上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2023-04-24 09:46:12 自我介绍 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf  Good morning. It's a pleasure for me present myself. My name is , and I am a candidate for the position of Foreign Trade Manager

  I do hope my specialty and expertise is related and may be of interest to your AeA. With that in my mind I have enclosed a resume for your review. The strengths I could bring to AeA include:

  Experience of developing Foreign Trade

  Extensive experience on providing strategies, and building up import/export from concept to implementation

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Management


  I appreciatively take this opportunity to introduce myself.

  My name is Honey Jain. I am a graduate in information technology.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I am an optimistic and self-confident person who loves to have and propagate positive energy.a hard worker. I'm self motivated and creative. I have a positive attitude and I always try to find new ways to do the work.

  I am easy to get along with and I feel that I am a team player and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. I am compassionate and open-minded. I am also flexible and reliable. I strive to give 100 percent effort in everything I do and I follow-through until completion.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I prefer to treat the company in which I work as my own so that I do the best I can do. If I get the opportunity to serve, I would glad to join this firm.


  Good morning. It's a pleasure for me present myself. My name is , and I am a candidate for the position of Representative.

  My name is Livia. I graduated from Changsha aeronautical vocational technical college. I majored in business English . As a business English major, I had ample opportunity to practice and master spoken English. I have proved myself in the past 3 academic years. I have a good command of both spoken and written English, and good at computer skill in window XP, Word and Excel. I wish to seek a challenging in which I can apply my skills.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  In addition, I have many experiences in business. I worked for a Foreign trade company


  Good morning. It's a pleasure for me present myself. My name is , and I am a candidate for the position of Representative.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I am initiatives, Conscientious, responsible, sociable ,adaptable

上海龙凤1314 shlf  During the one and half years working in 3D MOULD, I developed 7 new customers, and also participated several different tasks, for instance, creating company wet page, composing ISO9000 management systems & primary conformity assessment, writing foreign trade document, direct the annual party.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I benefited a lot from this multiple job. Firstly, I wrote the ISO9000 quality management system and requirements, which helped me to perceive how to carry out and manage a company. Secondly, my professional knowledge enhanced a lot because I need to check the process of the project with production dept, quality dept and suppliers. The communication




上海龙凤1314 shlf  本人从小培养了吃苦耐劳、诚信守则、积极进取的精神,通过两年文员实践工作,我认为办公室文员的基本素质是踏实肯干,灵活机动,细致周全,积极上进。要有不怕苦不怕累的精神,办事要公道忠于职守并在工作中努力掌握各项技能。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  对待上级要维护领导成员的威信和形象,尊敬领导,积极配合领导工作;维护领导层内部的团结,请示或汇报工作,应严格按领导成员职责分工进行,不越级请示,不利于团结的话、闲话、气话不说。





  Thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce about myself. My name is JUDY and I am 23 years old from a beautiful town.

  As person I'm very simple, reliable and hardworking and as a student you would find me studious, industrious and sincere. I really enjoy learning new things and I'm very curious about learning new things. I'm a good team worker. I’m diligent with my experiments and I can work hard to achieve my target in time. I am also very good at making my point.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I have a ambition, "to succeed in my own way". I do believe in myself that if you cannot do what others can, don't panic! because everyone have their own asset in their system.. that's all, Thank You.




上海龙凤1314 shlf  在平时学校生活中,做过很多兼职。例如:家教、电话访问员、派传单、问卷调查,还到工厂打过暑期工,亲身体会了各种工作的不同运作程序和处事方法,锻炼成了吃苦耐劳的精神,并从工作中体会到乐趣,尽心尽力。大学生涯,让我的组织协调能力、管理能力、应变能力等大大提升,使我具备良好的心理素质,让我在竞争中拥有更大的优势,让我在人生事业中走得更高更远。本人对自己要求严格,条理性强,善于整理,具有良好的'团队精神和较强的组织能力,具有扎实的外贸专业知识,熟练各类办公软件,希望贵公司能给我一个机会,我会以我的能力及我的努力回报贵公司给予信任。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  Good morning. It's a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is , and I am a candidate for the position of foreign trade assistant.

  I am diligent ,amicable ,aggressive and responsible.

  In Aug.20xx, I begin work for a private enterprise as foreign trade assistant in Shanghai Saisi Footwear Co., Ltd. In this company, I am responsibility for Receiving and sending letters abroad, Receiving the visitors and Maintaining old customers and developing new customers. And I have developed a new client of Middle East and some domestic customers by myself.

  In the past two years, I have learned all kinds of information about the PPE products, and I am familiar with the PPE market. I hope that I can have the opportunity to serve your company with my knowledge. I look forward to becoming part of the Action team. Thank you.


  Good morning/afternoon/evening

  It is really my great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I am confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly.

  My name is Ayub Pasha, born in Raichur and bought up in Bangalore. Coming to my educational qualification I am pursuing 2nd PU with a govt college

  my family consists of 4 members: my father's name is Maheswara Rao. He is working as a private employee and my mother is a housewife, and my sister is married.

  I am ambitious, good team player, fast learner, I always aim high in what I do and I cope well under pressure. My strongest point is that I always handle stress well.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Now, I work as a Customer Service Representative,I am happy to my work now because I'm comfortable with my teammates, colleagues, and friends. We work as a group and has only one goal and that is to get more sales.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I want to work for your company. If you give me this job, I will work hard.





  从进入大学开始,我就决心以后从事外贸工作。 因此在四年的大学生活中,我非常认真的学习了专业知识,现在对外贸业务员的工作流程有比较清楚的认识。


上海龙凤1314 shlf  现在我唯一的不足就是应届毕业,还没有足够的工作经验。 但我擅长学习新知识,并且对工作有高度责任感,能够全身心的为工作奉献。所以,希望您给我这个机会,我有充足的信心在很短的时间内胜任这份工作,成为公司未来发展的'好帮手!





上海龙凤1314 shlf  我叫xx,今年25岁,来自广东省,是xx大学国际贸易专业的08届毕业生。今天我是怀着平静而又激动的心情呈上这份自荐书的。我虽然没有完成我在上海大学的学业而跑去复旦求是去练日语,因为之前什么专业都是爸妈让我去学,什么都是他们给我安排好了!我不喜欢这样,我从中根本找不到自己的乐趣!不是我成绩不好而不想学,而是我对那个专业没有兴趣,我成绩虽然不算是成功人士,但任何人对我的'评价就是:

上海龙凤1314 shlf  第一,人缘关系好!



上海龙凤1314 shlf  在校期间,从小学一直做班长到高三毕业,我认真学习,努力做好本职工作,在班级工作中积累了大量的工作经验,使自己具有良好的身体素质和心理素质。妈妈曾经把我给瞎子算命,说我鬼点子多,我这么想:鬼点子我想不是用来调皮捣蛋的,这只是小聪明,一个人只要把聪明才智用到实际上工作中去,服务于社会,有利于社会,让效益和效率来来证明自己,才能真正体现自己的自身价值!我坚信,路是一步一步走出来的。只有脚塌实地,努力工作,才能做出更出色的成绩!


上海龙凤1314 shlf  I am diligent, communicative and flexible.Like the challenge, dare to take responsibility, team work spirit. Good at communicate with the foreign customers,Excellent responsibility and good straight thinking,Good at computer and know how to extend the business by internet,Work under the pressures.With fair experience including canton fairs and other fairs

  Six years trading company work experience,I know foreign trade procedures well from order confirm to documents sending. I've been to Canton Fair and Indian new energy fair. With fluent oral english, I can communicate with clients smoothly. Outgoing, responsible, strong sense of time, work orderly. I'm experienced on web platform handle and communication with clients as well as deal with after-sale disputes.

  In later work I will redouble my efforts, improve and perfect my work method continuously, make our customer satisfy with our products and serve better.


  First and foremost, i would to thank you sir/madam for giving me this oppurtunity to introduce myself to you

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I am a quick learner and have ability to get along with all types of people. I try my best to adapt to different situation in the company. I always show loyalty to the company that I worked for and I am dependable.'m also a team player, I'm dedicated, self-motivated and I like to complete assignments on time.

  I don't banish anything from my life because from everything we can learn something. I am always looking for new innovations. I am not only a hardwoker but also a heart worker.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  My computer skills include Microsoft Office -- Word, Excel, PowerPoint -- Systems Analysis and Design with an accurate typing speed of 50WPM

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Going forward I want to work in a challenging Management role within the same industry and your organization is one in which I believe I could settle down and make a real contribution.


  First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. It's my pleasure to introduce myself. My name is Ayub Pasha, born in Raichur and bought up in Bangalore

  My hobbies are listening to music, thinking, and playing cricket and chess

  I pride myself in being a hardworker and a results-oriented person with very high integrity. In addition, I have excellent interpersonal skills

  I have total 7 years of experience in sales & marketing. I am currently working in HDFC BANK as a senior sales officer. My duty is to handle daily sales activities. I have the ability to manage people and lead from the front;I always have a positive attitude towards my work and people around me.

  with 7 years experience in the industry and I believe my strengths and skills make me a perfect fit for this position.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  I believe that I'm able to become a part of a team and also to lead the team. It's my belief that I could easily settle down and make a contribution to the company.