上海龙凤1314 shlf


时间:2021-09-01 11:44:18 大学英语 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314 shlf大学英语日记带翻译第一次发广告纸



  In the evening, my mother and I were walking in the community square when we saw two of my classmates and an aunt sending advertising paper to every house. I was curious, so I immediately ran up and asked to send it with them.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  大家商量了一下,决定来一个小小的比赛:我们三个学生每人拿几张广告,发给在广场散步的大人,谁先发完,谁就赢了。他们俩有经验,胆子大,很快就发完了。我却因为胆子小,不敢与陌生人打招呼,一张也没有发出去。看着他们得意的样子,再看看依然握在手里的'广告纸,我有些沮丧,也有些不服。

  After discussion, we decided to have a small competition: each of our three students took a few advertisements and sent them to the adults walking in the square. Whoever finished first won. They were both experienced and courageous, and they soon finished. But because of my timidity, I didn't dare to say hello to strangers and didn't send out one by one. Looking at their complacent appearance, and looking at the advertising paper still in their hands, I was a little depressed and a little dissatisfied.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  望着那些散步的大人,我发现好多人都已经拿到了广告,有些广告甚至都扔到了地上。我觉得挺可惜的,就把它们一一捡起来,准备重新发。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  Looking at the adults walking, I found that many people have already got advertisements, some of which have even been thrown to the ground. I think it's a pity, so I picked them up one by one and prepared to send them again.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  这次,我决定发给那些从外面回小区的大人,尤其是女士,因为这是一份有关家具店开业优惠的广告。

  This time, I decided to send it to the adults, especially the ladies, who come back from the outside, because this is an advertisement about the preferential opening of furniture stores.


上海龙凤1314 shlf  At this time, an uncle came to us with a box of milk in his hand. I was still a little timid and didn't dare to go up, but I didn't want to lose such a good chance, so I had to go ahead and say hello to my uncle in a low voice, then hand over the advertising paper. My uncle took over with great interest and thanked him in a friendly way.


  I didn't expect that the first advertisement was successfully sent out. There was a trace of joy in my heart, and my courage grew stronger and stronger.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  天冷,广场上的人很少。有两位阿姨骑着车子进车棚,我突然意识到那儿比较适合发广告,就走过去。两位阿姨先后从车棚走出来,我立刻很有礼貌地把广告发给阿姨,阿姨从妈妈那儿得知我在锻炼自己,都非常有兴致地配合我,还不忘鼓励鼓励我。

  It's cold and there are few people in the square. There were two aunts riding into the shed, and I suddenly realized that it was more suitable for advertising, so I walked over. Two aunts came out of the shed one after another, and I immediately politely sent the advertisement to Auntie. Auntie learned from her mother that I was exercising myself, and they all cooperated with me with great interest and encouraged me.

上海龙凤1314 shlf  没过多久,我就把所有的广告发完了。我很得意,也意犹未尽,希望以后有机会仍能参与这种活动,因为这样既能从中找到解决问题的好办法,又能提高自己与人打交道的能力。

上海龙凤1314 shlf  It wasn't long before I finished all the advertisements. I'm very proud, but I still want to participate in this kind of activity. I hope that I can still participate in this kind of activity in the future, because it can not only find a good solution to the problem, but also improve my ability to deal with people.

上海龙凤1314 shlf【大学英语日记带翻译第一次发广告纸】相关文章:








