上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2023-04-27 04:01:18 生活口语 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf另类“下午茶”的英文说法


  Linner or dunch refers to a small meal between lunch and dinner in the late afternoon or early evening (about 3-5 p.m。), usually including tea or coffee with cookies, sometimes fruits, a salad or a light sandwich. These two words are both a blend of lunch and dinner, probably in imitation of brunch。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  “午晚餐/下午茶”(linner或dunch)指在午餐后、晚餐前的时间享用的餐点,一般在下午三点到五点之间,餐点通常包括茶或咖啡配甜饼,有时配有水果、沙拉或者一份清淡口味的三明治。Linner和dunch这两个单词都是lunch(午餐)和dinner(晚餐)两个词的不同组合形式,大概与brunch的构成形式类似(为breakfast和lunch的合成形式)。

  For example:

  I forgot to eat lunch, so I had linner。
