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Job Offer Components: What Does A Jo

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

上海龙凤1314 shlfJob Offer Components: What Does A Job Offer Look Like?

Depending on the company and the job you're applying for, a job offer could be structured in one of a thousand different ways.
Also, depending on the company and the position, your job offer might contain separate documents or statements regarding issues that need to be signed and returned to the employer as part of the acceptance.

上海龙凤1314 shlfFinally, you might actually get a package of information, perhaps several documents rather than a "letter" per se.


Depending on the company and the position you're applying for, here are typical aspects of the job offer letter that you could see included:

  • Job title
  • Main form of compensation and frequency of payment ie. base salary, hourly rate, etc
  • Other compensation details if applicable ie. bonus, stock options, overtime rate, etc.
  • Vacation time
  • Benefits plan if applicable
  • Expenses plan if applicable
  • Start date
  • Date and frequency of salary/job review

Optional Job Offer Components

Here are a few optional job offer components that might appear on the offer that you receive:

  • Non-compete agreement - a document that may limit your ability to work for a competitor or within the industry for a specified period of time should you leave the company.
  • Non-disclosure agreement - a document that prevents you from discussing aspects of the company and job with anyone outside the company.
  • Probation period - a period of time where the employer can terminate you without cause and may decline to pay you benefits.
  • Sometimes, a job offer might contain a very strict non-disclosure agreement or a long probation period that you might find unacceptable (or there could be other components you simply can't accept and can't get the employer to change.

In other words...