上海龙凤1314 shlf

小学英语一年级上册《 Unit1 Classroom》教案

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上海龙凤1314 shlf小学英语一年级上册《 Unit1 Classroom》教案范文


小学英语一年级上册《 Unit1 Classroom》教案范文

  B.Let’s talk Let’s sing


上海龙凤1314 shlf  (1)能听说认读教室中的一些事物词汇:ruler,desk,chair,blackboard并能正确运用词汇回答Where is the ruler?

  (2)能够理解并运用描述教室的句子:It’s on the desk.学习用in,on,under表示方位。

  (3)听懂指示语,并能按指令做出相应动作如put your book on the desk等。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  (4)Let’s sing 的歌曲。


  (1)能听说认读教室中的'一些事物词汇:ruler,desk,chair,blackboard等。并能正确运用词in,on,under回答Where is the ruler?

  (2)能够理解并运用描述教室的句子:It’s on the desk.学习用in,on,under表示方位。

  (3)听懂指示语,并能按指令做出相应动作如put your book on the desk.等。




上海龙凤1314 shlf  (3)拓展对话内容,并进行表演。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  教室图片、教学课件、单词卡片、玩具球、录音磁带。



上海龙凤1314 shlf  2.Lead in

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Today let’s learn Unit1Lesson2Where is the ruler?


上海龙凤1314 shlf  T;hello,children.welcome to the bilingual cinema.first please sit down.孩子们欢迎来到我们的双语影院,首先请就坐。请欣赏我们的片头曲。



上海龙凤1314 shlf  (3)watch the text.

  (4)ppt show the sentence and drill it .

  (5)watch the text again.

  (6)ppt show the sentence:It’s on the desk.

  (6)T: At last,Miss Wu is so grateful.She:Thank you!


上海龙凤1314 shlf  (8)T:A wonderful story.now look.It’s time to go back to our classroom and begin our english study.now all of you stand up.

  T show the word cards.Ss say. TPR. Teacher say,Ss do. Open the English book. read the text after T. Create a true situation.let ss to master the sentence learned in this class. Look and answer to finish let’s play. Look and ask questions with ‘Where is the ...?’Look and answer the questions then.T ask some Ss to put the picture inonunder the desk.学以致用。Listen to the song.T:let’s finish our class with a song.Homework

上海龙凤1314 shlf  14.Goodbye.

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