上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2021-08-24 15:27:16 演讲稿 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf一分钟的自我介绍演讲稿


我是**大学公共关系专业上海龙凤1314 shlf的应届毕业生,本人性格开朗、大方,掌握良好的礼仪知识和接待工作经验,头脑灵活、反应敏捷,能够灵活处理工作中的突发事件。我认为,前台接待工作代表着公司的形象,岗位虽然平凡但却十分重要,因此要做好前台接待工作需要具备极强的责任心。我愿意和和公司一起努力,共同托起明天的辉煌!


一分钟的自我介绍演讲稿 [篇2]


上海龙凤1314 shlf我叫田海洋,是瓯海区丽岙一小的大队长。

记得大文学家果说过“世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的心灵上海龙凤1314 shlf。”父母给我取名字的`寓意就是希望我的心胸像海洋一样宽阔。我没有辜负他们的期望,作为大队长,我从不计较个人得失,平时宽容待人,与队员们和睦相处。

我从一年级开始就担任班干部,连续三年被评为 “校优秀干部”。学校组织“慈善一日捐”活动,我总是以身作则,踊跃把自己积攒的零花钱捐出去,受到队员的一致好评。

在大队辅导员老师的指导下,我多次组织了队活动,不仅活跃和丰富了队员的文化生活,而且提高了班级的凝聚力。今年我还被评为瓯海区优秀干部呢! 我非常庆幸自己有机会参加温州市第五届队长学校的选拔活动,假如我成为队长学校的一员,会更加严格地要求自己,用一颗纯洁的心以及实际行动,来感染队员们;假如我成为队长学校的一员,会为队员们出谋划策。根据队员们的兴趣上海龙凤1314 shlf好,开展丰富多彩的活动;假如我成为队长学校的一员,会尽自己最大的能力完成老师交给我的任务,脚踏实地,全心全意为队员们服务,为红领巾增添光彩。

上海龙凤1314 shlf我多么盼望老师能给我一次机会,让我成为温州市队长学校的一员,在少先队知识的海洋里尽情遨游!

一分钟的自我介绍演讲稿 [篇3]

hello,everybody! i’m very glad to be here.now i feel my heart beats very faster.it is a joke. let me make a deep breath for

relax.my chinese name is chenyuheng,you can call me steven in english too. i came from yucai boarding school in wuhan.today,i wanna show my best to everyone.

ok, now, do you want to know more about me?my favourite food is egg fried rice,because it is yummy,easy and healthful .i like it!my favourite colour is black,it is so mystery and cool! i have so many black t-shirt.my favourite movie is harry port.i feel the actor very handsome. i have so many hobbies.i like swimming very much.in

summer,i can swimming in the pool with my friends.i feel i am a fish when i in the pool .i also like playing the computer games.if you like, you can join our team.

this is me, a clever and energetic boy. i like ma-ki-ng friends,too. so i have so many good friends, do you want to be my friends? thank you,thank you give me a chance.

thank youall!


dream, it is a fantastic word! i like it! everyone has a dream, so do i. we can’t do anything without dream!

上海龙凤1314 shlfi like wild animals. tiger, elephant, panda, polar bear, koala and dolphin! they are so lovely! there are so many animals live in the wild! i like them!but many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction. for example, with the development of cities, their living

areas have become narrower and narrower. many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. at the same time, man is killing them just for getting their fur, skin, teeth and meat.

protect them, protect our resources of ecology too. all of us should realize that the loss of any species is the loss of ourself. killing wild animals certain is prohibited. we should say “no!”to leather clothing. we should say “no!” to eat them. we should set up many national parks as wild life. let them live there, happy and safe. wild animals and us are member of the planet!

一分钟的自我介绍演讲稿 [篇4]



一分钟的自我介绍演讲稿 [篇5]










