite enjoy it.

A. at random B. try and large C. in other work D. within easy reach


The output(输出) is the last step in computer operation. It changes the computer’s 1 from machine language into a form that people can 2 . There are several kinds of output devices(装置).

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Suppose a shoe store owner wants to know which style of shoe is 3 best, he uses a printer, which prints or types the 4 of shoes sold on a long strep (条) of paper. The computer print-out shows him 5 shoes he should order.

  A city planner, though, may use her computer in a different 6 . She wants to plan a new bus route to serve the largest number of 7 . Using a plotter (绘图仪) as the output, she gets a drawing, actually a 8 , showing the route chosen by the computer.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Students in many schools are taught by a computer. Some of these 9 are in foreign languages. To learn a language, you must 10 it spoken correctly. These computers have an audio(音响) output. They actually produce the 11 of the language perfectly pronounced.

The modern computer is truly a wonderful machine. But it is not able to think 12 itself. It is only as smart (聪明) as the person who prepares its program. Nor can a computer produce correct answers 13 it is fed correct information into. A computer is nothing more than a human 14 . Just as you use a hammer to help you drive a nail into a wall, so you use a computer to help you work out a problem. Computers are our 15 , not our masters.

1. A. questions B. results C. position D. (aeration

2. A. speak B. write C. study D. understand

3. A. fitting B. selling C. wearing D. walking

4. A. number B. kind C. factories D. colours

上海龙凤1314 shlf5. A. only B. different C. which D. those

6. A. means B. place C. time D. way

上海龙凤1314 shlf7. A. streets B. people C. stops D. drivers

8. A. map B. book C. report D. plan

上海龙凤1314 shlf9. A. lessons B. classes C. courses D. texts

上海龙凤1314 shlf10. A. have B. make C. want D. hear

上海龙凤1314 shlf11. A. sounds B. words C. speeches D. rules

12. A. of B. for C. over D. about

上海龙凤1314 shlf13. A. or B. while C. unless D. if

14. A. being B. waiters C. tool D. dream

上海龙凤1314 shlf15. A. servants B. workers C. friends D. waiters

Ⅲ. 阅读理解


上海龙凤1314 shlfNew Zealand is an English-speaking country. But the government recognizes another language, too. This is the Maori language. English sailors began to visit New Zealand after 1770. They found a dark-skinned people living there. These were the Maori. They had come from islands in the Pacific Ocean 400 years before -in the 14th century.

  For a long time the British government was not very interested in there far away islands. It was made a British colony(殖民地) in 1840. In this year the first British people came to settle in the new country. More and more settlers came from Britain later.

  The Maoris were friendly to the first settlers. But soon the new settlers wanted the Maoris 'land. So in 1844 there was fighting between them. This was the first of several wars between the two people. The next 50 years were very bad for Maoris. Many were killed in the wars. Many more died from the new diseases brought by the British. In 1840 there were perhaps 200 000 Maoris. By 1896 this number had fallen to 42 000.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  By this century the two people have lived in peace. For many years the “British” New Zealanders looked down on the Maoris. But in recent years they have had equal rights, and the Maori language is one of the languages of the country with English. Today there are about a quarter of a million Maoris, that is, about 9% of the population. Most of them live on North Island. They have a rich culture and a great love of singing and dancing.

1. The Maoris began to live in New Zealand ________.

 A. after 1770  B. before 400  C. in the 1300s  D. 1 400 years ago

2. After the first visit to New Zealand, the British government showed little interest in it because ________.

上海龙凤1314 shlf A. there were dark-skinned people living there

 B. New Zealand was an island country

 C. the Maoris did not know the English language

 D. it was too far away from Britain

上海龙凤1314 shlf3. When the British settlers first came to New Zealand, the native people________.

 A. were afraid of them B. were kind to them

 C. hated them D. fought against them

上海龙凤1314 shlf4. Wars between the Maoris and the British settlers _______

 A. broke out in 1840

 B. made 42 000 Maoris lost their lives

 C. brought diseases to Maoris

 D. lasted more than fifty years

上海龙凤1314 shlf5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

 A. After the war New Zealand became a British colony.

上海龙凤1314 shlf B. Maoris can speak both English and Maoris language.

 C. About 250 000 Maoris are now living in New Zealand.

上海龙凤1314 shlf D. Maoris are allowed to keep their own language.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Harry Belafonte(哈利·贝拉方特), a famous singer in America, felt sad when he saw a film about the starving people in Africa. He said to himself, “I should do something to help them. What can I do?” He thought of a plan to gather the stars from the music world and make a special record. The money from the record would help the starving people in Africa. Those famous singers and musicians were always very busy, but they were willing to come to the event(活动)from all over the country.

  During the Christmas holiday in 1984,Micheal Jackson and Lionel Richie were writing the words and music for records. They often talked about the music far into the night, when they finished the music, they called it “We Are the World.”

上海龙凤1314 shlf  On the evening of Jauary 28th, 1985, forty—five-singers made a historic recording. At 10 o’clock, every one sang part of chorus(合唱)and harmony(协调). At 4 the next morning, they started recording the solo vocal parts of the song. They finally finished recording at 8.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  On April 5th. more than 8,000 radio stations all over the world played “We Are the World” at the same time.

上海龙凤1314 shlf6. This passage as a whole is about_________.

 A. a famous American singer B. the making of a special record

上海龙凤1314 shlf C. the poor people in Africa D. a famous song

7. From the passage we can see that Harry Belafonte was a ________ man.

 A. rich B. strict C. kind-hearted D. interesting

8. What would help the starving people in Africa__________.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  A. The special record. B. The money from the stars.

  C. The money from the government. D. The money from the record.

9. The recording was made_________.

上海龙凤1314 shlf A. soon after the words and music were finished

上海龙凤1314 shlf B. during Christmas holidays in 1984

 C. about a month after the wordsand the music were finished

 D. on April 5,1995

上海龙凤1314 shlf10. “We Are the World” is the name of

 A. the famous singers B. the special record

 C. a country in Africa D. a song in the record


  The news report that night was a famine(饥饿)in Ethiopia. The pictures were of people who were so thin that they looked like beings from another planet. The camera focused(聚焦)on one man so that he looked directly at me, sitting in my comfortable living room. All around was the sound of death.

  It was clear that the world had not noticed this until now, you could hear the sadness in the voice of the reporter, Michael Buerk. At the end of the reporter he was silent. Paula started crying, then rushed upstairs to check our baby, Fifi, who was sleeping peacefully.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I kept seeing the news pictures in my mind. What could I do? I was only a pop singe rand by now not a very successful pop singer. All I could do was to make records which no one bought. But I would do that, I would give all the profits of the next Rats (the name of the music group he was in) record to Oxfam(an organization in Britain which helps poor music people around the world). What good would that do! It would only be a little money but it was more than I could give just from my bank account. Maybe some people would buy it because the profits were for Oxfam. And I would be protesting about disaster(灾难). But that was not enough.

上海龙凤1314 shlf11. What do we learn about the writer from the text?

 A. He felt really bad because the news report made him think of his own hard.

上海龙凤1314 shlf B. After he saw a news report on TV about the famine in Ethiopia, he decided he had to do something about the problem.

上海龙凤1314 shlf C. His ideas on how to collect money for the people in Ethiopia were very successful.

 D. He wanted to do more than just be a famous singer.

12. Which paragraph describes what he thought about after the report?

上海龙凤1314 shlf A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. None

上海龙凤1314 shlf13. The world in the third paragraph “profits” means__________

 A. payment B. salary C. cost D. money he would make

14. From the text we learn that Paula, his wife__________

 A. gave him ideas about how to help

 B. also felt very bad after seeing the report

 C. took much more care of their child than he

上海龙凤1314 shlf D. wanted him to be a successful singer

上海龙凤1314 shlf15. The writer wished that__________

 A. he would be a very successful pop singer if he could have sold all his records

上海龙凤1314 shlf B. he would rather give all his money from the bank account than the little money made by making new records

上海龙凤1314 shlf C. perhaps people would be interested in his records because they knew that the money they paid for them would go to Oxfam

上海龙凤1314 shlf D. he would make records which no one bought


  A nobleman and a businessman once met in a restaurant. For their lunch, they both ordered soup. When it was brought to the table, the nobleman look a taste, but the soup was so hot that he burnt his mouth, and tears came to his eyes.

  Seeing this, the businessman asked him why he was weeping. The nobleman felt ashamed to admit that he had burnt his mouth and answered, “Sir, I once had a brother who committed(犯) a great crime (罪行) for which he was handed, and I was thinking of his death, which made me weep.”

上海龙凤1314 shlf  The businessman, believing his story, began to eat his soup. He too burnt his mouth, so that he had tears in his eves. Noticing this, the nobleman asked him, “Sir, why do you weep?” The businessman, who now saw that the nobleman had cheated him, answered, “Ah, I am weeping because you were not hanged together with your brother.”

16. The story teaches us ______.

上海龙凤1314 shlf A. not to taste hot soup B. never to tell the truth

上海龙凤1314 shlf C. not to be too honest D. never to believe everything easily

上海龙凤1314 shlf17. The nobleman was weeping because _____.

 A. he felt greatly ashamed B. his mouth had got badly burnt

上海龙凤1314 shlf C. he suddenly thought of his brother D. he didn't want to tell the truth

18. At first the businessman believed the nobleman ___.

 A. because he was rather honest

上海龙凤1314 shlf B. so he began to eat his soup too

上海龙凤1314 shlf C. and he felt very sorry for the nobleman’s brother

 D. so he began to weep

19. Even though the nobleman had burnt his mouth, he should have_____.

上海龙凤1314 shlf A. admitted he felt shameful B. had no tears in his eyes

 C. told the truth D. spoken out his mind

20. What the nobleman did was really ___

上海龙凤1314 shlf A. foolish B. noble C. reasonable D. acceptable


  A star usually is someone who has become famous in sports, film, or pop music, someone like singer Machael Jackson .In the middle nineteen eighties, Machael Jackson successfully made a famous record, which quickly became the most popular recording in the history of music-This made Machael Jachson a bright star.

  One of the famous sports bright stars in the United States is Muhammed Ali. When he was a young man, he won a gold medal in the Olympic Games as a boxer. Then, he won first place in the world heavy weight boxing match. Before Long, he was known as one of the greatest and most famous boxers in sports history. Everyone knows his name.

  Like the stars in the sky, a bright star will lose his brightness as lime passes. He is loved by millions of people today, but will be forgotten tomorrow.

21. What does this text mainly talk about? It talks about _______ .

上海龙凤1314 shlf A. Machael Jackson B. Muhammed Ali

 C. pop music and boxing D. bright stars

上海龙凤1314 shlf22. Machael Jackson is famous for _______ .

 A. his film B. his songs C. his sports D. his heavy weight

上海龙凤1314 shlf23. Which word below can be used to describe Muhammed Ali?

 A. Friendly B. Healthy C. Clever D. Famous

24. What does “boxer” in the text mean in Chinese?

 A. 盒子 B. 装箱者 C. 拳击手 D. 制作人

25. What will happen to the bright stars at last according to the text?

 A. They will be remember by millions of people.

 B. They will be loved for ever.

 C. They will be the most important people in history.

上海龙凤1314 shlf D. They will lose their brightness and be little known.

Ⅳ 短文改错

Have you read the book "Qi Min Yao Shu"? I don't

think you do. In the famous book, Jia Sixie    1._____________

上海龙凤1314 shlfsuggested farmers to sow seed and grow    2.___________ 

young plants in the fields on the right time of   3.____________

上海龙凤1314 shlfyear. Followed his advice, farmers will do less   4.______________

上海龙凤1314 shlfwork and get best results. he advised farmers   5.______________

to examine the soil carefully and improved    6.____________

the soil which condition was not good. He also   7.____________

said the soil should be ploughed, One is in

spring and another is in autumn. The first    8.______________

上海龙凤1314 shlfploughing is deep and the second one is less

deeper. He asked farmers to grow different    9.____________

plants in a same field instead of planting the   10.____________

same one in the same field year after another.   11.___________




Ⅰ 1-5 ADAAB 6-10 BBDBD 11-15 BCCCB

Ⅱ1-5 BDBAC 6-10 DBACD 11-15 ABCCA

Ⅲ 答案:1-5 CDBDB 6—10 BCDCB 11—15 BCDBC 16-20 D B A C A 21~25 DBDCD

上海龙凤1314 shlfⅣ. do→ have 2. to sow → sow 3.? on → a t 4. Followed → Following

5. best→ better 6. improved→ improve 7. which → whose 8. another → the other 9. deeper →deep 10. a → the 11. one → ones

上海龙凤1314 shlfⅤ.Possible version:

  One should keep roles. But some people don’t. My neighbour Mr. Smith is a person of such kind. He wouldn't like to obey rules like most of the people in public. For example, when he walks in the streets; he walks on the right side while all the others keep left. In some places, there are notices such as "No Smoking" on the walls. But he has none of it. He purposely lights his cigarette to show he is different from others. In hospitals, libraries and theatres, people always show their dislike to him when he speaks loudly. Though he doesn't always obey rates, sometimes he has to. He has to bend his head when be gets through the gate with a notice "Mind Your Head".