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毕业论文-论黄庭坚诗歌的美学风格 - 语言文学论文

时间:2021-10-31 17:47:24 语文论文 我要投稿

毕业论文-论黄庭坚诗歌的美学风格 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-论黄庭坚诗歌的美学风格 - 语言文学论文




Huang Ting-Jian Song Dynasty successful poet most one of, poem learn Du Fu, Han Yu, follow Su Shi, call Su Huang with Su Shi. But go, have he unique artistic distinction, poem their learn, maintain "have one word have come on", ask very and ask and look for novelty hard, like to use the allusion quatation again, recommend "touching iron and turning it into gold", "remould oneself thoroughly". Gather large quantities of follower behind him, honoured as Jiangxi grandfather that poem send behind the death. His life is shifting more than 1900 heads, but the people to its poem always praise or blame one, however its esthetic special characteristic actually are not are undeniable. Take a broad view of their our easy dull and simple natural beauty of realizing it of poem, implicit artistic conception to accumulate book beautiful, chilly cold sad tragedy beautiful to wait a moment for in the aesthstic style inside.

上海龙凤1314 shlfKey words: Huang Tingjian; Poetry; Esthetics style