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毕业论文-试论欧阳修词的艺术特征 - 语言文学论文

时间:2021-10-31 17:49:12 语文论文 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlf毕业论文-试论欧阳修词的艺术特征 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-试论欧阳修词的艺术特征 - 语言文学论文




Ouyang Xiu was a great master of literary circles in the Bei Song dynasty.His works can be mainly  classified into three groupts:the loving Ci,the amorous Ci and the unconstrained Ci. The loving Ci revealed personages exquisite,deep and suble affection by using a way of climax, which has achieved a plaintive and courteous artistic effect.He created the lively artistic characteristic in his amorous Ci through describing the vivid and meticulous psychology and using the secular language. His unconstrained Ci also displayed the meaningful traits, drawing support from the outer form of hills and water to express his uninhibited feelings. All in all,in Ou Yangxius works,it reflected the developing tendency of Bei Song Ci.

Key words: Ouyang Xiu; the Loving Ci; the Amorous Ci; the Unconstrained Ci