上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2023-05-04 19:26:48 体育英语 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf  2002年的盐湖城,短道速滑的女将让中国实现了冬奥会上金牌零的突破。这次在都灵,韩小鹏的夺冠意味着雪上项目中国运动员的巨大跨越。韩小鹏战胜了上届冬奥会的冠军、战胜了世界锦标赛的冠军,这位从前的杂技演员说自己一度差点放弃运动生涯……

Han Xiaopeng said he was the darkest horse after winning the Olympic gold medal Thursday in the men's freestyle skiing aerials final. "I never thought this would happen," said the 22-year-old Han, who burst into ecstasy after the medals were decided. "I feel like I'm in a dream."

上海龙凤1314 shlfHan, who had never won a World Cup event before the Turin Games, produced two almost flawless jumps for the highest combined score to upset a field of big names including current World Cup leader Kyle Nissen of Canada and Belarus'Alexei Girshin, the bronze medalist at the last Games in Salt Lake City.

上海龙凤1314 shlfChina ended its winter Olympics gold drought at the Salt Lake City Games in 2002 when Yang Yang (A) took two short track speed skating titles. But Han's gold was the country's first on the snow. "I was so happy to win China its first ever Olympic gold medal in snow sports," said the student at the Shenyang Sports Institutein northeast China's Liaoning province.

Han was formerly an acrobat but switched to aerials in 1995 after Yang Er'qi spotted his potential in the sport that requires agility and courage. "I think the men's aerials is designed for China and I'm happy to be the one to make it a reality," he said.

Han, however, almost quit the sport after tearing his knee ligament months before the Salt Lake City Games, where he eventually finished 24th. "I was hopeless at that time, but my family and the coach stoodfirmly behind me, helping me through the difficult time," he recalled.

上海龙凤1314 shlfHan already made history on Monday when he, along with teammateQiu Sen, became the first Chinese men to qualify for an Olympic freestyle aerials final. He was thus described as a dark horse by the Chinese media. Han seemed to enjoy the title very much. "I




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