上海龙凤1314 shlf


毕业论文-论《生死场》对女性悲剧生态的描写 - 语言文学论文

时间:2021-10-31 17:47:24 语文论文 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf毕业论文-论《生死场》对女性悲剧生态的描写 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-论《生死场》对女性悲剧生态的描写 - 语言文学论文

上海龙凤1314 shlf《生死场》是1935年在鲁迅先生的支持下出版的,是萧红最具特色的作品。作品在当时的影响很大,可以称的上是萧红的成名作、代表作。本文首先将介绍萧红的个人生活经历以及作品《生死场》的创作背景,然后再从两个方面来论述《生死场》中对于女性悲剧的生存状态的描写。1方面是对于悲惨的女性形象的塑造。如:月英、王婆等女性形象;另1方面是对于写作手法的体现。萧红在创作过程中选取了融人与动物于1体的独特的表现手法,渲染悲凉气氛、构建悲凉场景,以此来体现女性悲剧的生存状态。

上海龙凤1314 shlf关键词:《生死场》;女性;悲剧生态;悲惨的女性形象;表现手法


Xiao Hongs most characteristic work ShengSiChang is published in support of Mr. Lu Xun in 1935. The impact of this novel is big at that time.In this assay, I will first introduce Xiao Hongs personal life experiences and work, and then deal with the tragedy for the survival of the female representation. On the one hand to shape the image of the tragic female,such as :YueYing & Wangpos images; On the other hand to discuss XiaoHongs writing. Xiao Hong used a unique way in the creative process to take both people and animals as a whole, and played up desolate atmosphere, a desolated scene. In order to reflect the existence of female tragedy.

Key words: ShengSiChang; Femal; Ecological tragedy; Tragic female image;

Performance practices