上海龙凤1314 shlf



时间:2021-09-06 16:12:01 其它考试 我要投稿


Moas were tall, flightless birds that lived only in New Zealand.


Before humans settled in New Zealand, moas had no serious predators and

上海龙凤1314 shlfwere plentiful. Moas became extinct after humans began hunting them.

So hunting by humans must have caused the moas extinction.


上海龙凤1314 shlfWhich of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

Some moa species lived in parts of New Zealand that were among the

 last to be settled by humans.

Humans in New Zealand hunted a mammalian species that, though vulnerable

 to indigenous predators, never became extinct.

上海龙凤1314 shlfHumans introduced to New Zealand several animal species that preyed

 on moas.

上海龙凤1314 shlfMoas still existed in some parts of New Zealand approximately 500 years

上海龙凤1314 shlf after the arrival of the first humans in New Zealand.

上海龙凤1314 shlfSome species of moa were able to outrun humans.

上海龙凤1314 shlf————————————————————————


上海龙凤1314 shlf问题:下面那一个,if true,最严重削弱上面的论述?

上海龙凤1314 shlf读题:Maos是仅存在于新西兰的一种高大但不会飞的鸟。在人定居新西兰之前,Maos没有


上海龙凤1314 shlf   肯定是人类的打猎造成了Maos的绝迹。



上海龙凤1314 shlf反对: 1、有其他的原因导致其绝迹



上海龙凤1314 shlfA. 一些Maos栖息在新西兰人类定居最晚的一部分地区。

B. 新西兰人也猎取一种哺乳动物。这种动物虽然也易受本地天敌的攻击,却并未灭绝。

上海龙凤1314 shlfC. 人们引入新西兰好几种捕食Maos的动物。



上海龙凤1314 shlfD. 大约第一批人进驻新西兰500年之后,Maos仍存在于新西兰的某些地区。

  During six days, Monday through Saturday, a walker is planning to

take five walks—the gorge walk, the lake walk, the pinewoods walk. the

river walk, and the village walk—at a mountain resort. The village

上海龙凤1314 shlfwalk requires two entire consecutive days; the other four walks each

require exactly one entire day. The walker s plans will conform to

the following constraints, imposed by the nature of the walks:


 The gorge walk must be planned for Monday or else for Tuesday.

 Friday and Saturday cannot be the pair of days for which the village

  walk is planned.

 The lake