上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2023-04-25 14:23:02 教案 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf中国经济介绍--教案第四单元

当前我国经济发展势头良好,经济增长的内在机制不断增强,基本做到了速度、质量和效益的统一。但是我们也要清醒地看到,世界上还没有一个国家的经济发展长盛不衰,永远保持高速度。中国也不可能例外。 Our economy is doing really well,the internal mechanism for economic growth has been strengthened.We have,to a long extent,struck the right balance between speed,quality and economic benefit.But it is also very clear to us that no countries in the world that can perpetuate an economic boom and high-speed growth.China wont be an exception.   改革开放取得的成就是有目共睹的。但是,随着经济形势的变化,又出现了一些新的矛盾和问题。比如,国企改革问题,大量失业和待业问题、两级分化问题、腐败问题、金融风险问题、生态环境破坏问题等。这些问题都需要我们高度重视、尽快找到有效的解决办法。 The achievements of the reform have been there for all to see.But,as the economic climate changes,there are now new problems.These include the reform of the state-owned enterprises,substantial unemployment,the polarisation of income corruption,risks in the financial sector and ecological and environmental damage.All of them require our immediate attention and effective solutions in the shortest time possible.   我个人认为,当前中国经济发展需要注意以下几个方面:一是加强房地产投资引导,运用经济、法律手段,约束高档商品房的盲目发展,促进经济适用房建设。二是做好国际国内经济形势的跟踪监测,及时制定应对方案。 Personally,I believe China needs to pay attention to the following areas.One,we must provide guidance more forcefully using economic and legal means in the property development market,to restrict the blind development in up-market properties,and to promote the construction of economical and practical properties.Two,we must monitor international as well as domestic economic development closely so as to be able to respond quickly.   三是加强对汽车和钢材等行业的宏观监控,禁止低水平重复建设和无序竞争。既要及早制止某些行业过热倾向的进一步蔓延,又要鼓励经济增长中的合理因素。这里需要解决的是如何掌握分寸的问题。 Three,we must strengthen the regulation of the automobile and steel industries,reigning in low-grade repetitive construction and disorderly competition.We need to stop overheating in some sectors from spreading while at the same time encouraging rational elements in our economic growth.This is an issue of maintaining the right balance.   既要调控和引导一些行业中出现的投资增长过快的倾向,又要采取措施解决部分生产要素供需矛盾加剧的问题。四是多方采取措施,解决部分地区电力供应紧张问题。要切实加强水资源管理,缓解部分地区的缺水局面,同时加快城市和农业用水价格的改革进度。 While we need to regulate the overheating of investment in some sectors.we need to take measures to solve the problem of supply falling further behind demand in others.Four, we need to coordinate our efforts to solve the problem of severe shortages of power supply in some regions.We must improve the management of water resources and seek to reduce water shortages in some regions.At the same time,we must accelerate the reform of water pricing in cities and rural areas.











第四单元 《白鹅》教学反思04-28