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时间:2021-10-25 09:40:45 句子 我要投稿
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 . 31. ____________________(最长的三条河流)in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River.(long) 32. Seldom __________________(他们玩)video games ever since they entered college. (play) 33. The city __________________(我成长的)is very hot and damp in summer.(grow) 34. __________________(我花了)one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week. (cost) 35. I feel so sick. I wish Mum __________________(没有逼我)to eat so much.(force) 36. —You'd better go and _______________(把你的轿车洗洗). —No, I'll do it myself. (wash) 37. With the rapid development of science and technology, I can ' t imagine__________________(我的家乡会是什么样子) in ten years.(what) 38. It is your efforts, not success. (determine) your intelligence, _______________(决定) your 39. He looks sleepy. He must __________________ 熬夜了) ( last night, writing the essay. (stay) 40. At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine __________________(正在 运往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas.(transport) 2 真题简析 31 题 考查形容词的最高级与数词的搭配顺序. 答案为:The three longest rivers 类似的搭配如: The four largest oceans in the world The five most famous mountains in China The eight most famous wonders in the world The one hundred greatest persons alive in the world … 此题考生通过率很高,区分度不高. 32 题 考查表否定意义的副词位于句首的倒装句式. 答案为:have they played 此题应注意两点: (1)seldom 位于句首起强调作用, 需用倒装句型. 即将助动词提到主语的前面, 构成: Seldom + 助动词 + 主语 + 动词 + ... (2) 要考虑 ever since 引导的状语从句其主句中的时态——现在完成时态,其句式为:S + have / has + V-ed + ... + ever since + S + V + ... 类似的句子如: Seldom have these scientists had a rest ever since they accepted the space-ship task. Nowhere could we find such an attractive view. Little did they do to stop the pollution. Seldom does he go home on Sundays. … 此题不仅很好地考查了倒装句式在 ever since 结构中的运用; 而且还兼顾考查了 ever since 结构中主句的谓语时态,区分度较高,可谓一箭双雕.但此题难度高达 0.2. 33 题 考查定语从句. 答案为:in which/where I grew up 类似的句子如: The village in which/where I was born was very beautiful. The city in which/where I received college education was very cold in winter and very hot in summer. … 此题考查了定语从句和动词短语 grow up,但太简单,区分度一般.如果要考这一类型的定 语从句,将先行词改为 point, position, situation 或 way 等区分度可能高一些. 34 题 考查 it 的用法. 答案为:It cost me 类似的句子如: It cost me much to repair the car. It cost them 5000 dollars to complete this project. … 在中学英语中,it 的用法较多.此题 it 是代替不定式 to buy the painting 作形式主语. 此题把 it 作为考查对象,可以起到"指挥棒"的作用.因为 it 的用法较多,在实际语言运 用中灵活多变,英语学习者必须掌握. 35 题 考查 wish 接宾语从句,句中谓语动词应当用恰当的虚拟语气形式. 答案为:hadn't forced me 即表达与过去事实相反的愿望. 类似的句子如: I wish I hadn't driven my car out. How I wish I hadn't received her invitation. … 此外,还有表达与现在事实相反和将来情况可能相反的愿望.例如: I wish I were a millionaire. I wish I knew more about the subject. How I wish it wasn't raining. She wished she had stayed at home. I earnestly wish that I could have gone with you. She wishes that she could do something to comfort him. … 此题考查了 wish 接宾语从句中谓语动词的虚拟语气形式, 看似简单, 实则较难 (难度 0.24) . 考生要把握 wish 表达的愿望与过去情况相反的虚拟语气形式.此题区分度较好. 36 题 考查了动词 have 的"使役"用法. 答案为:have/get your car washed 类似的句子如: — What are you going to do? — I'm going to have my watch repaired. She will have her long hair cut short. 动词 have 的"使役"用法有三种形式: (1) S + have/get + sb./sth. + doing ... (2) S + have/get + sb. + do sth. (3) S + have/ get + sb./sth. + done. 例如: They had the horse running all the way. Whom do you want to have tidy up the lab? You look so pale; you'd better have your body examined. … 此题将动词 have 的"使役"用法的考查内容放在实际对话中进行考查,落实了考纲中有关 "注重交际"的考试原则. 37 题 考查了关系代词 what 引导的宾语从句. 答案为:what my hometown will be / look like 类似的句子如:How happy I am. My hometown is no longer what it used to be 10 years ago. He has changed a lot. He looks no longer what he was. He was shocked at the news. You can't imagine what he looked like then. … 关系代词 what 除了引导宾语从句还引导主语和表语从句. 此题选材角度好,区分度高,将积极引导考生重视名词性从句的学习. 38 题 考查了 it 的强调句型,即 It is/was + 被强调部分 + that-clause. 答案为:that determine 类似的句子如: It is you, not your sister that are responsible for the accident. It was Tom that broke the window. It was in the Second World War that Einstein was forced to leave his home country. … 此题设计得十分巧妙,不仅考了强调句,而且考了主谓一致问题.但此题难度太高(0.14)主 要原因是考生对 that 的功能和句子结构没有理解. 39 题 考查了情态动词 must 用于推断性用法. 答案为:have stayed up 类似的句子如: It must have been raining/have rained last night, for the ground is still wet. She still looks pale.She must have been ill. 此外,must 用于推断性用法还有另外两种形式: (1) S + must + be + adj./ n. (2) S + must + be doing + sth. 例如: —Where is Jack? —He must be ill at home. —Who broke the glass? —It must be Tom. —Have you seen our English teacher? —He must be going through the test papers in his office. … 此题的设计与样题一致, 考查了情态动词 must 表推断性用法. 情态动词的用法一直是中学 英语学习的难点,此题的考查势必指引考生加深和拓宽对这一语法的学习与研究. 40 题 考查了现在进行时的被动语态. 答案为:are being transported 类似的句子如: Don't drive this way, for the bridge ahead is being repaired. At present, the famous writer's works are being translated into several foreign languages. … 时态和语态一直是中学英语语法的重要内容.进行时的被动语态是其中一个难点,此题的考 查体现了考纲对这一语法内容的要求. 总体上看,2008 年完成句子题有以下特色: (1)题目从中学英语教学的实际出发,紧扣大纲和教材的基本目标,将"回归教学"的口号 落到实处.把考核的重点放在" 双基"和语言运用能力的技巧上,并突出对常用句式和短语 的考查.这与湖北省 2008 年高考补充说明的要求一致,体现了较好的导向性.如:32 题倒 装句,33 题定语从句,34 题 it 作形式主语句式,35 题 wish 带宾语从句的'虚拟语气, 37 题 what 关系代词引导的宾语从句,38 题强调句等. (2)难度控制比去年好.整体难度不大,但 32 题,35 题,38 题的难度系数分别高达 0.20, 0.24 和 0.14. 题目大多取材于教材中的常用语法和词汇, 但仍然全面地考查了中学英语的基 本语法项目.题目时代气息浓厚,人文特色明显,贴近学生实际.如:32 题,37 题,38 题 和 40 题等. (3) 强调对常用动词短语的考核力度并将其放在特定的语言环境中考查.如:35 题:force sb. to do sth.;36 题:have / get sb./sth. done;39 题:stay up 等. 3 复习方法与对策 英语课程的总目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,而语言知识和语言技能则是综合语言运 用能力的基础.基础语法作为语言知识中的五大组成部分之一,是为培养学生语言技能服务 的.因此,语法(句法和词法)必定是高中英语教学和高考中的一个重要的组成部分.中学英 语语言教学的目的是使学生通过学习词汇,句型和基础语法知识去体验和感悟语言,通过进 行听,说,读,写等语言实践活动,达到培养学生基本语言技能,进而培养学生的综合语言 运用能力,最终能实现正确运用英语进行交际的目的. 语言学家克拉申(Krashen, S.)认为,学习是有意识地掌握外语语法规则的过程.国内也有 学者明确指出: "心理语言学家认为,语法是语言的核心,若没有语法,就无法构成语言" . 因此,中国学生要掌握英语就必须学习,掌握基础英语语法. 鉴于此,湖北省英语高考完成句子考查的语法内容可能体现为以下方面: 现在进行时表示将来, 一般将来时, 现在完成时, 现在进行时的被动语态, 动词的-ing 形式, 动词的被动语态,状语从句和定语从句,名词性从句,间接引语,主谓一致,省略,倒装, 强调,感叹句,情态动词表推断性用法以及虚拟语气等.另外,常用动词短语和惯用法的识 记, 理解以及在具体语言环境中的分辨和灵活运用等也是此大题常考查的内容. 动词 + 介 如: 词结构,介词的复合宾语结构,There be 结构和独立主格结构等. 针对完成句子的命题特点和中学英语的语法知识,要想达










