上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2021-10-07 14:45:10 考研英语 我要投稿
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此类文章,请参见您手中的2012年真题 “乐观与悲观”。这篇文章,根据图画的描绘,一人悲观,一人乐观;考生如果直接将文章论述为“乐观心态”的重要性,而完全不顾及悲观,有偏题和硬套模板之嫌。范文只需浏览,了解文章脉络和陈述方式,不要求背诵,仅作对考试的了解之用。


上海龙凤1314 shlfFrom the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are two people standing in front of a bottle. When looking at the bottle, which is lying on the ground with half of water inside, the man on the left side thinks that “all is gone” and seems fairly depressed. On the contrary, influenced by the thought that “fortunately,there still remains some”, the man on the right side appears to be relaxed and wants to pick the bottle up.

This drawing is attempting to convey amessage that, when confronted with the same problems, some tend to be pessimistic while others are optimistic. The former focus their attention on the risks,dangers or impossibilities of things. Whereas the latter normally concentrate on the hopes, opportunities or possibilities of things. These two markedly opposite attitudes usually lead to contrary results. Those who are pessimistic are always haunted by failures and frustrations. However, optimistic people are more likely to have a good mood, establish a harmonious relationships with the people around and achieve success.

上海龙凤1314 shlfFrom my perspective, the impact of a positive attitude on our life can never be overlooked, especially when we are faced with problems or challenges. Life is by no means perfect since difficulties are inevitable, but I am convinced that life is 10 percent wha thappens but 90 percent how we react to it. “A man with optimism can be destroyed, but notdefeated.” Mark Twain also once said.(246 words)


上海龙凤1314 shlf这幅图画试图传递一个信息,那就是,当面对一样的问题,有些人悲观而有些人乐观。前者将他们的注意力集中在事物的风险、危险和不可能上。而后者通常聚焦在事物的希望、机会和可能性上。这两种明显的相反的态度通常会带来相反的结果。那些悲观的人,总是被失败和挫折所萦绕。然而,那些乐观的人则更有可能拥有良好的心情,与周围的人建立和谐的人际关系并且取得成功。

上海龙凤1314 shlf在我看来,积极的态度对我们生活的影响是不可忽视的,尤其是在我们面对问题和挑战的时候。生活绝对不是完美的,因为困难总是不可避免,但是我坚信,生活10%取决于发生的事情,而90%在于我们如何应对这些事情。马克吐温也曾经说过:“一个乐观的人可以被毁灭,但绝不会被打败。”

上海龙凤1314 shlf【考研英语图画作文预测:乐观】相关文章:








