上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2021-04-06 17:42:52 大学英语 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf精选大学英语作文汇编9篇



大学英语作文 篇1

  Academic Dishonesty on Campus

  It is shown in the recent surveys that many college students copy papers from the Internet to save the trouble of doing their homework. In my opinion,this kind of academic dishonesty is very harmful to these students.

  First, copying papers from the Internet makes students lazy. Copying papers from the Internet seems easy and can save some time and trouble, therefore, students will do this more and more often and seldom work hard to complete their papers on their own. In other words, students will become lazier and lazier. Second. students can learn little from copying others’ work. Students cannot improve their abilities just by downloading papers from the Internet without their own thinking and working. What’s worse, once students get used to academic cheating, they may also cheat in other cases in the future, which will be very dangerous for them.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  To prevent academic dishonesty on campus, some punishment by the school may be necessary. But the most important thing is that teachers should talk to those students, and make them aware of the fact that copying others’ work cannot bring them any knowledge and that only by working hard can they improve themselves.

大学英语作文 篇2


上海龙凤1314 shlf  1. 当今社会,专业排名很流行

  2. 各人看法不同

  3. 我自己的观点

  参考范文:My View on Major Ranking

  In recent years, it is very popular to rank majors. Major ranking lists based on a variety of criteria can be found on some educational websites or newspapers. These lists have great influence on students and many of them have come to rely on these lists to make their major-choice decisions.

  To this phenomenon, people’s opinions vary from each other. Some think that the results of the ranking are helpful for high school students to choose a major field of study, e.g., some lists tell people what majors will lead to decent jobs after graduation. Some people, however, believe that many lists are actually useless. Rankings are only about numbers and they do not tell you anything about the distinct nature of the major. Besides, some majors may be listed as hot majors when students enter colleges, but will be unpopular when they graduate.

  As far as I’m concerned, we should not over-stress major ranking. It should be remembered that rankings can play a big role in the selection of a major but it should not be the only criterion. Many factors including your own perception of the major should matter in your final choice.

大学英语作文 篇3

Dear friends,

  As some of you may know,Lucy,a lovely girl student,a junior from the Department of Fine Arts,has been seriously ill.In fact,she has been suffering from hepatitis, which is very dangerous. This 20-year-old girl comes from a small town in Shangdong province. Her family has tried every means to save her.

  Now Lucy is in urgent need of operation to her liver transplanted. However, her family is too poor to afford the expenses, which totaled 120,000 yuan. How can a poor family earning 1000 yuan per month afford such high expenses? But the time is limited. They cannot afford to wait to see the disease untouched.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  So you help is urgently needed. Lets do what we can to save our fellow student. The life of such a lovely girl is in your hand. Your love can save a life. You can contact 2335648 in the daytime and 2335658 at night.

大学英语作文 篇4

上海龙凤1314 shlf  book is our best company. it always was, and will never change. a book is often the best treasure of a life. it introduces us into the best society and bring us the presence of the great minds. temples and statues decay, but books survive.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  when i feel sad, i would turn to book for release my sorrows and pains. book often provides the comforts for me. some people say there is no time to read book, but i think they probably can‘t settle down their minds. they might have wasted their valuble things and the greatest companies. i am glad i keep reading book as my best interest. i will benefit from book and have a great future.

大学英语作文 篇5

上海龙凤1314 shlf  CLASS assignment at a Guangzhou university has provoked controversy after local press reportedthat a professor asked students to design ahypothetical plan to rob a bank. The professor saidthe same assignment had been used at the HarvardBusiness School to train students how to managehuman resources.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Many shocked commentators have criticized theassignment as absurd. They suggest that it mayeven encourage students to commit crime. Such aproject wouldn't have any educational value, theyargue. Others say that robbing a bank is not necessarily an innovative idea for a college classproject; it only shows that the educator has run out of legitimate ideas and methods.

  However, a greater number of other commentators support the project. They suggest thatsuch unconventional methods will capture students' imaginations and make the class moreinteresting.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Students, too, came to the professor's defense, saying it was a very inventive project from which they learned a lot.

  Do you think this is a project that should be assigned to a college class?


上海龙凤1314 shlf  It won't turn students into bank robbers. There's no need to make such a fuss over it.

  1. College students are adults with a well-grounded sense of right and wrong. Simply beingasked by a professor to write a plan for robbing a bank isn't going to provoke them to docarry it out.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  2. Not every lesson in a college class has to be about morals or social values. Academicfreedom means professors can give students assignments like this, as long as they arechallenging and educational.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  3. The main problem with the Chinese educational system is its lack of innovation and freshideas. Students have been taught for decades to simply recite and repeat. This project is anexample of educational innovation and should be encouraged, not criticized.


  There are better ways to be innovative in the classroom than designing a bank robbery.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  1. A bank robbery, however hypothetical, usually involves violence. Although college studentsprobably wouldn't carry out such an act, encouraging them to plan violence is inappropriate.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  2. There are better ways to stimulate students' imagination and critical thinking. The fact thatthe professor chose this particular case means that he is not sensitive enough to thestudents' real needs.

  3. Just because the assignment was used at a US college doesn't mean it's suitable for aChinese university class. Borrowing "revolutionary" educational methods from abroad withoutadapting them to the situation in China can lead to problems.

大学英语作文 篇6

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Concretely speaking, being a current university man/college man,we have the duty to ourselves,to our families,as well as to the society and our country.

  The sense of responsibility for nowaday students has been raising clearly.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Though they have the higher standard on the development of self-design, self-realization,self-worth.There are still some problems. Such as unconscious of responsibility for family,love,marriage,work, collectivity,cooperation and other.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  In one word, the sense of responsibility is being exalted, but the sense of social duty should be enhanced.

  Below is the reason for the students lacking in responsibility:

上海龙凤1314 shlf  First,the direct communication between the students and the society is less and less.

  Second,the tache of communication between the students and society are not smoothly.

  They can not understand the society well through the limited social activities they can get about.Therefore,they can not have the high sense of responsibility to the society.

  Third,the sub-culture prevails on the campus. The multicultures and internet cultures are also coming into their own, many of them are literature and movieish production with dark color of individualism and latitudinarianism. Being into contact with them for long, you may get extreme ideology, for example, thinking too much of idio-success and idio-failure, individual recept, so as to ignore the collective advantage.

  Being a current university man, you have already been and had to be the responsibility main body. Because you’ve had attainder and civic consciousness, you must have the duty consciousness and know the relation between the right and the duty.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Being a current university man, you must know what’s success and what’s happiness.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  What’s happiness? It’s not concerned how much money you have earned, now it’s not strange that a millionaire suicides.It’s a real happiness for people who has a peaceful and simpatico heart.

  And what is success? It’s not becoming a president or a famous star, those are in the minority. where the shoe pinches is that you have a sound constitution , a fine personality and also a career which you are falling over yourself for. The students must have an idea to develop a fine personality. Of course, there must be many difficulties and problems when you are trying . You need a profound consciousness and strong willpower to face and deal with these problems , difficulties and venture.

大学英语作文 篇7

  My View on Over-Consumption

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Some people are in favor of the idea of over-consumption. They point out the fact that Chinas rapid economic development has materially enriched the lives of ordinary Chinese people, and at the same time increased our demands as consumers. They also argue that the rising consumption helps drive economic growth.

  However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to consume more than what their family can afford. They firmly point out that the dogged pursuit for more accounts for our debts, anxiety, waste and overload. An example can back up this arguement: The American financial crisis caused by over consumption made the people of the world worse off.

  There is some truth in both arguements. But I think the disadvantages of over-consumption outweigh the advantages. In addititon to the above-mentioned negative effects, the surging consuming demand threatens to exhaust our resources and spoil our environment.

  To conclude, our government is advocating ideas of conservation-minded society and sustainable development. Whether due to sense of guilt about waste, or a simple desire to save money, we need to promote sustainable consumption.

大学英语作文 篇8

上海龙凤1314 shlf  a folk culture is a small isolated, cohesive, conservative, nearly self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals. order is maintained through sanctions based in the religion or family and interpersonal. relationships are strong. tradition is paramount, and change comes infrequently and slowly. there is relatively little division of labor into specialized duties. rather, each person is epected to perform a great variety of tasks, though duties may differ between the sees. most goods are handmade and subsistence economy prevails. individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures as are social classes. unaltered folk cultures no longer eist in industrialized countries such as the united states and canada. perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in anglo america is the amish, a german american farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age. in amish areas, horse drawn buggies still serve as a local transportation device and the faithful are not permitted to own automobiles. the amish's central religious concept of demut "humility", clearly reflects the weakness of individualism and social class so typical of folk cultures and there is a corresponding strength of amish group identity. rarely do the amish marry outside their sect. the religion, a variety of the mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining order.

  by contrast a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group often highly individualistic and a pronounced many specialized professions. secular institutions of control such as the police and army take the place of religion and family in maintaining order, and a money-based economy prevails. because of these contrasts, "popular" may be viewed as clearly different from "folk". the popular is replacing the folk in industrialized countries and in many developing nations. folk-made objects give way to their popular equivalent, usually because the popular item is more quickly or cheaply produced, is easier or time saving to use or leads more prestige to the owner.

大学英语作文 篇9

  australia is one of the famous oceanian country. the country is famous for its wool production and seashore tour. as the climate there is warm and comfortable, many people spend vocations there every year. i’m a super fan of water entertainment, so i choose it as my destination.in australia, the sky is bluer than blue, the clouds are whiter than white, all the local people enjoy an optimistic and active life. they also show their kindness and enthusiasm to the tourists.

  the first step should be sydney opera which is among the most brilliant and splendid architectures in the world. many world-class plays are put on in it .the surface and shape of it is like a seashell with glory decorations inside.

  then melbourne is a good choice to be as the net step. in melbourne, skin screen is a must to take with as the sunshine is upset and may burn your skin. the most attractive thing to me is the australia open, which is one of the biggest world-class tennis competition. many great players such as roddick federer and its local player hewitt etc. gather to compete. it’s really a feast for the eyes.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  australia is also home to one of the most challenging and eciting surfing and diving projects. as we know, it is always called“a country riding on the back of sheep”. from the interesting saying ,we can know something about the rich wool-production country. if you love animals, kangaroos and kaolas are good company to you .so don’t forget australia when you plan a trip.










