上海龙凤1314 shlf

大卖场 Shopping At An Outlet

时间:2023-05-04 20:52:17 生活口语 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf大卖场 Shopping At An Outlet

ELIZA: This place is great. I'm surprised they have so much.

JANE: Yes, but it takes a while to find things.

It's not organized as carefully as a regular store.

上海龙凤1314 shlfELIZA: I never shopped in an outlet before. We don't have any in my hometown.

上海龙凤1314 shlfWhy do they call it an "outlet"?

JANE: Sometimes a clothes company makes too many of one item.

上海龙凤1314 shlfThey can't sell it all in their regular stores. So they send the overstock to an outlet.

上海龙凤1314 shlfThat's why they call it an "outlet".

上海龙凤1314 shlfIt's a store that "let's out" products the company can't sell in regular stores.

上海龙凤1314 shlfELIZA: And they have faulty products here too.

JANE: Yes. A "faulty product" may be a shirt that has some problem.

上海龙凤1314 shlfOr a pair of pants that is ripped a little.

Sometimes the fault is very small. So it's a good deal to buy it.

Sometimes, if you have a needle and thread, you can fix it yourself.

上海龙凤1314 shlfELIZA: I like to sew, so that's easy for me.

I think it's a really good deal. Some of these shirts have only one tiny mistake on them.

JANE: I know.

So it's a good idea to shop in an outlet sometimes. You can save a lot of money.

ELIZA: That's great for me.

Now that Steve and I have the baby, we want to save as much as we can.

上海龙凤1314 shlfCASHIER: Cash or credit, Ma'am?

ELIZA: Credit.

上海龙凤1314 shlfJANE: Wow! How many of those sweatshirts are you buying?

ELIZA: I have six here.

上海龙凤1314 shlfJANE: Six? Why do you need so many?

ELIZA: They're such a good deal.

上海龙凤1314 shlfI'm buying one for Steve, one for his brother Rick,

one for my dad, two for my sisters, and one for me.

JANE: You really know how to use an outlet store!

ELIZA: I ought to make the most of it while I'm here, don't you think?

上海龙凤1314 shlfJANE: Sure. You're smart.

上海龙凤1314 shlf伊莉莎:这地方好棒哦!我很惊讶这里有这么多的东西。

上海龙凤1314 shlf珍:是啊,但找东西需要一点时间就是了。


上海龙凤1314 shlf伊莉莎:我从来没有逛过出清大卖场。我们家乡没有这样的大卖场。

上海龙凤1314 shlf为什么叫做"大卖场"呢?

上海龙凤1314 shlf珍:有时候成衣公司生产过量。


上海龙凤1314 shlf所以叫做"出清"。

上海龙凤1314 shlf就是商家把各店没卖出去的货清出去。



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